Hacker News
- Staff Engineer Communities https://noidea.dog/blog/staff-engineer-communities 114 comments
- Staff Engineer Guide https://staffeng.com/guides 6 comments
- Staff Engineer archetypes https://staffeng.com/guides/staff-archetypes 3 comments programming
- McLaren staff told us we were "totally crazy" to take Honda engines in 2018 - Tost https://www.racefans.net/2023/11/25/mclaren-staff-told-us-we-were-totally-crazy-to-take-honda-engines-in-2018-tost/ 147 comments formula1
- Google staff attack 'China search engine' https://www.bbc.com/news/business-45216554 11 comments worldnews
- We developers are cogs in the corporate wheel. No one cares about the competence of the engineering staff that built the plasma TV. http://www.embedded.com/columns/embeddedpulse/57702644?printable=true 54 comments programming
- Train engine runs 13km without pilot, staff chases it down on motorcycle https://m.khaleejtimes.com/international/india/train-engine-runs-13km-without-pilot-staff-chases-it-down-on-bike 165 comments nottheonion
- Google CEO misleading staff on China censorship search engine https://ydraft.com/google-ceo-misleading-staff-on-china-censorship-search-engine/ 4 comments technology
- Toro Rosso set for fresh engineering staff changes http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/toro-rosso-set-for-fresh-engineering-staff-changes-733741/?s=1 24 comments formula1
- Job: Staff Software Engineer (Haskell) at Freckle (Ed-Tech) https://smrtr.io/6pQPn 18 comments haskell
- Why Mercedes engine staff are happy to move to Red Bull https://racingnews365.com/why-mercedes-engine-staff-are-happy-to-move-to-red-bull/amp?__twitter_impression=true 49 comments formula1
- Train engine runs 13km without pilot, staff chases it down on motorcycle - Khaleej Times https://m.khaleejtimes.com/international/india/train-engine-runs-13km-without-pilot-staff-chases-it-down-on-bike 8 comments india
- Reddit Hits 1.2B Monthly Pageviews, More Than Doubles Its Engineering Staff http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/15/reddit-hits-1-2b-monthly-pageviews-more-than-doubles-its-engineering-staff/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+techcrunch+%28techcrunch%29 27 comments technology
- Reddit Hits 1.2B Monthly Pageviews, More Than Doubles Its Engineering Staff http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/15/reddit-hits-1-2b-monthly-pageviews-more-than-doubles-its-engineering-staff/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+techcrunch+%28techcrunch%29 4 comments reddit.com
- Google Offers Staff Engineer $3.5 Million To Turn Down Facebook Offer http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/11/google-offers-staff-engineer-3-5-million-to-turn-down-facebook-offer/ 9 comments technology
- A lawyer on Twitter's privacy team sent a message to an all-staff Slack channel claiming that, "Legal will “have to shift the burden to engineers” to self-certify compliance..." after the heads of Privacy, InfoSec, and Compliance all resign overnight. https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/10/23451198/twitter-ftc-elon-musk-lawyer-changes-fine-warning 144 comments law
- Horner: Poaching Mercedes F1 engine staff an “inevitability” https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/horner-poaching-mercedes-f1-staff-inevitability/6504089/ 49 comments formula1
- Red Bull signs five more Mercedes F1 engine staff https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/red-bull-powertrains-hire-more-ex-mercedes-f1-staff/6503276/ 297 comments formula1
- [JOB][REMOTE] Staff iOS Engineer based Remote or in Portland, OR for Walmart Labs https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/dd8p5o/jobremote_staff_ios_engineer_based_remote_or_in/ 5 comments swift
- Staff software engineer with 6 years experience in San Jose with 117K base salary - Am I underpaid? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/4rmxja/staff_software_engineer_with_6_years_experience/ 77 comments cscareerquestions
- Zomato published this disgusting ad right after news came out that Yahoo India is laying off all (engineering) staff. http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2014september/yeah-who_650_100814032820.jpg 19 comments india
- Barnes & Noble Fired Its Entire Nook Hardware Engineering Staff http://www.businessinsider.com/barnes-and-noble-hardware-engineering-staff-2014-2?op=1 15 comments technology
- Rumor: GM To Put Chevy Volt Program On Hold, Cut Engineering Staff Tomorrow http://jalopnik.com/5078988/rumor-gm-to-put-chevy-volt-program-on-hold-cut-engineering-staff-tomorrow 12 comments business
- An engineer laid off after over 16 years at Google said 'faceless' tech giants see staff as '100% disposable' https://www.businessinsider.com/laid-off-engineer-says-google-considers-staff-disposable-2023-1 54 comments economy
- An engineer laid off after over 16 years at Google said 'faceless' tech giants see staff as '100% disposable' https://www.businessinsider.com/laid-off-engineer-says-google-considers-staff-disposable-2023-1 4804 comments technology
- John Szumski (Staff Software Engineer @ Twitter) -- "I'm excited to be rolling out fully loaded M1 Max MBPs to all of Twitter's iOS & Android engineers!" https://twitter.com/jszumski/status/1456715133615579140 222 comments apple
- Lambda School lays off 65 employees amid restructuring - Nearly a year after its last layoff, online coding bootcamp Lambda School just announced more cuts amid a broader structuring. The roles that were cut span senior product, engineering, design, community management, or instructional staff https://techcrunch.com/2021/04/29/lambda-school-lays-off-65-employees-amid-restructuring/ 48 comments webdev
- UK Mobile industry calls on influencers with large social media audiences to act responsibly and not to endorse groundless 5G conspiracy theories that have serious real-world consequences: 133 arson attacks on masts and mobile equipment, 300+ incidences of abuse on telecoms staff and engineers https://www.mobileuk.org/news/mobile-industry-makes-plea-to-celebrities-and-influencers-not-to-endorse-groundless-5g-conspiracy-theories-that-can-have-serious-real-world-consequences 11 comments worldnews
- Netherlands science university accused of bias over drive to hire female staff: Eindhoven rector says he wants to improve representation among engineering academics https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/07/netherlands-science-university-accused-of-bias-over-drive-to-hire-female-staff 3 comments worldnews
- UK Council staff are being spat at, racially abused and attacked while delivering essential services amid the coronavirus pandemic. Recycling workers, park groundskeepers, civil enforcement officers, road engineers and bus drivers have also been targeted in a recent spate of abuse. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/mar/28/council-workers-face-increasing-abuse-amid-coronavirus-pandemic 109 comments worldnews
- Leading Australian engineers turn their backs on new fossil fuel projects | Some industry figures say firms that work on Adani’s Carmichael coalmine project face a potential revolt from staff, and might struggle to recruit highly skilled people https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/21/leading-engineers-turn-their-backs-on-new-fossil-fuel-projects?cmp=share_btn_tw 3 comments worldnews
- [PFT] Multiple Dolphins players contacted their agents after Sunday’s season-opening blowout loss and directed them to attempt to engineer trades elsewhere. The players believe that the coaching staff, despite claiming that they intend to try to win, aren’t serious about competing and winning https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/09/08/early-mutiny-in-miami/ 1309 comments nfl
- Dyson, the engineering company best known for its vacuum cleaners and fans, plans to spend £2b ($2.7b) developing a "radical" electric car. The battery-powered vehicle is due to be launched in 2020. 400 staff have been on the secret project for the past two years at its headquarters in Wiltshire. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-41399497 3 comments technology
- Dyson, the engineering company best known for its vacuum cleaners and fans, plans to spend £2b ($2.7b) developing a "radical" electric car. The battery-powered vehicle is due to be launched in 2020. 400 staff have been on the secret project for the past two years at its headquarters in Wiltshire. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-41399497 11 comments worldnews
- TIL that when Honda's staff were told in 2013 they would supply McLaren, they thought they would be making an engine for the 2017 season, because the others on the grid had about 4-5 years time to develop their engines. Instead, they had to build the engine in a year and 8 months. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/6wmbo2/til_that_when_hondas_staff_were_told_in_2013_they/ 66 comments formula1
- 25-Yr Old GI Dies In Afghanistan - Staff Sgt. Rayvon Battle Jr., 25, of Rocky Mount, N.C., died Nov. 13, in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 38th Engineer Company, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division. http://www.defense.gov/releases/release.aspx?releaseid=15691 13 comments politics
- U.S. prosecutors preparing first criminal charges against BP staff after Gulf of Mexico oil spill - Prosecutors are focusing on whether some BP employees, including several Houston-based engineers & at least one supervisor, gave false information to regulators http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-12-29/bp-staff-may-face-u-s-criminal-charges-after-spill-wsj-says.html 4 comments politics
- "American firms have been laying-off their engineering staffs for years. In today’s world of MBA-managed companies, R&D is perceived as not being a good use of money." http://www.cringely.com/tag/bill-hewlett/ 434 comments technology
- 26-Yr Old Marine Dies In Afghanistan - Staff Sgt. Michael A. Bock, 26, of Leesburg, Fla., died Aug. 13 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division. http://www.defense.gov/releases/release.aspx?releaseid=13799 7 comments politics
- Facebook Inc. may expand its staff by 40 percent to 50 percent this year as it benefits from a surplus of engineers amid the recession, Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg said. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a5u0npzbl0ei 5 comments business