Hacker News
- A Trojan approach to guide and trap light beams via Lagrange points https://phys.org/news/2024-01-trojan-approach-lagrange.html 24 comments
- Lagrange points could become battlegrounds in a new space race https://www.sciencealert.com/unique-locations-in-space-could-trigger-a-fierce-new-space-race 40 comments
- Lagrange: LAser GRavitational-wave ANtenna at GEo-lunar Lagrange points (2011) https://arxiv.org/abs/1111.5264 17 comments
- US Congress recommends placing assets at Lagrange points to counter China https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/12/us-congress-recommends-placing-assets-at-lagrange-points-to-counter-china/ 298 comments space
- US Congress recommends placing assets at Lagrange points to counter China https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/12/us-congress-recommends-placing-assets-at-lagrange-points-to-counter-china/ 18 comments technology
- Aditya-L1 to Reach Lagrange Point on January 7: ISRO Chairman | Thiruvananthapuram News - Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/thiruvananthapuram/aditya-l1-reach-lagrange-point-january-7/articleshow/105506123.cms 5 comments worldnews
- Power & mass requirements for a giant electromagnet at Lagrange point 1 to protect Earth from solar storms. https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.05348 6 comments space
- Why aren't there "stuff" accumulated at lagrange points? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_point#Stability 371 comments askscience
- What is a Lagrange point, the final destination for the James Webb Space Telescope? https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2022/01/21/lagrange-point-explainer-webb-telescope/ 17 comments space
- What is a Lagrange point? What happens there? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/ad9v7k/what_is_a_lagrange_point_what_happens_there/ 11 comments askscience
- The Parking Spaces of Space: The Lagrange Points https://youtu.be/2LjGgJ4ST60 25 comments space
- Introduction to Lagrange Points - The 3-Body Problem https://gereshes.com/2018/12/03/an-introduction-to-lagrange-points-the-3-body-problem/ 8 comments math
- Lagrange Points on the surface of a planet? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/7uzaon/lagrange_points_on_the_surface_of_a_planet/ 10 comments askscience
- Travel Between Earth and Sun-Earth Lagrange Points 4 and 5: energy requirements? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/798p31/travel_between_earth_and_sunearth_lagrange_points/ 3 comments askscience
- How do LaGrange points work in Highly Elliptical Orbits? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/74aktb/how_do_lagrange_points_work_in_highly_elliptical/ 4 comments askscience
- Feasibility of cooling the Earth with a cloud of small spacecraft near the inner Lagrange point (L1) http://www.pnas.org/content/103/46/17184.full 7 comments space
- Eclipse shadow from Lagrange Point 1 (DSCOVR / Goresat) - see 8-21-17 https://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/ 5 comments space
- Is there a lagrange point at a binary system's center of mass? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6oga2h/is_there_a_lagrange_point_at_a_binary_systems/ 19 comments askscience
- Can the barycenter of a two-body system be a Lagrange point? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/4xds4l/can_the_barycenter_of_a_twobody_system_be_a/ 7 comments askscience
- Gaia is about to be inserted into its final orbit around the L2 Lagrange point - watch the animations to see how it all will work http://blogs.esa.int/gaia/2014/01/07/the-flight-dynamics-expertise-behind-gaias-critical-manoeuvre/ 5 comments space
- You guys might find this interesting, Lagrange Points explained http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxpVbU5FH0s 12 comments space
- How does Lagrange Points work? http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Operations/SEMM17XJD1E_0.html 12 comments askscience
- Explanation of Lagrange Points http://www.esa.int/esasc/semm17xjd1e_index_0.html 4 comments space
- Simple explanation of how satellites at the L1 lagrange point orbit the sun at the same rate as the earth, and why we put them there. http://www-spof.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/wlagran.html 15 comments space
- JWT will orbit a lagrange point but what is a Lagrange Point? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-a-lagrange-point/ 9 comments space
- Is there a maximum gravity for lagrange points associated with co-orbiting black holes? http://earthsky.org/space/hidden-supermassive-black-holes-revealed?utm_source=EarthSky+News&utm_campaign=257e30c75e-EarthSky_News&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c643945d79-257e30c75e-393630825 46 comments askscience
- James Webb Space Telescope will orbit a lagrange point know as L2. A lagrange point is a point where the gravity of 2 objects (the Sun and Earth in this instance) are roughly equal. JWST, Earth and the sun will always be in the same position relative to each other because of this. https://webb.nasa.gov/content/about/orbit.html 11 comments science
- Is the barycenter of a double system (Pluto-Charon, for example) another type of Lagrange point? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/8o6ujn/is_the_barycenter_of_a_double_system_plutocharon/ 12 comments askscience
- Much more information about that proposed NASA space station at the Lagrange point on the far side of the Moon http://www.space.com/14188-nasa-deep-space-manned-mission-concepts.html 37 comments space
- ESA: "The Vigil mission will get a sneak peek of potentially hazardous solar activity only because of its location in space. Trailing 'behind' Earth at the fifth Lagrange point, ESA's Vigil will see the side of the Sun, observing conditions before they rotate around to face our home." https://phys.org/news/2022-02-esa-vigil-earth-devoted-solar.html 2 comments worldnews
- NASA's Huge New Space Telescope Is Finally Complete - ...will be positioned beyond the orbit of the Moon in a region of gravitational stability called Lagrange point 2, or L2. From here, it will have a glorious unobstructed view of the cosmos, returning stunning views of the universe. http://www.iflscience.com/space/nasa-huge-new-space-telescope-finally-complete/ 344 comments worldnews
- NASA releases video of a full year of the Earth from the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=youtu.be&v=CFrP6QfbC2g 3 comments space
- At 5 Lagrangian points (L1-L5) the pull of the Sun, Earth, and Moon balance. Joseph Lagrange (1736-1813) discovered them. L2 is 1.5 million km farther from the Sun than Earth and 4 X farther from Earth than the Moon. It will be home to the James Webb Space Telescope and other advanced space probes. https://www.esa.int/science_exploration/space_science/herschel/l2_the_second_lagrangian_point 50 comments space
- NASA's next steps into space may be Lagrange points - where the gravitational acceleration from the Earth and the sun are exactly equal. Spacecraft can coast along the gravitational contours of space between these 'lowlands'. May become staging areas for further trips and telescopes. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17713-why-future-astronauts-may-be-sent-to-gravity-holes.html?dcmp=otc-rss&nsref=online-news 12 comments science
- I just released FIRST ORBIT! It's a spaceflight sim I made to help teach astrodynamics in an interactive and visual way. It features full n-body mechanics, allowing for Lagrange points, low energy transfers, and other cool trajectories. https://youtu.be/fcG870WP6PM?si=s_7JIoBpgdS7BFNq 3 comments space
- JAXA, The Japanese Space Agency, has launched a tiny 14kg spacecraft from the Orion spacecraft in lunar orbit. Using 1.5kg of water steam as propellant, it will travel to the Earth-Moon Lagrange point (EML2) to make tests on its suitability for a human crewed deep spaceport. https://interestingengineering.com/science/japans-spacecraft-using-steam 2 comments futurology
- With doubts brewing about the feasibility of returning to the moon or aiming straight for Mars, another option has emerged for our next steps into space: gravitational "sweet spots" called Lagrange points that lie at least 1 million kilometres away http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17713-why-future-astronauts-may-be-sent-to-gravity-holes.html?dcmp=otc-rss&nsref=online-news 3 comments space
- Low-energy transfers • manifold hopping • interplanetary transport network • weak stability boundary • Lagrange point orbit bifurcation (Lyapunov - Halo - etc.) • much more -> see my comment https://youtu.be/dhYqflvJMXc 4 comments space
- China announces 2026 mission to scan for nearby alien life; will launch 7 telescopes to the second Lagrange Point (L2) to catalog the nearest Earth-like planets, and then use further missions to scan for biosignatures. https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgyz4n/china-reveals-massive-project-to-find-earth-20 22 comments futurology
- Success! #NASAWebb’s first mid-course correction burn helped fine-tune Webb’s trajectory toward its orbit around the second Lagrange point, a million miles (1.5 million km) from Earth: blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/2… #UnfoldTheUniverse https://twitter.com/nasawebb/status/1474922320812818434?s=21 32 comments space