Hacker News
- Reactive Programming is the New OOP http://dataflowbook.com/cms/?p=836 30 comments
- Reactor.js: simple reactive programming for Javascript https://github.com/fynyky/reactor.js 31 comments
- "state-ref" is a library that manages state using immutability while allowing easy access and modification of deeply nested structures. It has a reactive programming style as its foundation, but it also allows coding in a similar Flux style. https://github.com/superlucky84/state-ref 10 comments javascript
- Fundamentals of Reactive Programming https://goodguydaniel.com/blog/reactive-programming-fundamentals/ 3 comments javascript
- Observables, Reactive Programming, and RxJs https://dev.to/benlesh/observables-reactive-programming-and-regret-4jm6 30 comments javascript
- Functional Reactive Programming :: Haskell Weekly Podcast https://haskellweekly.news/episode/23.html 5 comments haskell
- Learning by Implementing: Observables -- Reactive Programming in Typescript https://blog.eyas.sh/2019/07/learning-by-implementing-observables/ 5 comments typescript
- New framework from Apple for reactive programming - COMBINE https://developer.apple.com/documentation/combine 20 comments swift
- [Akka Blog] Announcing the course Programming Reactive Systems! https://akka.io/blog/2019/02/04/programming-reactive-systems 6 comments scala
- Reactive Programming in Spring https://developer.okta.com/blog/2018/09/21/reactive-programming-with-spring 4 comments java
- What is Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) at its core, without the buzzword bullshit? https://quickbirdstudios.com/blog/what-is-functional-reactive-programming-frp/ 19 comments swift
- Cell: a functional, relational, reactive programming language that compiles to and integrates with C++, Java and C# http://www.cell-lang.net 18 comments coding
- Cell – A new functional, relational, reactive programming language http://www.cell-lang.net 5 comments programming
- Noob question. Is Reactive Programming (like in RxJS) related to ReactJS? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/6xcqpl/noob_question_is_reactive_programming_like_in/ 3 comments javascript
- 5 Things to Know About Reactive Programming https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/06/30/5-things-to-know-about-reactive-programming/ 8 comments programming
- [Céu - Structured synchronous reactive programming](http://ceu-lang.org/) https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/6ssb5d/c%C3%A9u_structured_synchronous_reactive/ 3 comments rust
- Cascade - Component framework for Reactive programming https://sjohnsonaz.github.io/cascade/ 7 comments javascript
- Red 0.6.1 released. Reactive Programming goodness! http://www.red-lang.org 3 comments programming
- Up-and-coming: Reactive programming in Javascript https://vincenttunru.com/javascript-reactive-programming/ 9 comments javascript
- Simple Fluent Api for Functional Reactive Programming with Java 8 https://github.com/aol/simple-react 5 comments java
- Carboxyl: Functional Reactive Programming in Rust https://crates.io/crates/carboxyl 4 comments rust
- Reactive programming increases correctness, while not being more time consuming than OO, says science http://www.felienne.com/archives/3724 36 comments programming
- On Functional Reactive Programming… http://jeremy.tregunna.ca/post/65147304396/on-functional-reactive-programming 7 comments programming
- Functional Reactive Programming - Cleanly Abstracted Interactivity // C++Now 2014 https://youtube.com/watch?v=tyaYLGQSr4g 11 comments cpp
- What is reactive programming? http://paulstovell.com/blog/reactive-programming 3 comments programming
- Learn how to do Reactive Programming in the Frontend by wathing this talk http://www.parleys.com/play/53677646e4b0593229b85841/chapter1/about 4 comments javascript
- Making a Collaborative Piano Using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) http://open.bekk.no/making-a-collaborative-piano-using-functional-reactive-programming-frp 5 comments javascript
- Programming reactively with both barrels (experiences of Haskell/FRP for mobile games) http://blog.reactiveprogramming.org/?p=107 7 comments haskell
- "Principles of Reactive Programming" Coursera course from Odersky, Meijer & Kuhn https://www.coursera.org/course/reactive 8 comments haskell
- Principles of Reactive Programming - new Coursera course with Odersky, Meijer and Kuhn https://www.coursera.org/course/reactive 8 comments programming
- Ractive.js Expressions and the New Wave of Reactive Programming http://flippinawesome.org/2013/08/19/ractive-js-expressions-and-the-new-wave-of-reactive-programming/ 8 comments webdev
- Haskell for all: pipes-concurrency-1.0.0: Reactive programming http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/04/pipes-concurrency-100-reactive.html?m=1 20 comments haskell
- An intro to Functional Reactive Programming http://elm-lang.org/learn/what-is-frp.elm 56 comments programming
- Purely Functional, Declarative Game Logic Using Reactive Programming https://github.com/leonidas/codeblog/blob/master/2012/2012-01-17-declarative-game-logic-afrp.md 16 comments gamedev
- Deprecating the Observer Pattern (reactive programming) http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/148043/files/deprecatingobserverstr2010.pdf 12 comments coding
- Reflections on a Holy Grail (Functional Reactive Programming) http://lukepalmer.wordpress.com/2009/12/20/reflections-on-a-holy-grail-frp/ 32 comments programming
- Reactive Programming: How to Invert an Enumerator http://blog.lab49.com/archives/3252 6 comments programming
- Elerea version 1.x.x: functional reactive programming http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-july/064632.html 3 comments haskell
- FieldTrip: Purely functional real-time 3D graphics using reactive programming http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/fieldtrip 16 comments programming
- How I learned reactive programming by re-building RxJs from scratch https://blog.bitsrc.io/how-i-learned-reactive-programming-by-re-building-rxjs-from-scratch-975d12e4dde4 4 comments reactjs