Hacker News
- Interview with Nenad Rakocevic about Red, a Rebol-inspired programming language https://medium.com/@unbalancedparen/interview-with-nenad-rakocevic-about-red-a-rebol-inspired-programming-language-681133e3fd1c 6 comments
- Red: A programming language inspired by REBOL https://github.com/red/red 56 comments
- REBOL Shell Interface http://www.rebol.com/docs/shell.html 31 comments
- REBOL Oneliners http://www.rebol.com/oneliners.html 52 comments
- Learn Rebol http://www.re-bol.com/rebol.html 2 comments
- Rebol vs. Lisp Macros http://blog.hostilefork.com/rebol-vs-lisp-macros/ 38 comments
- Short Rebol Examples: The simplicity and productivity of Rebol http://re-bol.com/short_rebol_examples.r 9 comments
- REBOL in One Line http://www.rebol.com/oneliners.html 14 comments
- REBOL 3 Source Code Released http://www.rebol.com/cgi-bin/blog.r?view=0519 25 comments
- REBOL to become open source http://www.rebol.com/article/0511.html 10 comments
- Try Topaz (Rebol inspired language) http://www.colellachiara.com/soft/topaz/try-topaz.html 2 comments
- Ask HN: So how many of you know for REBOL? http://www.rebol.com 4 comments
- D. Crockford on JSON: "An influence was Rebol, a shame it’s not more popular" http://www.dzone.com/links/the_making_of_json_by_douglas_crockford_an_influe.html 19 comments
- Spry Language: Inspired by REBOL, LISP, Smalltalk, and Forth http://www.sprylang.org 11 comments programming
- The dramatic simplicity and productivity of Rebol code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR5Fzv6DP0I 3 comments programming , video
- Why REBOL? http://www.rebol.com/why-rebol.html 7 comments programming
- Breakdown of a New Novel Exploit Using REBOL for Malicious Purposes https://frsecure.com/blog/the-rebol-yell-new-rebol-exploit/ 5 comments netsec
- Oldes' Rebol v3.5.3 https://github.com/Siskin-framework/Rebol/releases/tag/3.5.3 2 comments rebol
- 55 apps in 364 lines of Rebol code, runs in a 500k runtime. http://re-bol.com/shorter_examples.r 13 comments programming
- The Rebol App Builder: a fun way for beginners to learn interactively, without immediately having to write code http://withoutwritingcode.com 3 comments programming
- Rebol vs. Lisp Macros http://blog.hostilefork.com/rebol-vs-lisp-macros/ 18 comments programming
- The dramatic simplicity and productivity of Rebol code http://re-bol.com/short_rebol_examples.r 52 comments programming
- Interview with Nenad Rakocevic about Red, a Rebol inspired programming language https://medium.com/@unbalancedparen/interview-with-nenad-rakocevic-about-red-a-rebol-inspired-programming-language-681133e3fd1c 6 comments programming
- Learn REBOL (a detailed tutorial, with parse dialect) http://www.re-bol.com/rebol.html#section-9.3 15 comments programming
- Comparing Rebol and "The Power of Lisp Macros" https://web.archive.org/web/20130326130810/http:/jankom-code.posterous.com/comparing-rebol-and-the-power-of-lisp-macros 4 comments rebol
- Why Rebol, Red, and the Parse dialect are Cool http://hostilefork.com/2013/12/05/why-rebol-red-parse-cool/ 10 comments programming
- rebol markup http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=3NuC62tv 2 comments rebol
- Looking for something new to learn? Try Rebol! http://recoding.blogspot.com/2013/02/looking-to-learn-something-new-try-rebol.html 12 comments programming
- Rebol 3 Source Code Released! http://www.rebol.com/cgi-bin/blog.r?view=0519 13 comments programming
- REBOL language to go open source http://www.rebol.com/article/0511.html 52 comments programming
- Time to Talk about REBOL's Future http://www.rebol.com/article/0510.html 28 comments programming
- "REBOL is pretty weird" http://torquingwetstrainers.wordpress.com/2010/02/03/rebol-without-a-cause/ 18 comments programming
- Is REBOL Actually a Revolution? [20080908] http://hostilefork.com/2008/09/08/is-rebol-actually-a-revolution/ 7 comments programming
- Rebol 3 Alpha: GUI Basics http://www.rebol.net/wiki/gui_basics 6 comments programming
- Rebol 3.0 Project Status Update (Simplicity is a Delicate Thing) http://www.rebol.com/article/0377.html 6 comments programming
- Why I haven't looked at Rebol much http://arcanesentiment.blogspot.com/2008/08/why-i-havent-looked-at-rebol-much.html 58 comments programming
- Language comparison: REBOL vs. Ruby http://mail.rebol.net/maillist/msgs/39458.html 5 comments programming
- REBOL: `Lisp without the parenthesis' or `the result of Ousterhout meeting Sussman in a dark alley.' http://ll1.ai.mit.edu/marshall.html 9 comments programming
- Joe Marshall on the surprising difficulty of implementing proper tail recursion in Rebol http://ll1.ai.mit.edu/marshall.html 2 comments programming