Hacker News
- Show HN: Pub/Sub with PostgreSQL under 40 lines of Python code https://gist.github.com/kissgyorgy/beccba1291de962702ea9c237a900c79 5 comments
- Building a Live Data Visualization in 4 Days Using Redis Pub/Sub https://heapanalytics.com/blog/engineering/data-virtualization-redis 4 comments
- Show HN: Nchan – a pub/sub server as an Nginx module https://nchan.slact.net 41 comments
- Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub to Connect Applications and Data Streams http://googlecloudplatform.blogspot.com/2015/03/using-Google-Cloud-pubsub-to-Connect-applications-and-data-streams.html 30 comments
- centrifugal/centrifuge – real-time messaging library for Go, simple way to add feature-rich and scalable WebSocket support to Go application. Optimized Protobuf and JSON protocols, PUB/SUB channels, RPC, efficient Redis broker layer, online presence, 6 official SDKs https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifuge 9 comments golang
- Push-based Pub/Sub vs Cloud Tasks https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/choosing-pubsub-or-cloud-tasks 7 comments googlecloud
- Write Directly from Cloud Pub/Sub to BigQuery with BigQuery Subscription https://www.infoq.com/news/2022/08/pub-sub-direct-biqquery/ 2 comments googlecloud
- Google Pub/Sub connection error - com.google.api.gax.rpc.UnavailableException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: https://com.google.cloud 2 comments googlecloud
- Redis Pub/Sub + IAsyncEnumerable streaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80Ke9hsG_RU 14 comments csharp
- Do You Need Redis? PostgreSQL Does Queuing, Locking, & Pub/Sub https://www.kontxt.io/document/d/MRjSCG7KI2u8CBV_0Rv1_-qxrf0X0xLwgzbI2q-xoAJz2/summary 6 comments postgresql
- Do You Need Redis? PostgreSQL Does Queuing, Locking, & Pub/Sub https://spin.atomicobject.com/2021/02/04/redis-postgresql/ 52 comments programming
- How do I pull messages from a subscription with GCP Pub/Sub? https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest 4 comments googlecloud
- Reliable WebSockets-based pub/sub with Spring Boot https://ably.com/blog/websockets-pubsub-spring-boot 6 comments java
- SignalR Event aggregator (pub/sub) now with NET 5 support https://github.com/andersmalmgren/signalr.eventaggregatorproxy/wiki 3 comments csharp
- A Pub/Sub Framework to explore code running on any cloud. https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/kuf2c3/a_pubsub_framework_to_explore_code_running_on_any/ 4 comments golang
- A stream data processing library with support for kafka, redis, sqs, Google Pub/Sub, and HTTP calls https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/jyierg/a_stream_data_processing_library_with_support_for/ 5 comments golang
- Introducing Amazon SNS FIFO – First-In-First-Out Pub/Sub Messaging https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-amazon-sns-fifo-first-in-first-out-pub-sub-messaging/ 39 comments aws
- Online ouija board built with typescript and pub/sub - https://spiritboard.ably.dev https://www.reddit.com/r/typescript/comments/jc8lqq/online_ouija_board_built_with_typescript_and/ 10 comments typescript
- Opting for a distributed Pub/Sub system VS in-process comm. Pub/Sub VS neither https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/iv2zgc/opting_for_a_distributed_pubsub_system_vs/ 28 comments golang
- Observer pattern (publisher/subscriber) - most optimal way to 'hook up' all the pub/sub pairs? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/h8nkxh/observer_pattern_publishersubscriber_most_optimal/ 3 comments gamedev
- Use this dart package to easily share data among different parts of application. Pub/Sub pattern. https://pub.dev/packages/livestream 3 comments dartlang
- When an SQL database makes a great Pub/Sub https://threedots.tech/post/when-sql-database-makes-great-pub-sub/ 4 comments golang
- System design tricks: Postgres is a great pub/sub & job server https://layerci.com/blog/postgres-is-the-answer/ 17 comments programming
- Reducing your Google Pub/Sub costs over 95% by micro-batching with Google Cloud Storage https://medium.com/@89berner/reducing-your-google-pub-sub-costs-over-95-by-micro-batching-with-google-cloud-storage-90e6e4f132d0 4 comments googlecloud
- Warp vs Actix-web for use with Redis pub/sub channel https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/ayfknk/warp_vs_actixweb_for_use_with_redis_pubsub_channel/ 10 comments rust
- The 10-minute Rails Pub/Sub https://zorbash.com/post/the-10-minute-rails-pubsub/ 3 comments ruby
- Responding to Redis Pub/Sub in Laravel https://www.reddit.com/r/laravel/comments/abizos/responding_to_redis_pubsub_in_laravel/ 5 comments laravel
- sobjectizer-5.5.23 and so_5_extra-1.2.0: update for C++ libs those give you Actors, Pub/Sub and CSP-like features https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/9uzcer/sobjectizer5523_and_so_5_extra120_update_for_c/ 8 comments cpp
- emitter: distributed pub/sub got updated with ssd-optimized time-series message storage https://emitter.io 8 comments golang
- Write from Cloud Pub/Sub to BigQuery using Fileload and save cost on streaming inserts! Raw https://gist.github.com/zero-master/88c9f3698c91f64c158da6716ed24f58 3 comments googlecloud
- [AF] Best way to handle server-side pub/sub events? https://pythonhosted.org/blinker/ 5 comments flask
- Reliable export of Cloud Pub/Sub streams to Cloud Storage https://labs.spotify.com/2017/04/26/reliable-export-of-cloud-pubsub-streams-to-cloud-storage/ 3 comments googlecloud
- SOLID Ruby Code with Pub/Sub http://glaucocustodio.github.io/2017/04/11/solid-ruby-code-with-pubsub/ 3 comments ruby
- Nchan - flexible pub/sub server for the modern web. https://nchan.io/ 12 comments programming
- I'm having huge problems try to emit messages to a private room with socket.io and redis pub/sub. https://ghostbin.com/paste/dtmaj 9 comments node
- Easy pub/sub channels with ES6 and Websockets https://ecc-comp.blogspot.com/2017/01/easy-pubsub-channelsmessaging-with-es6.html 4 comments javascript
- Spotify on moving from Kafka to Google Cloud Pub/Sub, part II: Benchmarking with ~1Gbps of network traffic https://labs.spotify.com/2016/03/03/spotifys-event-delivery-the-road-to-the-cloud-part-ii/ 11 comments programming
- Fast Pub/Sub for JS https://github.com/eyalar/portage 17 comments javascript
- Decoupling Backbone.js Applications with pub/sub http://blog.safaribooksonline.com/2013/10/02/decoupling-backbone-applications-with-pubsub/ 8 comments javascript
- Scaling XMPP and Pub/Sub http://www.dehora.net/journal/2008/10/25/scaling-xmpp-and-pubsub/ 2 comments programming