Hacker News
- Space-Efficient Huffman Codes Revisited https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.05495 13 comments
- How gzip uses Huffman coding http://jvns.ca/blog/2015/02/22/how-gzip-uses-huffman-coding/ 6 comments
- A simple example of Huffman coding on a string http://en.nerdaholyc.com/huffman-coding-on-a-string/ 5 comments
- Parallelising Huffman decoding and x86 disassembly by synchronising prefix codes https://dougallj.wordpress.com/2022/07/30/parallelising-huffman-decoding-and-x86-disassembly-by-synchronising-non-self-synchronising-prefix-codes/ 13 comments
- Building a data compression utility in Haskell using Huffman codes https://lazamar.github.io/haskell-data-compression-with-huffman-codes/ 88 comments
- Huffman Codes – How Do They Work? https://two-wrongs.com/huffman-codes-how-do-they-work 2 comments compsci
- Popular introduction to Huffman, arithmetic, ANS coding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFWJM8JMXBs 5 comments programming
- A simple implementation of the Huffman Coding compression algorithm in C https://github.com/f0lg0/c-ds-algos/tree/main/huffman.coding 5 comments c_programming
- Simple overview of how Huffman coding works. https://medium.com/@travcav/huffman-coding-1e914c419912 4 comments compsci
- Tom Scott: Huffman Coding and Huffman Trees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsTptu56GM8 79 comments programming
- Huffman Coding Compression Algorithm (from /r/algorithms/) http://www.techiedelight.com/huffman-coding/ 11 comments programming
- Huffman coding implementation in Rust http://pramode.in/2016/09/26/huffman-coding-in-rust/ 15 comments rust
- [Java] Having a few different issues with some Huffman Tree code https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node41.html 9 comments learnprogramming
- Huffman Coding without a Tree http://robertsouthee.github.io/c++/algorithm/generic-programming/data-structures/2015/10/01/huffman-coding-without-tree.html 5 comments cpp
- Huffman Coding without a Tree http://robertsouthee.github.io/c++/algorithm/generic-programming/data-structures/2015/10/01/huffman-coding-without-tree.html 5 comments programming
- How gzip uses Huffman coding http://jvns.ca/blog/2015/02/22/how-gzip-uses-huffman-coding/ 12 comments programming
- Huffman Codes http://hbfs.wordpress.com/2011/05/17/huffman-codes/ 29 comments programming
- Programming Puzzles, Chess Positions and Huffman Coding http://www.cforcoding.com/2009/12/programming-puzzles-chess-positions-and.html 4 comments programming
- Huffman Coding http://coder.bsimmons.name/blog/2009/05/huffman-coding/ 10 comments haskell
- Nice Compression: Huffman Coding http://www.unknownprogrammer.com/2009/nice-compression-huffman-coding/ 4 comments programming
- Huffman Coding with F# http://blogs.msdn.com/lukeh/archive/2008/05/05/huffman-coding-with-f.aspx 17 comments programming
- Haskell wiki Huffman coding example https://wiki.haskell.org/Huffman_Encoding 3 comments haskell
- Parallelising Huffman decoding and x86 disassembly by synchronising non-self-synchronising prefix codes https://dougallj.wordpress.com/2022/07/30/parallelising-huffman-decoding-and-x86-disassembly-by-synchronising-non-self-synchronising-prefix-codes/ 2 comments asm
- My attempt to implement Huffman coding using Rust (borrow checker deadly fight) http://sireliah.com/niusy/rust_huffman/ 11 comments rust
- Huffman Coding | Explanation and C++ implementation http://www.techiedelight.com/huffman-coding/ 13 comments compsci
- Entropy Coder Benchmark: TurboHF - 1GB/s Huffman Coding Reincarnation https://sites.google.com/site/powturbo/entropy-coder 15 comments programming
- Real-time code decompression using LZW-style techniques and pseudo-Huffman encoding [pdf] http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-lefurgy/micro30.net.compress.pdf 6 comments programming
- A simple Huffman Coding explanation [with source code] http://en.nerdaholyc.com/huffman-coding-on-a-string/ 25 comments programming
- Handling Huffman Codes Efficiently http://www.commandlinefanatic.com/cgi-bin/showarticle.cgi?article=art007 8 comments programming
- How do you make a *canonical* huffman code from a normal huffman code ? This pseudocode seems either false or inaccurate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/canonical_huffman_code 14 comments programming
- Building a data compression utility in Haskell using Huffman codes https://lazamar.github.io/haskell-data-compression-with-huffman-codes/ 4 comments haskell
- How I used a modified Huffman coding to easily create a fictional language and a translator to it https://lordsoftech.com/programming/how-i-used-huffman-coding-to-easily-create-a-translator-into-a-fictional-language/ 8 comments programming
- Huffman decoding gets faster - new speed record, with open source code http://fastcompression.blogspot.com/2015/10/huffman-revisited-part-5-combining.html 23 comments programming
- I had a crack at explaining Huffman Coding, appreciate feedback http://blog.hedges.net/2014/02/11/huffman-coding/ 9 comments programming
- New entropy coding: faster than Huffman, compression rate like arithmetic https://github.com/cyan4973/finitestateentropy 24 comments compsci
- Huffman Coding :: The First Compression Method I Ever Learned and Still Love http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/huffman_coding 4 comments programming
- Huffman coding | First actual program in go, looking for criticism regarding best practices in go https://github.com/atiedebee/huffman-coding 6 comments golang
- Compile-time string compression using Huffman coding in C++20 https://github.com/tcsullivan/consteval-huffman 36 comments cpp
- My first Haskell project, Huffer, a compression application based on canonical Huffman codes https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/7vo97h/my_first_haskell_project_huffer_a_compression/ 4 comments haskell
- Google is currently trying to patent video compression application of Asymmetric Numeral Systems - which is replacing Huffman and arithmetic coding due to up to 30x speedup https://encode.ru/threads/2648-published-rans-patent-by-storeleap/page3 464 comments programming