Hacker News
- Facebook will be forced to go public after their deal with Goldman Sachs http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40898422/ns/business-us_business/ 42 comments
- A judge has given the go-ahead to a mass legal action against Facebook owner Meta in UK, potentially worth £3bn https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-68309670 3 comments technology
- Lankford defends border bill amid GOP criticism: ‘Don’t just go off of Facebook’ https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4448612-lankford-defends-border-bill/ 26 comments politics
- Facebook and Instagram are going to show even more posts from accounts you don’t follow. https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/27/23281451/facebook-instagram-meta-recommendation-discovery-engine-ai 6 comments technology
- Mozilla is going to track Facebook tracking you (article) https://gizmodo.com/mozilla-is-going-to-track-facebook-tracking-you-1848338946 9 comments firefox
- Facebook Is Going After Its Critics in the Name of Privacy - The company wants to shut down an academic study of political ad targeting, just as it prepares to reinstate targeted political ads https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-is-going-after-its-critics-in-the-name-of-privacy/ 14 comments politics
- New text messages show Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom worried about Mark Zuckerberg going into 'destroy mode' if he didn't sell to Facebook. https://www.businessinsider.com/instagram-cofounder-feared-zuckerberg-destroy-mode-facebook-acquisition-texts-2020-7 764 comments technology
- Islamic State terrorist propaganda is going viral on Facebook https://www.wired.co.uk/article/islamic-state-terrorism-facebook 3 comments technology
- Facebook ad boycott organizers met with Zuckerberg. It didn't go well https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/07/tech/facebook-civil-rights-meeting/index.html 17 comments technology
- ent: a graph-based ORM for Go, from Facebook https://entgo.io 11 comments golang
- College students who go off Facebook for a week consume less news and report being less depressed https://www.niemanlab.org/2019/10/college-students-who-go-off-facebook-for-a-week-consume-less-news-and-report-being-less-depressed/ 175 comments technology
- Facebook Dating Is Upon Us: What Could Go Wrong? https://www.pcmag.com/news/370565/facebook-dating-is-upon-us-what-could-go-wrong 13 comments privacy
- Facebook's Censorship Of Legit Activists Shows The Policing Of Propaganda Is Going To Be A Fucking Mess https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180803/09531040359/facebooks-censorship-legit-activists-shows-policing-propaganda-is-going-to-be-fucking-mess.shtml 52 comments technology
- Fake News About the Parkland Kids Is Still Going Viral on Facebook https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wj7ngw/fake-news-parkland-shooting-david-hogg-video? 71 comments politics
- Zuck and Sandberg go M.I.A. as Congress summons Facebook leadership by name https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/20/zuckerberg-and-sandberg-mia-facebook-congress-is-like-wtf/ 15 comments technology
- We Are In An Information Crisis - Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are not going to fix it. We are. https://theoutline.com/post/3470/we-are-in-an-information-crisis-parkland-youtube-facebook-fake-news 20 comments technology
- If You’re Looking For Misinformation, Go To Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sarah-palin-facebook_us_586e74ede4b099cdb0fbb984?j7i4kxv4q5wbzz1tt9 9 comments politics
- Facebook unveils year-end review 2016; Pokemon Go, iPhone 7 among most talked in India http://techcircle.vccircle.com/2016/12/09/facebook-unveils-year-end-review-2016-pokemon-go-iphone-7-among-most-talked-in-india/ 4 comments india
- Facebook education software spurs privacy fears – “I’m not comfortable with having my kids’ personally identifiable information going to I don’t even know where, to be used for I’m not sure what”. http://www.nola.com/education/index.ssf/2016/10/facebook_education_privacy_fea.html 20 comments technology
- How does the flawed and unlikable candidate (who’s setting new records with her unfavorability levels) plan to make herself more popular? By deploying a pro-Clinton super PAC to spend $1 million to go after meanies on Twitter and Facebook in the hopes of making them like her https://www.lifezette.com/polizette/hillary-bullies-online-critics/ 146 comments politics
- ‘I’m going to become a martyr,’ Palestinian teen wrote before attack: Shortly before stabbing an Israeli man in Jerusalem, Shorouq Dwayyat posted on Facebook that her ‘greatest desire’ was to die ‘for Allah’ http://www.timesofisrael.com/im-going-to-become-a-martyr-palestinian-teen-wrote-before-attack/ 32 comments worldnews
- In protest - Go Dark on the 5th of July. Don't Google, don't Bing. Don't SMS, don't PM, don't Facebook. Turn off your phones, unplug your computers. Remind them we own the internet, and we will adapt, encrypt and outpace them. http://discussion.guardian.co.uk/comment-permalink/24731512 665 comments technology
- What's being shared between Facebook and advertising company Datalogix, and how you can opt out -- Datalogix assesses whether users go to stores in the physical world and buy the products they saw in Facebook advertisements https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/09/deep-dive-facebook-and-datalogix-whats-actually-getting-shared-and-how-you-can-opt 3 comments technology
- Facebook phone app attempts to seize all your mail by going into your e-mailboxes and changing contacts to their facebook addresses http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/07/02/facebook_contact_push/ 84 comments technology
- "Facebook is not only on course to go bust, but will take the rest of the ad-supported Web with it." - MIT Technology Review http://www.technologyreview.com/web/40437/?p1=a1 467 comments technology
- Facebook Could Go Public Before Christmas, Valuation A Big Question http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2011/11/27/facebook-could-go-public-before-christmas-valuation-a-big-question/ 23 comments business
- Going to be a sort of 'Flash Mob' event on Eric Cantor's Facebook page at 1:00 pm CDT today - join the party! https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=243580498994365 4 comments politics
- Why I Left Facebook and Will Never Go Back http://myperfectmuse.com/2011/03/02/why-i-left-facebook-and-will-never-go-back/ 9 comments reddit.com
- Facebook - Governor Walker Support Group - lots of idiocy going on here, BEWARE OF TYPOS... http://www.facebook.com/pages/i-bet-i-can-find-900000-people-who-want-scott-walker-to-stay-in-office/182242261816935 3 comments politics
- 1 Wow...go Zuck. I never cared for him or Facebook much but who can argue with him "donating a majority of his wealth" to charities. http://blogs.forbes.com/mikeisaac/2010/12/08/facebook-ceo-zuckerberg-agrees-to-donate-fortune-to-charities? 23 comments reddit.com
- Madden NFL Superstars on Facebook! This thing is going to become addictive. Well, there goes the rest of my week. http://apps.facebook.com/maddennflsuperstars/ 5 comments nfl
- I Made the World’s Blandest Facebook Profile, Just to See What Happens | My new Facebook account had the most generic interests possible, and still it brought me to a place no one should ever have to go. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2021/11/facebook-experiment-toxic-centrist-content/620731/?amp%3Butm_campaign=the-atlantic&%3Butm_content=edit-promo&%3Butm_medium=social&%3Butm_term=2021-11-19T12%3A00%3A56 38 comments technology
- Facebook under fire after ads for anti-HIV drug PrEP deemed political: Instagram requires ads by LGBTQ-focused health center to go through verification process https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/oct/31/facebook-prep-ads-instagram-political 50 comments worldnews
- 'They are going to get steamrolled': California's governor warns Facebook, YouTube, and other social media giants that government regulation is coming https://www.businessinsider.com/gavin-newsom-on-regulating-facebook-youtube-twitter-2019-6?r=us&ir=t 8 comments politics
- 'They are going to get steamrolled': California's governor warns Facebook, YouTube, and other social media giants that government regulation is coming https://www.businessinsider.com/gavin-newsom-on-regulating-facebook-youtube-twitter-2019-6?r=us&ir=t 18 comments technology
- The Case for Kicking Certain Republican Politicians Off Facebook — This week, Facebook got rid of Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Drew Magary argues why it didn't go far enough. https://www.gq.com/story/facebook-white-supremacist-bans 21 comments politics
- HELP GROW CLUB HOCKEY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA! I'm on the club team and we need to prove there is an interest in having an ice rink in Athens, Ga. Thing is we just need numbers on the facebook page to make this happen! Say you're going to our event please to help grow hockey in the south! https://www.facebook.com/events/575267939162091/?ref=22 22 comments hockey
- Facebook is so true to life, Back claims, that encountering a person there for the first time generally results in a more accurate personality appraisal than meeting face to face, going by the results of previous studies. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/02/no-lie-your-facebook-profile-is-the-real-you/#ixzz0ginzse0w 5 comments technology
- Facebook Files for Ill-Timed Patent for Feature That Knows Where You're Going (Even Before You Do) | This is probably not what you signed up for when you joined Facebook. https://www.inc.com/betsy-mikel/facebook-just-filed-for-creepy-patent-this-might-be-reason-enough-to-delete-its-app.html 906 comments technology
- Why is Facebook finally going public? - My first post for the Motley Fool. (Click on it and show a fellow redditor some love!) http://blogs.fool.com/erinannie/2011/12/19/why-facebook-finally-going-public/ 18 comments investing