Hacker News
- US Education Department to cut half its staff as Trump eyes its elimination https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-agencies-offer-staff-new-buyouts-ahead-trumps-layoff-deadline-2025-03-11/ 1 comment
- Oakland Charter School: Spitting in the Eye of Mainstream Education http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-charter31-2009may31,0,7064053.story 27 comments
- Eye-tracking allows studying aspects that cannot be seen, i.e., the thinking processes of solving a math problem. In a new systematic review of the research, findings show researchers are integrating eye-tracking into education and are using the technology to radically improve the teaching of maths https://en.ktu.edu/news/ktu-researchers-eye-tracking-study-provides-valuable-insights-into-learning-mathematics/ 8 comments science
- US Education Department to cut half its staff as Trump eyes elimination https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-agencies-offer-staff-new-buyouts-ahead-trumps-layoff-deadline-2025-03-11/ 17 comments politics
- Eyeing a friendly Supreme Court, Republicans push for the Ten Commandments in schools -- "It’s just one of the ways lawmakers are trying to insert Judeo-Christian doctrine into public education." https://stateline.org/2025/02/27/eyeing-a-friendly-supreme-court-republicans-push-for-the-ten-commandments-in-schools/ 17 comments law
- Eyeing a friendly Supreme Court, Republicans push for the Ten Commandments in schools | It’s just one of the ways lawmakers are trying to insert Judeo-Christian doctrine into public education. https://stateline.org/2025/02/27/eyeing-a-friendly-supreme-court-republicans-push-for-the-ten-commandments-in-schools/ 19 comments politics
- Army Eyes Dramatic Cuts to Key Education Benefits for Soldiers https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/04/01/army-eyes-dramatic-cuts-key-education-benefits-soldiers.html 284 comments army
- Indiana teachers call attorney general’s ‘Eyes on Education’ portal dangerous https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/15/indiana-ag-eyes-on-education-tipline 7 comments politics
- Lawmakers eye plan to end food sales tax — but only if voters remove constitutional earmark for education. The Utah Legislature has been hesitant to remove the sales tax on food as it provides a revenue source that is much more stable than other taxes. https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2023/02/11/lawmakers-eye-plan-end-food-sales/ 23 comments politics
- Republicans eye new front in education wars: Making school board races partisan https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/29/republicans-education-wars-school-board-races-526053 179 comments politics
- Biden eyes tax hike on wealthy to fund child care and education https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-tax-hike-wealthy-child-care-education/ 11 comments politics
- Amazon eyes launching its computer science education program in India https://techcrunch.com/2020/12/30/amazon-computer-science-education-program-future-engineer-in-india/ 4 comments technology
- Trump trains his eyes on education as he hunts path to victory https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/trump-trains-his-eyes-on-education-as-he-hunts-path-to-victory/2020/07/22/4bc3c9f6-c835-11ea-8ffe-372be8d82298_story.html 42 comments politics
- Madhya Pradesh: Mohan Bhagwat keeps an eye on Shivraj's government, takes classes of ministers on education, culture and society https://www.freepressjournal.in/bhopal/madhya-pradesh-mohan-bhagwat-keeps-an-eye-on-shivrajs-government-takes-classes-of-ministers-on-education-culture-and-society 4 comments india
- Betsy DeVos Eyes Federal Education Grants to Put Guns in Schools https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/23/us/politics/devos-guns-in-schools.html 6 comments politics
- New Discovery: Scientists in the Technological Educational Institute of Crete succeeded in making radio waves visible to the eye with a nanomagnetic microscope https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1wcnu15kgb2jeq 4 comments science
- House Republicans Eye Sweeping Changes in Higher Education Act - PSLF in Jeopardy https://www.chronicle.com/article/house-republicans-eye-sweeping/241908 12 comments politics
- Nicklaus: Republican tax bills put a big bull's-eye on higher education http://www.stltoday.com/business/columns/david-nicklaus/nicklaus-republican-tax-bills-put-a-big-bull-s-eye/article_f8632c03-695e-536a-8f8a-a8da78a8882d.html#tracking-source=home-latest-1 8 comments politics
- Why is eye dialect spelling of how English speakers actually pronounce words like "education" used to imply someone is stupid or boorish? https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/6tt20j/why_is_eye_dialect_spelling_of_how_english/ 7 comments linguistics
- Elizabeth Warren launches 'DeVos Watch' to keep eye on education secretary http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2017/05/elizabeth_warren_launches_devo.html 101 comments politics
- Woman dubbed 'Public Enemy No. 1' of the teachers' unions is eyed by Trump team for Education Secretary http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3939586/woman-dubbed-public-enemy-no-1-teachers-unions-eyed-trump-team-education-secretary.html 16 comments politics
- The Underpriviledged 'Ghosts' Haunting French Universities - Young people sign up for higher education solely for scholarship money, while officials turn a blind eye to those permanently absent from class. Is this a twisted way to buy social peace? http://www.worldcrunch.com/culture-society/the-underpriviledged-039-ghosts-039-haunting-french-universities/university-benefits-grants-school-system-education/c3s12150/ 4 comments worldevents
- ALEC has their eye on your kids -- "This bill is a dream come true for those who make huge profits off the education of our kids." http://www.eclectablog.com/2013/06/alec-has-their-eye-on-your-kids-progress-michigan-details-alecs-role-in-school-reform.html 7 comments politics
- Tamilnadu's striking progress in welfare. The better education and health outcome indicators in the southern states compared to the north, has been acknowledged for a long time. And yet to see it with one’s own eyes really drives home the point. http://www.indiatogether.org/2012/sep/gov-tnwelfare.htm 33 comments india
- The Romneys and the Black/White Achievement Gap. "We cannot remedy the large racial achievement gaps in American education if we continue to close our eyes to the continued racial segregation of schools, owing primarily to the continued segregation of our neighborhoods..." http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/08/24/the-romneys-and-the-blackwhite-achievement-gap/print 12 comments politics
- talented film-maker needs support to make a independent feature film that explores sports, education, religion, and sex in America through the eyes of a talented 13 year-old basketball player.(my first post so be nice...) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ryanbkoo/man-child-feature-film?ref=card 6 comments reddit.com
- "The segregation of Jews and Arabs in Israel of 2010 is almost absolute. For those of us who live here, it is something we take for granted. But visitors from abroad cannot believe their eyes: segregated education, segregated businesses, separate entertainment venues…" http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/segregation-of-jews-and-arabs-in-2010-israel-is-almost-absolute-1.321728 63 comments worldnews
- Garrison Keillor on health care - "This is a moral dilemma, the same as if habeas corpus only applied east of the Mississippi or that green-eyed children will only be educated through the sixth grade. Not acceptable in the country I live in. " http://www.salon.com/opinion/keillor/2009/09/23/the_right/ 8 comments politics
- Guentzel: It was disheartening knowing it was close to home. My heartaches with that and for everyone involved. I’m ashamed that racism still exists to this day. My eyes have definitely been opened and I’m definitely committed to educating myself and making a difference. https://pittsburghhockeynow.com/jake-guentzel-freaked-out-and-ashamed-of-racism-pittsburgh-penguins/ 30 comments hockey