- data-vector-growable: Dynamic growable resizable mutable generic vector http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-vector-growable 7 comments haskell
- Substroke: a language for drawing dynamic (data-dependent) pictures http://worrydream.com/substroke/ 8 comments programming
- ‘Dynamic Pricing’ at Major Grocery Chain Can Vary Prices Depending on Your Income: AI pricing could result in customers incurring higher costs based on personal data used to gauge their purchasing thresholds https://archive.is/3muA6 9 comments economy
- Trying to Load, Parse, and Dynamically use Data in a Locally Located XML file https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_ajax_http.asp 4 comments learnjavascript
- I did Dynamic Array Data Structure in C which is like std::vectors in C++ and added 11 pages of documentation https://github.com/farukalpay/DynamicArray 5 comments embedded
- I did Dynamic Array Data Structure in C which is like std::vectors in C++ and added 11 pages of documentation https://github.com/farukalpay/DynamicArray 13 comments c_programming
- Question about reallocating function for Dynamic Array data structure https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/C 9 comments c_programming
- [React] What is it called when you pass data to dynamic links? What should I google? https://codesandbox.io/s/github/SenBoyer/fmentor-countryapi-unfinished 3 comments learnprogramming
- How to access data dynamically in Java without losing type safety https://blog.klipse.tech/java/2021/03/28/dynamic-data-access-in-java.html 16 comments java
- Your relation with data typing: dynamic? Static? Static but unsound? https://www.reddit.com/r/manool/comments/m9mtcs/your_relation_with_data_typing_dynamic_static/ 12 comments coding
- How to create dynamic data structures in Rust? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/ceexl0/how_to_create_dynamic_data_structures_in_rust/ 12 comments rust
- Confused with parsing json with typed and dynamic data https://eagain.net/articles/go-dynamic-json/ 9 comments golang
- Dynamic SQL Querying & Pagination with Querydsl and Spring Data JPA https://rieckpil.de/howto-dynamic-sql-querying-pagination-with-querydsl-and-spring-data-jpa/ 10 comments java
- "Data Architecture" / OOP Question - Dynamically Evaluating Conditions? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/9lxlks/data_architecture_oop_question_dynamically/ 9 comments gamedev
- Guys.. need help to record dynamically updating data from one googlesheet cell to another cell in 5min. increment. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/8o06vs/guys_need_help_to_record_dynamically_updating/ 3 comments india
- New research shows how “clickbait” caught on in the modern newsroom and how data metrics have changed journalism. The study by Stanford University in the American Journal of Sociology examines how metrics shape newsroom dynamics in the United States and France. https://www.futurity.org/clickbait-news-audience-metrics-1710452/ 7 comments science
- Dynamically load data on div scroll using php, mysql, jquery and ajax. http://www.skptricks.com/2017/11/dynamically-load-data-on-div-scroll-using-php-mysql-jquery-and-ajax.html 3 comments javascript
- Getting data dynamically from a user-submitted URL https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/6uy5mf/getting_data_dynamically_from_a_usersubmitted_url/ 4 comments javascript
- Data base with dynamic row number? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6tq9jy/data_base_with_dynamic_row_number/ 10 comments learnprogramming
- Data container using static and dynamic memory - suggestions https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/69bc0w/data_container_using_static_and_dynamic_memory/ 7 comments cpp
- Expert in robotics, big data, image processing, fluid dynamics and crime: Andrea Bertozzi from UCLA http://chalkdustmagazine.com/interviews/in-conversation-with-andrea-bertozzi/ 4 comments math
- Your dynamic IP address is now protected personal data under EU law. http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/10/eu-dynamic-static-ip-personal-data/ 196 comments worldnews
- Your dynamic IP address is now protected personal data under EU law http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/10/eu-dynamic-static-ip-personal-data/ 27 comments technology
- Your dynamic IP address is now protected personal data under EU law [x-post /r/europrivacy] http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/10/eu-dynamic-static-ip-personal-data/ 59 comments europe
- "A fairer Vue of React" - Comparing React to Vue for dynamic tabular data, part 2. https://engineering.footballradar.com/a-fairer-vue-of-react-comparing-react-to-vue-for-dynamic-tabular-data-part-2/ 9 comments reactjs
- Part 2 - Comparing React to Vue for dynamic tabular data https://engineering.footballradar.com/a-fairer-vue-of-react-comparing-react-to-vue-for-dynamic-tabular-data-part-2/ 16 comments javascript
- Comparing React to Vue for dynamic tabular data https://engineering.footballradar.com/from-a-react-point-of-vue-comparing-reactjs-to-vuejs-for-dynamic-tabular-data/ 4 comments reactjs
- Comparing React to Vue for dynamic tabular data https://engineering.footballradar.com/from-a-react-point-of-vue-comparing-reactjs-to-vuejs-for-dynamic-tabular-data/ 58 comments javascript
- General Dynamics Can't Be Trusted on Destroyer Data, Agency Says http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-05/general-dynamics-can-t-be-trusted-on-destroyer-data-agency-says-igm2b4a1 9 comments navy
- Dynamic and resuable ways to handle metadata files - How to best implement data deserialization? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG286LQM6BU 15 comments gamedev
- Scientific data sets are becoming more dynamic, requiring new mathematical techniques on par with the invention of calculus. https://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20131004-the-mathematical-shape-of-things-to-come/ 50 comments math
- D3.js: How to handle dynamic JSON Data http://pothibo.com/2013/09/d3-js-how-to-handle-dynamic-json-data/ 7 comments javascript
- Dynamic Wealth Management Zurich Research and Data Technology News Articles http://dynamicwealthmanagement-data.com/ 13 comments reddit.com
- A mathematician in Spain has for the first time explained marital breakups mathematically by developing a dynamical mathematical model based on the second law of thermodynamics to model "sentimental dynamics." Results are consistent with sociological data on marriage breakdowns. http://www.physorg.com/news193298961.html 57 comments science
- Clever tricks against antiviruses, dynamically loading functions, home-brew GetProcAddress, data section encryption http://www.x-n2o.com/clever-tricks-against-antiviruses/ 7 comments programming
- 3D Animations Made Simple With MATLAB— Visualizing Flight Test Data and Simulation Results: How to build the definite animation tool that will help you analyze in detail the complex dynamics of an aircraft’s movement https://link.medium.com/qiduvvmgbhb 2 comments matlab
- From 11 April to 11 June 2018 a new type of ocean observing platform, the Saildrone surface vehicle collected data on a round-trip, 60-day cruise rom San Francisco Bay, down the U.S. and Mexican coast to validate satellite-derived fluxes, SST, and study upwelling dynamics, air–sea interactions etc. https://doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-19-0015.1 6 comments science
- Is there a way to convert a dynamic drive back to basic drive without loss of data? https://www.easeus.com/partition-master/change-dynamic-disk-to-basic.html 4 comments windows
- How to choose what data to display with dynamically defined methods http://www.saturnflyer.com/blog/jim/2013/10/23/easy-metaprogramming-for-making-your-code-habitable/ 4 comments ruby
- Fluid dynamics of COVID-19 airborne infection suggests urgent data for a scientific design of social distancing. Two key issues need to be addressed urgently in order to provide a scientific foundation to social distancing rules. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-80078-7 9 comments science