Hacker News
- We think AI should replace DevSecOps https://www.gomboc.ai/blog/why-and-how-ai-will-replace-devsecops 3 comments
- Difference between DevOps, SecOps and DevSecOps https://five9sclub.substack.com/p/how-to-explain-devops-to-non-tech 55 comments
- When DevSecOps goes wrong: a short lesson from Huawei's source code https://r2c.dev/blog/2020/when-devsecops-goes-wrong-a-short-lesson-from-huaweis-source-code/ 22 comments
- A guide to DevSecOps, shifting left, and GitOps https://github.blog/2020-08-13-secure-at-every-step-a-guide-to-devsecops-shifting-left-and-gitops/ 10 comments
- With Kubernetes, the U.S. DoD Is Enabling DevSecOps on F-16s and Battleships https://www.cncf.io/blog/2020/05/07/with-kubernetes-the-u-s-department-of-defense-is-enabling-devsecops-on-f-16s-and-battleships/ 5 comments
- The DevSecOps Iceberg https://wott.io/blog/thoughts/2019/11/29/the-devsecops-iceberg 3 comments devops , security
- The Essential Kubernetes Security Checklist for DevSecOps Engineers https://medium.com/shiftleftblog/the-essential-kubernetes-security-checklist-for-devsecops-engineers-259adfc00834 3 comments kubernetes
- 90% of Java Services in Production Have Vulnerability Risk, DevSecOps Report Finds https://www.itprotoday.com/devsecops/90-java-services-production-have-vulnerability-risk-devsecops-report-finds#close-modal 50 comments devops
- Webinar on API Security in DevSecOps https://www.linkedin.com/events/7143203756933824512/ 2 comments asknetsec
- Vulnerability Management with DefectDojo - presenting capabilities of DefectDojo for DevSecOps and traditional application security engineers. https://medium.com/@theowni/vulnerability-management-with-defectdojo-is-it-great-for-devsecops-3da455d2852b 5 comments netsec
- Building Your Own DevSecOps Knowledge Base with OpenAI, LangChain, and LlamaIndex https://betterprogramming.pub/building-your-own-devsecops-knowledge-base-with-openai-langchain-and-llamaindex-b28cda15abb7?sk=325cfa8160e0187af8c6ff11fd8c1eaf 2 comments programming
- Integrating Checkov to identify security and compliance issues in Terraform IaC : DevSecOps https://youtu.be/uZpTo0YhsEQ 3 comments azure
- Dr. Zero Trust, Chase Cunningham, to speak about the importance of identity management for appsec and DevSecOps https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/19675/575606?gam= 10 comments programming
- Quick test on the Microsoft Defender for DevOps from Ignite's announcement. I can consolidate DevSecOps tasks with this https://youtube.com/shorts/2nVbKSgVtDI?feature=share 11 comments azuredevops
- Security PM to DevSecOps roadmap. Am i on the right track? https://techworld-with-nana.com/devops-bootcamp 23 comments devops
- Simple program to reduce Tenable Toil in DevSecOps https://github.com/AlainODea/nessus-agent-url 3 comments golang
- devsecops hands on online training https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/implementing-devsecops-lfs262/ 3 comments devops
- new NIST SP 800-204C (Draft), DevSecOps for Microservices-based App with Service Mesh | CSRC https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-204c/draft 6 comments netsec
- When You Do DevSecOps, Don’t Forget the SREs https://rootly.io/blog/when-you-do-devsecops-don-t-forget-the-sres?amp%3Butm_medium=blog 7 comments sre
- Building an end-to-end Kubernetes-based DevSecOps software factory on AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/building-an-end-to-end-kubernetes-based-devsecops-software-factory-on-aws/ 4 comments kubernetes
- Building an end-to-end Kubernetes-based DevSecOps software factory on AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/building-an-end-to-end-kubernetes-based-devsecops-software-factory-on-aws/ 12 comments aws
- Top 9 Open Source DevSecOps tools for Kubernetes https://www.stackrox.io/blog/top-9-open-source-devsecops-tools-for-kubernetes/ 5 comments kubernetes
- When DevSecOps goes wrong: a short lesson from Huawei's source code https://r2c.dev/blog/2020/when-devsecops-goes-wrong-a-short-lesson-from-huaweis-source-code/ 5 comments netsec
- Practical DevSecOps Training and Certification ? https://www.practical-devsecops.com/ 42 comments devops
- A Video Series Using the CDK from AWS to Automate the AWS Cloud for DevSecOps https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/j6q4nj/a_video_series_using_the_cdk_from_aws_to_automate/ 11 comments devops
- The DevSecOps toolset for HTTP APIs https://bbva.github.io/apicheck/ 5 comments netsec
- DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Ask Me Anything Sessions (Slides & Audio) https://software.af.mil/dsop/documents/ 13 comments netsec
- Crosspost from r/cybersecurity: What to include in a DevSecOps pipeline? None 4 comments devops
- DevSecOps has become one of the hottest trends in the DevOps ecosystem. In a general view, it's easy to understand what it means and why people care about it. But when it comes to using it things can get trickier. Here is all you need to know from theory to practice about DevSecops https://resources.whitesourcesoftware.com/blog-whitesource/devsecops 7 comments netsec
- 4 Signs that Demand for DevSecOps Skills Is Growing https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/bwanjl/4_signs_that_demand_for_devsecops_skills_is/ 16 comments devops
- DevSecOps vs DevOps https://diophant.com/blog/devsecops-vs-devops/ 4 comments netsec
- Learn DevSecOps every Sunday on Mixer! https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/9u0r3t/learn_devsecops_every_sunday_on_mixer/ 9 comments devops