Hacker News
- Google is Building an Email List Instead of Asking People to Call Congress http://mill-industries.com/post/google-builds-an-email-list-rather-than-fight-pipa 9 comments
- People don't get science, instead of calling it a 'theory' call it a 'law' http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/15-11/st_thompson 25 comments reddit.com
- Many Google Duplex calls are from real people instead of AI [Not So Artificial] https://www.engadget.com/2019/05/22/google-duplex-is-made-of-people/ 10 comments artificial
- Wired reviewer (iPhone user) called the Google Pixel the "best phone on earth" and now recommends it to other people instead of the iPhone. Thoughts? https://www.wired.com/2016/10/review-google-pixel/ 40 comments apple
- Rights groups calls for Saudi Arabia to create a written system of criminal law instead of arbitrarily prosecuting people http://www.reuters.com/article/worldnews/idusl2547962920080325 10 comments worldnews
- Dallas Police Asked People To Call Out Protestors. People Flooded Their App With K-Pop Instead https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/carolinehaskins1/dallas-police-kpop 57 comments politics
- Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) calls out the Tea Party: you have to work with other people — that is, IF you really care about solving the problem, IF you really want to get a result, instead of just making a speech. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/08/20/lamar-alexander-vs-the-tea-party/ 4 comments politics
- Trump doesn't want to see Harris as first woman president, claims people are calling for Ivanka Trump instead https://theweek.com/speedreads/934757/trump-doesnt-want-harris-first-woman-president-claims-people-are-calling-ivanka-trump-instead 86 comments politics
- Professor Says Sexual Attraction To Children Isn't Always Immoral And Thinks Pedophiles Should Be Called 'Minor-Attracted People' Instead https://www.bolde.com/professor-claims-sexual-attraction-to-children-isnt-always-immoral/ 846 comments nottheonion
- Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) thinks that too many people are listening in on the phone calls between POTUS and other world leaders and should "shut up about it" instead of raising concerns https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4838577/user-clip-rep-steve-chabot-phone-call 9 comments politics
- If I call my animation a spooky animation instead of a Halloween animation. People might not notice that I missed Halloween by 2 months.... https://youtu.be/UbUZrs9gDtY 3 comments blender
- The FCC can’t handle all the net neutrality calls it’s getting, urges people to write emails instead http://bgr.com/2014/05/09/fcc-net-neutrality-controversy/ 18 comments nottheonion
- The FCC can’t handle all the net neutrality calls it’s getting, urges people to write emails instead http://bgr.com/2014/05/09/fcc-net-neutrality-controversy/ 37 comments technology
- The FCC can’t handle all the net neutrality calls it’s getting, urges people to write emails instead http://bgr.com/2014/05/09/fcc-net-neutrality-controversy/ 16 comments privacy
- The FCC can’t handle all the net neutrality calls it’s getting, urges people to write emails instead http://bgr.com/2014/05/09/fcc-net-neutrality-controversy/ 201 comments worldnews
- The FCC can’t handle all the net neutrality calls it’s getting, urges people to write emails instead http://bgr.com/2014/05/09/fcc-net-neutrality-controversy/ 733 comments politics
- The Evangelicals Calling for War on Poor People. A new, antisocial strain of the prosperity gospel is breeding new hostility. This is a worldview that seeks to wage not a war against poverty but a war against the poor instead—those who have, in their view, shown insufficient faith. https://newrepublic.com/article/176117/prosperity-gospel-christian-war-poor 17 comments economy
- New Poll Shows 68% of Americans Want Senators to Block Any Corporate Biden Nominees | Progressives are calling on the president-elect to reject a "Corporate Cabinet" and instead pick "people dedicated to working in service of the general welfare." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/11/25/new-poll-shows-68-americans-want-senators-block-any-corporate-biden-nominees 286 comments politics
- DeSantis calls for institutionalizing more people instead of nationalizing Florida’s red flag law in wake of Maine shooting https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/26/politics/desantis-florida-red-flag-law-trump/index.html 67 comments politics
- [GFFN] Zlatan Ibrahimović on calling France a shit country: “I was worried about the reaction on the street. Instead, French people went up to me to congratulate me: ‘You’re right Ibra, France really is a shit country.’” https://twitter.com/gffn/status/1466024401879584769?s=21 18 comments soccer
- President of Famalicão: Instead of focusing about our great game against Porto people just wanted to know about some guy (Pepe) that was called a monkey by another guy (Santiago Colombatto) https://www.record.pt/futebol/futebol-nacional/liga-bwin/famalicao/detalhe/miguel-ribeiro-e-a-polemica-pepecolombatto-so-podiamos-responder-a-um-tipo-que-diz-que-outro-tipo-lhe-chamou-mono?ref=HP_1BucketDestaquesPrincipais 11 comments soccer
- Robert Kennedy Jr Slams SEC for Protecting Banks Instead of American People — Calls for Crypto-Friendly Commissioners – Bitcoin News https://news.bitcoin.com/robert-kennedy-jr-slams-sec-for-protecting-banks-instead-of-american-people-calls-for-crypto-friendly-commissioners/ 108 comments cryptocurrency
- The mere fact that some people are being labeled as "Segwit blockers" shows the labelers are against the fundamentals of which Bitcoin was founded upon. They are using politics and name calling to try to control Bitcoin instead. https://vid.me/fbIF 52 comments btc
- Think people calling for higher taxes should just donate to the government instead? Well, if you want government to enforce contracts you ought to just pay for it yourself instead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c 9 comments politics
- BJP Bhopal Lok Sabha Candidate Pragya Singh Thakur says "Nathuram Godse was a 'deshbhakt', is a 'deshbhakt' and will remain a 'deshbhakt'. People calling him a terrorist should instead look within, such people will be given a befitting reply in these elections." https://twitter.com/ani/status/1128948842542579713?s=19 85 comments india
- Trump sold Kurdistan to Turkey: “I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump boasted in response. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers — two towers, instead of one, not the usual one; it’s two." People are dying as I type. http://www.huffpost.com/entry/conflict-of-interest-donald-trump-syria-kurds-turkey_n_5d9bb7bfe4b0fc935edf5be0 16 comments politics
- Family called police for help when two people tried a carjack on driveway that led to a gun fight. Cops came, beat and arrested victim instead for “insulting an officer” and shoot the family dog in the head http://www.tbd.com/articles/2010/09/family-outraged-after-officer-shoots-dog-13692.html 696 comments politics
- China banned all mention of Kim Jong Un while he was in Beijing — so people called him 'fatty on the train' instead: As China banned all mention of Kim Jong Un on its internet during his secretive visit, people on the internet dodged the ban by calling him "fatty on the train" instead. http://uk.businessinsider.com/china-internet-kim-jong-un-fatty-on-the-train-to-avoid-censors-2018-3 1109 comments worldnews
- The fact is that the ultra-rich really aren’t productive, & instead mostly collect rents from people who are. This is what capital always does, of course: it buys labor (some people call that “job creation”, even if the jobs being created are mostly in China), & then extracts dividends from it http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2011/12/20/the-plight-of-the-1/ 84 comments politics
- People in Minneapolis Are Calling Each Other Instead of the Cops. Disappointed by recent attempts at electoral reform, organizers are building community-based safety networks that aim to make police obsolete. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjb8z5/people-in-minneapolis-are-calling-each-other-instead-of-the-cops 62 comments goldandblack
- I just discovered a website called CoinTree, it's similar to LinkTree but instead of links to social media you add links to your various crypto wallets and anyone can donate to you. This is very useful for people who want to accept payment or donations in crypto but don't know how to integrate it. https://cointr.ee/ 16 comments cryptocurrency
- Calling people evil leads to evil acts. | Judgments about evil as intrinsic to and definitive of character function as self-fulfilling prophecies. We must instead recognise that human nature is more complex and carries the potential for goodness. https://iai.tv/articles/calling-people-evil-leads-to-evil-acts-auid-2890?_auid=2020 131 comments philosophy
- Summer catch-up programs need to focus on teens' wellbeing, not just academic progress: study finds it is the type of social contact with friends and family that most shape young people's mental health outcomes, like regular voice and video calls with friends instead of texting or social media. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-06/uob-scp062121.php 8 comments science
- Criminalizing Drug Users Is Killing People: "Alysa Ivy was surrounded by people when she died of a heroin overdose. Not one of them called 911 for help. Instead, they left her alone in a motel room, afraid they’d be arrested if they called the authorities." https://www.aclu.org/blog/criminal-law-reform/criminalizing-drug-users-killing-people 66 comments politics
- China’s military expels US Navy warship from South China Sea - The Chinese People’s Liberation Army said the Navy vessel had been expelled from the oil-rich stretch of water after entering Chinese waters, and called on the US to instead focus on its “national epidemic situation,” https://nypost.com/2020/05/01/chinas-military-expels-us-navy-warship-from-south-china-sea/ 8 comments worldnews