Hacker News
- Apple and Google's awkward mobile marriage: Why Apple needs Google http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/6/apple_and_googles_awkward_mobile_marriage_aapl_goog 8 comments
- Google page on Firefox mobile needs to be addressed https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/6tiac6/google_page_on_firefox_mobile_needs_to_be/ 8 comments firefox
- Software by Google that polls all available networks and select the most appropriate one based on price. Would eliminate the need for mobile phone users to choose a single network. http://technology.newscientist.com/channel/tech/dn14808-instant-auctions-could-replace-cellphone-contracts-.html 5 comments technology
- [5/21] Apple, Google Release Contact Tracing Technology for Mobile Apps: "In the coming months users wouldn’t need to download a specific app in order to opt-in to the notification system." https://news.yahoo.com/apple-google-release-contact-tracing-181347484.html 8 comments worldnews
- Turn Your AMP Up To 11: Everything You Need To Know About Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/02/everything-about-google-accelerated-mobile-pages/ 4 comments webdev
- Some Google Fonts not loading on mobile device. Need some help. http://space.wccnet.edu/~cacollins/article.txt 3 comments css
- Hey Reddit: I've started a crowd-sourced, Google Maps-based, mobile friendly project to plot out every "Soccer Pub" in the country. But I need YOUR help to get it off the ground! http://www.wrongsideofthepond.com 151 comments soccer