Hacker News
- $200 PinePhone Linux smartphone comes with physical kill switch https://androidrookies.com/200-pinephone-linux-smartphone-comes-with-physical-kill-switch-to-turn-off-camera-microphone-bluetooth-and-wi-fi/ 13 comments
- Smartphones versus DSLRs versus film: A look at how far we've come http://connect.dpreview.com/post/5533410947/smartphones-versus-dslr-versus-film/ 116 comments
- 5 Foreign Smartphones That Should Come to the U.S. http://www.cheatsheet.com/gear-style/5-foreign-smartphones-that-should-come-to-the-u-s.html/?a=viewall 7 comments technology
- Apparently coming soon—an app for your smartphone that is designed to automatically call the authorities when the user is unsafe. http://www.safetrekapp.com 5 comments technology
- Solar-powered smartphones are coming closer, with tests in China http://www.zdnet.com/solar-powered-smartphones-are-coming-closer-with-tests-in-china-7000019054/ 6 comments technology
- Samsung blows Apple out of the water when it comes to smartphones sold http://business.financialpost.com/2013/04/26/samsung-galaxy-s4-earnings/ 1332 comments technology
- A good smartphone comes but once a year http://www.theverge.com/2011/12/23/2651347/a-good-smartphone-comes-but-once-a-year 134 comments apple
- Coming soon - the smartphone that promotes 'Russian values' https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-internet-software/coming-soon-the-smartphone-that-promotes-russian-values-iduskbn1zn1xz 10 comments worldnews
- The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming http://www.businessinsider.com/the-end-of-the-smartphone-era-is-coming-2012-11 31 comments technology
- “A Horrifically Bad Idea”: Smartphone Voting Is Coming, Just in Time for the Midterms https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/08/smartphone-voting-is-coming-just-in-time-for-midterms-voatz 50 comments politics
- The day has come. A modern smartphone for 20 bucks (ATT Lumia 520) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E45043A/ 9 comments windowsphone
- Star Wars-like 3D projectors may be coming to smartphones sooner than you think http://bgr.com/2014/06/03/3d-hologram-projector-chip/ 5 comments technology
- IBM's Watson Now A Customer Service Agent, Coming To Smartphones Soon http://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin/2013/05/21/ibms-watson-now-a-customer-service-agent-coming-to-smartphones-soon/ 43 comments technology
- Samsung's next big smartphone coming in 2020 is rumored to have a camera with over 100 megapixels https://www.businessinsider.com/samsung-galaxy-s11-camera-108-megapixels-rumored-2019-11 5 comments technology
- Samsung confirms its first foldable smartphone is coming this year https://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_confirms_a_foldable_smartphone_is_coming_this_year-news-33085.php 3 comments worldnews
- How far we’ve come: a look at smartphone performance over the past 7 years http://www.androidauthority.com/smartphone-performance-improvements-timeline-626109/ 13 comments hardware
- First Ubuntu smartphones coming in October, Shuttleworth promises http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/02/first-ubuntu-smartphones-coming-in-october-shuttleworth-promises/ 6 comments technology
- Finally, full Flash support for BlackBerry and other smartphones... but wait, no iPhone? Come on, Apple! http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2009/10/05/adobe-announces-full-flash-player-support-for-mobile-and-pc-rim-joins-osp/ 45 comments technology
- Damodaran - The Indian Smartphone Revolution: Paytm's Coming of Age IPO http://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/2021/10/the-indian-smartphone-revolution-paytms.html 5 comments securityanalysis
- LeTV S1 smartphone announced in China, comes with Huawei Mobile Services https://www.gizmochina.com/2021/09/27/letv-s1-smartphone-announced-in-china-comes-with-huawei-mobile-services/ 7 comments android
- The tech industry is looking to replace the smartphone — and everybody is waiting to see what Apple comes up with https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/20/apple-facebook-microsoft-battle-to-replace-smartphone-with-ar.html 719 comments apple
- Jio effect: Coming soon: 4G smartphones at Rs 500, on a monthly plan of Rs 60 https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/hardware/4g-smartphones-may-cost-just-rs-500/articleshow/62829212.cms 3 comments india
- Mark Zuckerberg wants to kill the smartphone so Facebook can control what comes next http://www.businessinsider.com/this-is-why-facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-wants-to-kill-the-smartphone-with-ar-2017-4 10 comments privacy
- Get ready to pay with your smartphone, Samsung Pay to come in India soon http://eoto.tech/samsung-pay-may-arrive-india-h1-2017/ 3 comments india
- New laws to allow UK spies to hack into smartphones and computers ‘to be introduced in the coming weeks’ http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/new-laws-to-allow-spies-to-hack-into-smartphones-and-computers-to-be-introduced-in-the-coming-weeks-a6702301.html 18 comments technology
- Firefox OS Smartphones Coming in 2013 | News & Opinion | PCMag.com http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2406593,00.asp 46 comments firefox
- Otto italiani su 10 posseggono uno smartphone e litigano come nessuno in Europa http://www.infodata.ilsole24ore.com/2017/08/02/otto-italiani-10-posseggono-uno-smartphone-litigano-nessuno-europa/_ 8 comments italy
- New smartphone battery can be fully charged in one minute, coming to phones next year http://www.talkandroid.com/238134-new-smartphone-battery-can-be-fully-charged-in-one-minute-coming-to-phones-next-year/?utm_source=feedburner-ta&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+androidnewsgoogleandroidforums+%28talkandroid+-+android+news%2C+rumours%2C+and+updates%29 8 comments technology
- That’s Traffic; Up Next, Weather: As smartphones are beginning to come equipped with barometers, new apps are emerging that can help improve weather forecasting http://cacm.acm.org/news/181137-thats-traffic-up-next-weather/fulltext 8 comments technology
- Japanese phone company to sell smartphones which can also detect nuclear radiation. Comes in 8 colors! http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/29/us-japan-phone-idusbre84s05i20120529 7 comments worldnews
- Loans that hijack your phone are coming to India. Lenders are turning to coercive loan apps that shut down smartphones if customers fall behind on payments. https://restofworld.org/2021/loans-that-hijack-your-phone-are-coming-to-india/ 6 comments technology
- De Luca, come funziona la «macchina» che ha superato la diretta video di Trump. Il governatore vecchio stampo ha digitalizzato il suo modo di fare politica: si è anche comprato uno smartphone. Una «Bestia» per il consenso? «Dietro a De Luca c’è De Luca» https://www.corriere.it/politica/20_maggio_13/campania-come-funziona-macchina-de-luca-che-ha-superato-trump-298523a6-94de-11ea-b53d-888d5c72a186.shtml 33 comments italy
- Russia passed law banning sale of certain devices that are not pre-installed with Russian software. The law will come into force in July 2020 and cover smartphones, computers and smart TV https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50507849 10 comments worldnews
- 146 New Vulnerabilities All Come Preinstalled on Android Phones. The dozens of flaws across 29 Android smartphone makers show just how insecure the devices can be, even brand-new. https://www.wired.com/story/146-bugs-preinstalled-android-phones/ 4 comments technology
- Le notifiche dello smartphone danno dipendenza proprio come l'oppio e chi li usa di più soffre di senso isolamento, depressione e ansia http://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/mobile/2018/04/17/news/le_notifiche_delle_smartphone_danno_dipendenza_come_l_oppio-194129459/ 7 comments italy
- Smartphones with diamond glass scratch-free screens coming in 2019 (maybe) - Liliputing https://liliputing.com/2018/02/smartphones-diamond-glass-scratch-free-screens-coming-2019-maybe.html 13 comments hardware
- Scientists in Germany have come up with a method for extracting germanium from plants. Nowadays, silicon-germanium alloy is indispensable to modern life, crucial in making computers, smartphones and fiber-optic cables. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/07/us-germany-germanium-plants-iduskcn0r71by20150907 78 comments worldnews
- China’s largest smartphone company, Xiaomi announces that it is coming to United States market and will start selling smart wristbands, headphones, and other accessories online in the coming months http://www.benchmarkmonitor.com/xiaomi-has-worth-45-billion-entering-in-apple-inc-nasdaqaapls-home-country/184222/ 32 comments technology
- Samsung SM-J100H Specification has been Leaked: It Comes With ARM cortex-A7 processor. Seems pretty Good Smartphone According To The Specification http://www.gadgetreviewed.com/news/samsung-website-confirms-arrival-sm-j100h/2403/ 4 comments technology
- T-Mobile isn't paying for your phone anymore, and that's a good thing - T-Mobile has an ambitious plan to end smartphone subsidies. Could you actually come out ahead by paying up-front for your phone? http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/t-mobile-eliminating-subsidies-good-thing-iphone/ 112 comments business