- Earth's super-sized El Nino is over; coming up, La Nina http://bigstory.ap.org/article/68c273c9545b43eb855a8e64cc0d2184/earths-super-sized-el-nino-over-coming-la-nina 10 comments worldnews
- IPCC report may have underplayed risk of freak El Nino and La Nina events https://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/ipcc-report-may-have-underplayed-risk-of-freak-el-ninos-and-la-ninas-20210820-p58klm.html 4 comments science
- Bye bye, El Nino. Cooler hurricane-helping La Nina to replace the phenomenon that adds heat to Earth https://apnews.com/article/el-nino-heat-ends-la-nina-hurricanes-50e6696be9e363df530d0d6c729371bf 4 comments environment
- Bye bye, El Nino. Cooler hurricane-helping La Nina to replace the phenomenon that adds heat to Earth https://apnews.com/article/el-nino-heat-ends-la-nina-hurricanes-50e6696be9e363df530d0d6c729371bf 9 comments climate
- Research has found for the first known time that enough physical evidence spanning millennia has come together to allow researchers to say definitively that: El Ninos, La Ninas, and the climate phenomenon that drives them have become more extreme in the times of human-induced climate change. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-11/giot-ens112219.php 4 comments science
- Research has found for the first known time that enough physical evidence spanning millennia has come together to allow researchers to say definitively that: El Ninos, La Ninas, and the climate phenomenon that drives them have become more extreme in the times of human-induced climate change. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-11/giot-ens112219.php 1393 comments science
- The cold ENSO phase (La Nina) will now start to weaken in early 2022 while maintaining its weather influence well into the boreal Spring. The latest data shows a global pressure pattern regime change is on the way later in the year, as an El Nino is forecast to emerge in the tropical Pacific Ocean. https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/la-nina-collapse-forecast-early-2022-el-nino-cold-weather-season-fa/ 4 comments worldnews
- The La Nina has reached peak cooling anomalies in the equatorial Pacific, further solidifying its influence on the Winter Season. Official NOAA advisory calls for the La Nina to continue into early Spring 2022, with forecasts showing an increased chance for an El Nino event emerging later next year. https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/la-nina-cold-phase-update-winter-season-el-nino-weather-fa/ 10 comments worldnews
- The collapse of the cold La Nina event has now begun across the tropical Pacific Ocean. Its weather influence will extend into Spring 2022, before finally breaking down towards Summer. The latest forecast data shows that an El Nino event is likely to emerge in late 2022. https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/la-nina-ocean-collapse-winter-spring-weather-2022-usa-el-nino-forecast-fa/ 28 comments worldnews