- How high do you see this getting before it dumps off? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ueeuq/how_high_do_you_see_this_getting_before_it_dumps/ 11 comments btc
- Anyone else excited to see webOS get a second chance? http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/09/hp-touchpad-first-hands-on/ 5 comments software
- Why don't we see IT consultancies getting second opinions? http://peripateticaxiom.blogspot.com/2009/02/consulting-engineers.html 14 comments programming
- A bobcat tries getting into the back of a truck, see what happens next! [video] http://www.break.com/index/bobcat-loads-itself-onto-truck.html 4 comments reddit.com
- This Election Was Always Going to Be a Mudfight. If Joe Biden Can't See That, He Should Get Out of the Way. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a29387274/joe-biden-respond-trump-ukraine-attacks/ 36 comments politics
- At Least We Got to See Trump Get Beat Like a Drum https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a26041860/trump-fold-government-shutdown-the-wall-democrats/ 45 comments politics
- Joffrey Lauvergne gets his finger dislocated, Popovich doesn't want to see any of that https://streamable.com/ge6lf 151 comments nba
- 1 BCT, 11 ABN has started shipping off the Strykers + is now an IBCT. PAO post says the Strykers will ‘continue to serve,’ though. Are we about to see a CONUS BCT get Stryker’d? https://www.instagram.com/p/CggF4AtufRm/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D 7 comments army
- Hard time getting any "eyes" on my projects, feels like people dont see it (twitter) (any tips?) https://twitter.com/Mad_Polygon 14 comments gamedev
- Anyone know of a to-do list application that you can setup to only show you one task at a time? I get overwhelmed seeing all of them at once https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/ac8r9r/anyone_know_of_a_todo_list_application_that_you/ 7 comments productivity
- Gordon Strachan:"Genetically we [Scotland] are behind... maybe we get big women and men together and see what we can do." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4960894/gordon-strachan-small-scotland-disadvantage.html 53 comments soccer
- Get ready to start seeing ads in Google Image search http://uk.businessinsider.com/google-shopping-ads-in-image-search-2016-5 3 comments technology
- Greg Shahade - Let's hold a tournament and see who beats up on Topalov the most. The winner gets to play for the World Championship! (he went off about the terrible Candidates format on twitter today) https://twitter.com/gregshahade 26 comments chess
- Maybe we should see if Reddit can get enough funded to sponsor Belkin, or should I say "Team Reddit r/bicycling" http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/belkin-appeals-to-public-for-crowd-funded-sponsorship 11 comments bicycling
- [BR] Some Warriors aren’t buying that Harden’s eye is “extremely hurt,” per @ChrisBHaynes “They were talking about some of the shots he was shooting during the game, then he gets to the free-throw line and he's squinting like he can’t see it” https://twitter.com/bleacherreport/status/1124417828952707072 15 comments nba
- [McCullough] Julio Urias is headed back to Los Angeles to see Dr. Neal ElAttrache to get his shoulder examined. https://twitter.com/mcculloughtimes/status/875097804481449984 10 comments baseball
- I keep seeing people here getting high paying internships from respectable companies and feeling like a failure https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/9vhfhj/i_keep_seeing_people_here_getting_high_paying/ 74 comments cscareerquestions
- Yolmer Sanchez makes an unreal catch to get the White Sox out of the first (not that you can really see it with the new MLB highlight system) http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2017/06/03/1459718283/1496522650809/asset_1200k.mp4 8 comments baseball
- The Adapteva Parallella computer, kickstarter is running out of time! Support this so we can get parallel programming out for everyone! (not affiliated with them, just a cool project I want to see succeed) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adapteva/parallella-a-supercomputer-for-everyone?resubmit= 34 comments linux
- Brain scans of teens with a history of aggressive bullying behavior suggest that they may actually get pleasure out of seeing someone else in pain, U.S. researchers said. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1083791/bullies-do-enjoy-seeing-people-pain-scientists-say.html 24 comments science
- Department of Homeland Security preparing to fire hundreds of senior leaders this week| The firings are a move not to reduce the size of the workforce but to get rid of people the administration sees as not on board with its goals. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/department-homeland-security-preparing-fire-100s-leaders-rcna192493 11 comments politics
- Paul Wight on the importance of competition in wrestling: "You might see somebody [and go] 'Why aren't they getting a push?' And then they go to another company and they do really well. When there's only one game in town, that's never really good for anyone. Competition is better for the talent." https://www.sescoops.com/news/paul-wight-highlights-the-benefits-of-aews-competition-with-wwe 4 comments squaredcircle
- [Ardaya] Andrew Heaney said part of why he decided to try to throw it to first was to see if he could get an interference call on Starling Marte. Throw bounced off Marte's back, with no call, and run scores. Said he probably should've played it more conservative given how early it was. https://twitter.com/FabianArdaya/status/1564813299912515584 11 comments baseball
- Randy Orton about getting to know Riddle: "There’s guys like that. Dean Ambrose was like that. Like, who’s that guy, and then you find they are just a super weird guy. With Riddle, what you see is what you get." https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/randy-orton-talks-about-his-real-life-friendship-with-matt-riddle-compares-him-to-dean-ambrose/ 134 comments squaredcircle
- [Andy Mitten] Ole: "It felt like we were a boxer being punch drunk. We got knocked down in 1st. We had a chance, we conceded, we wanted to sort it out but we went open. See Tyson Fury when he gets knocked down. It’s remarkable how calm he is. He counts to 6,7,8, gets up. We got up too early." https://twitter.com/andymitten/status/1454063634611585025?s=21 134 comments soccer
- Ole Gunnar Solskjaer urges Manchester United board to think long term: "We have planted a seed, the tree is growing. Some clubs just rip up that tree and see if it is still growing and see if it is still getting water underneath." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/11/06/ole-gunnar-solskjaer-urges-manchester-united-board-think-long/ 237 comments soccer
- [Schefter] Grant Delpit isn’t the only Browns DB to get hurt at practice. CB Greedy Williams injured his shoulder. Asked if Williams will miss a significant amount of time with the shoulder injury, Browns’ HC Kevin Stefanski said: “I would say we will see. Still evaluating.” http://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/1298356544808136710 26 comments nfl
- De Laurentiis, Napoli president, again on Koulibaly and Allan: “I see many buzzards on the transfers market... you know who they are, they seem to be waiting to swoop in, but we have impenetrable armor and they’ll not get what they want or at the prices they want”. 🔵 #transfers https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1298260062096375808?s=09 27 comments soccer
- Manchester United have received a message by BVB... €120m or you’ll not get Sancho. It’s up to Man Utd. Let’s see what they’ll decide. BVB will not accept bids like €80m+20+20 in four or five years. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1295924853657292801?s=19 104 comments soccer
- [Garafolo] These WR deals are starting to come in around the same range (Robby Anderson notwithstanding). Agents weren’t happy to see Nelson Agholor only get a veteran minimum deal. That brought the market to a screeching halt. But for Sharpe, a good opportunity with Vikings so he jumped. https://twitter.com/MikeGarafolo/status/1242888910419775488?s=19 11 comments nfl
- [jamisonhensley] Pete Carroll was asked what would he say to Earl Thomas if they spoke: “If I get a chance to visit with him, I’ll visit with him like I always do. I don’t have to share what I’m going to say to him with you. I’m just going to talk to him and have fun talking to him if I see him." https://twitter.com/jamisonhensley/status/1184527533905199105?s=21 107 comments nfl
- [Rap] NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says the CBA extension talks have been positive and productive. “We’re hopefully that we all see the benefits of doing something earlier and getting something done.” https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/1184511471918694400?s=21 6 comments nfl
- Trump tweets may get slapped with Twitter's new warning label -- You'll have to click or tap on a warning notice to see tweets that Twitter says violate its rules but are still in the public interest. https://www.cnet.com/news/trump-tweets-may-get-slapped-with-twitters-new-warning-label/ 12 comments politics
- Vince Carter gets real on his decision not to ring chase - “Of course I want a ring like every other player... It’s easy to sit at the end of the bench and see your teammates play and win you a championship, but for me, I’d feel like internally, I’m dying inside.” https://streamable.com/qxkb0 539 comments nba
- Were their records kept of the people who were sent to Makronisos? and is it possible to get the records or see them of a relative? and a story from the island https://www.reddit.com/r/greece/comments/9wb0s3/were_their_records_kept_of_the_people_who_were/ 8 comments greece
- Why do languages like Dart/Lily/Rust/Haskell/F# get so much hype on Reddit/HN/Devpost, yet jobs requiring said languages are fewer and further between, while I see PHP/C#/ASP.NET jobs everywhere? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6liawh/why_do_languages_like_dartlilyrusthaskellf_get_so/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- On the Democratic side, registered Pennsylvania Democrats would rather see Hillary Clinton (52 percent) get the nomination over Sen. Bernie Sanders (18 percent). http://lancasteronline.com/news/local/f-m-poll-government-politicians-seen-as-biggest-pennsylvania-problems/article_b63f7056-7db6-11e5-8291-ff940732429a.html 16 comments politics
- On January 12, 2013 a man with down syndrome was killed by three police officers, his crime? Wanting to see a movie a second time. The cops didn't get in trouble for it either. Petition to get Justice. https://www.change.org/petitions/justice-for-ethan-governor-martin-o-malley-we-need-an-independent-investigation-and-training-for-police?share_id=rktogjuolf 51 comments worldnews
- Big Brother in Your Car: Flo, Progressive’s ubiquitous shill, wants you to see their new tracking devices, which records your vehicle’s every move, not as a privacy-destroying step to justify raising your insurance premiums, but as a great innovation to get you discounts for safe driving. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/big_brother_in_your_car_20120906/ 90 comments technology
- Washington Post to Paul: "Are you too angry to be president"; Paul: "I certainly don't want to come across angry ... although I do get pretty annoyed when I see blatant abuse of the rule of law and blatant ignoring of the Constitution and that is annoying because I see the republic fading away" http://www.newsandpolicy.com/news/2007/10/washington-post-interview-i-certainly-dont-want-to.html 76 comments politics