- What Would It Look Like If We Treated Climate Change as an Actual Emergency? https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/11/what-would-it-look-like-if-we-treated-climate-change-as-an-actual-emergency 18 comments economy
- What Would It Look Like If We Treated Climate Change as an Actual Emergency? https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/11/what-would-it-look-like-if-we-treated-climate-change-as-an-actual-emergency 11 comments environment
- What Would It Look Like If We Treated Climate Change as an Actual Emergency? ❧ If we accept the facts of climate change, we also have to accept the radical changes necessary to address it. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/11/what-would-it-look-like-if-we-treated-climate-change-as-an-actual-emergency 259 comments environment