Hacker News
- How Working Out Makes Us Better Entrepreneurs http://www.derekflanzraich.com/2011/06/how-working-out-makes-better-entrepreneurs/ 43 comments
- Charlie Sheen quotes to make you a better entrepreneur http://onstartups.com/tabid/3339/bid/42086/winning-6-charliesheen-quotes-to-make-you-a-better-entrepreneur.aspx 2 comments
- Skipping College makes one a better entrepreneur http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2011/02/living-life-is-better-than-dying-in-college/ 15 comments
- Startup Blogs To Make You a Better Entrepreneur http://www.mattmazur.com/2010/12/17-startup-blogs-to-make-you-a-better-entrepreneur/ 14 comments
- What Makes an Entrepreneur? Four Letters: JFDI http://www.cloudave.com/1171/what-makes-an-entrepreneur-four-letters-jfdi/ 8 comments
- Let’s make a deal: Entrepreneur wants to trade Buran shuttle for a skull https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/10/kazakh-entrepreneur-seeks-to-trade-soviet-shuttle-for-historic-skull/ 2 comments nottheonion
- This Entrepreneur Makes Anti-Mask Masks For Anti-Maskers https://www.sadanduseless.com/anti-coronavirus-masks/?fbclid=iwar3eqxnl2um00dnuhmctbl9q5aedvpm9_ht6jg7w9wbgcyg33gylbkhmzwu 49 comments nottheonion
- Clean Water Should Be a Right, Not a Privilege. These Entrepreneurs Are Working to Make It So https://singularityhub.com/2020/03/04/clean-water-should-be-a-right-not-a-privilege-these-entrepreneurs-are-working-to-make-it-so/ 5 comments worldevents
- California Weed Entrepreneurs Will Make $5.2B In 2018 With Almost No Banks To Put It In https://www.forbes.com/sites/julieweed/2017/11/26/california-weed-entrepreneurs-will-make-5-2b-in-2018-with-almost-no-banks-to-put-it-in/#76229df14e52 6 comments business
- Entrepreneurs of Randia, please make this happen! https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/5i4un7/entrepreneurs_of_randia_please_make_this_happen/ 10 comments india
- Make affordable products: Yoga guru Ramdev to entrepreneurs http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/cons-products/fmcg/make-affordable-products-yoga-guru-ramdev-to-entrepreneurs/articleshow/51068548.cms 10 comments india
- Syrian refugee turned entrepreneur expands cheese-making business in Yorkshire https://bdaily.co.uk/hospitality/18-11-2014/syrian-refugee-turned-entrepreneur-expands-cheese-making-business-in-yorkshire/ 3 comments nottheonion
- This Brilliant Entrepreneur Is Making Money Off You Without You Even Noticing http://www.businessinsider.in/this-brilliant-entrepreneur-is-making-money-off-you-without-you-even-noticing/articleshow/31966336.cms 3 comments technology
- 59% of Millennials wanting to or already starting a business, making 1/3 of the entrepreneurs in the U.S. aged 20-34 http://www.nonprofitcollegesonline.com/millenials/ 41 comments business
- Learning Economics Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur http://hunterhaley.me/learning-economics-will-make-you-a-better-entrepreneur/ 11 comments startups
- Red Tape Stops Entrepreneur from Making Cheap Solar Panel Deals with the U.S. - China Snaps Him Up. http://video.foxnews.com/v/4279204/red-tape-sends-entrepreneur-overseas/ 18 comments technology
- Why Students Make Great Entrepreneurs http://onstartups.com/home/tabid/3339/articletype/articleview/articleid/702/why-students-make-great-entrepreneurs.aspx 14 comments reddit.com
- How long it it take you to make your first sale after starting up? Any tips for a new entrepreneur! https://reconstruct.ideaparticles.com/Color-Me-Challenge-Product-Details.php 11 comments entrepreneur
- Looking to make a group of entrepreneurs, designers and programmers to make something big [X-Post from r/Startup_Ideas] https://www.reddit.com/r/startup_ideas/comments/7q2jq8/looking_to_make_a_group_of_entrepreneurs/ 3 comments startups
- Entrepreneurs of India, what makes conducting business in India so difficult? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/5c6og4/entrepreneurs_of_india_what_makes_conducting/ 78 comments india
- I just launched Accelerat.io - a Yelp for accelerators trying to help entrepreneurs make smarter choices when picking an accelerator. http://accelerat.io 59 comments startups
- Crony capitalism and bloated government prevent entrepreneurs from producing the products and services that make people's lives better. http://online.wsj.com/article/sb10001424052748704288304576170974226083178.html?mod=wsj_hp_mostpop_read 10 comments business
- #Starrcast on Twitter: She’s a wrestler, actress, entrepreneur, former multi-time Champion & is making her first ever post-#WWE appearance. @RealPaigeWWE is coming to #STARRCAST! https://twitter.com/starrcastevents/status/1539036724919083010?s=21&t=L4qTOPzocLs1MdqaVNbnCg 51 comments squaredcircle
- The Australian Financial Review (AFR) has compiled a list containing 87 of Australia’s richest entrepreneurs aged 40 and under, with seven crypto founders making the cut. https://nitter.net/Cointelegraph/status/1455497464690139143#m 4 comments cryptocurrency
- All that went into the making of Gopichand Academy. Pullela Gopichand When many winked at Gopichand looking for sponsorship for his academy, entrepreneur Nimmagadda Prasad donated Rs. 5 crore. http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/all-that-went-into-the-making-of-gopichand-academy/article9040883.ece 6 comments india
- [Interview] Make in India: We'll create best ecosystem for our young entrepreneurs, says Amitabh Kant http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/interviews/make-in-india-well-create-best-ecosystem-for-our-young-entrepreneurs-says-amitabh-kant/articleshow/51002221.cms 8 comments india
- Entrepreneurs are problem solvers by nature. But what happens when the problem you’re trying to solve involves a very big challenge, like purifying dirty water, training teachers in remote villages, or making compact and affordable medical devices for the world’s poorest citizens? http://spark.qualcomm.com/salon/tech-startups-set-sail-social-good 21 comments business
- How to Make Money in 6 Easy Steps - Entrepreneur behind software and design firm 37Signals shares valuable lesson on how to build a profitable company. Explained through thoroughly engaging personal account of his time as small business owner. http://www.inc.com/magazine/20110301/making-money-small-business-advice-from-jason-fried.html 41 comments business
- New Yorkers: the NY Tech Meetup just launched a local news aggregator. Help us make this a valuable tool for all NY entrepreneurs! http://news.nytm.org 2 comments startups
- Sex Is Sex. But Money Is Money :: Escorts make $100 a hand job — but entrepreneurs like me? We make $5,000 a night. Welcome to the new economy of the oldest profession. https://medium.com/matter/sex-is-sex-but-money-is-money-e7c10091713f 2 comments indepthstories
- PriorThings, utilizing Ethereum, is a registration service that makes it possible for creative individuals and entrepreneurs to register their prior art on the public blockchain establishing a permanent record of their inventions and creative works. http://www.investorideas.com/news/2017/bitcoin/03151Registration.asp 7 comments ethereum
- Indian entrepreneurs won’t back Facebook’s Free Basics—even if they can make more money http://qz.com/580607/indian-entrepreneurs-wont-back-facebooks-free-basics-even-if-they-can-make-more-money/ 5 comments india
- Welfare Makes America More Entrepreneurial: "Entrepreneurs are actually more likely to receive public benefits ... And in many cases, expanding benefit programs helps spur new business creation." http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/03/welfare-makes-america-more-entrepreneurial/388598/ 10 comments politics
- [Entreprenures] How to plan my product launch to make sure that my new web app [Notify] is in front of every entrepreneur and startup out there? http://notify.ly/?utm_source=reddit 3 comments growmybusiness
- Is it worth it to get a Harvard MBA if I’m going to be an Entrepreneur? - Making negative NPV decisions http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/blog/is-it-worth-it-to-get-a-harvard-mba-if-i%E2%80%99m-going-to-be-an-entrepreneur-making-negative-npv-deci 10 comments startups
- How Three Germans Are Cloning The Web --- "The most admirable entrepreneurs are those with original ideas, ja? It's a unique gift that you either have or you don't." Says Oliver Samwer, one of three brothers who do not have ideas. They just copy others. And make billions http://www.businessweek.com/printer/articles/10778-how-three-germans-are-cloning-the-web 18 comments business
- How Three Germans Are Cloning The Web --- "The most admirable entrepreneurs are those with original ideas, ja? It's a unique gift that you either have or you don't." Says Oliver Samwer, one of three brothers who do not have ideas. They just copy others. And make billions http://www.businessweek.com/printer/articles/10778-how-three-germans-are-cloning-the-web 22 comments worldnews
- World-changing events such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and street protests in cities around the globe may be making many entrepreneurs averse to launching long-term enterprises. The stronger the perception is that an LMC is close, the more risk-averse entrepreneurs may become. https://journals.aom.org/doi/full/10.5465/amp.2019.0049.summary 5 comments science
- EyeControl gives ‘locked-in’ patients a voice: Israeli entrepreneurs launch crowdfunding campaign to make affordable smart glasses enabling ALS, stroke sufferers to communicate http://www.israel21c.org/eyecontrol-gives-locked-in-patients-a-voice/ 5 comments technology
- In Quest for a 'Legal High,' Chemists Outfox the Law - Eye-opening report on "laboratory-adept European entrepreneurs" who make and sell synthetic recreational drugs, such as mephedrone, Nopaine. When governments ban a particular drug, makers just change the formula http://online.wsj.com/article/sb10001424052748704763904575550200845267526.html 151 comments worldnews