- Due-Process Rights Don’t Apply in an Impeachment Trial https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/01/trump-has-no-right-due-process-his-impeachment-trial/605641/ 14 comments politics
- Could Putin Be Impeached? "Theoretically Yes...The process would require that Putin be charged with “high treason or another grave crime” which the invasion of Ukraine easily warrants." https://en.as.com/en/2022/03/02/latest_news/1646239064_840084.html 13 comments worldnews
- Republicans Ask Biden to Stop Impeachment in the “Spirit of Healing.” AOC Says That’s BS. | “The process of healing is separate and in fact requires accountability.” https://www.motherjones.com/2020-elections/2021/01/republicans-ask-biden-to-stop-impeachment-in-the-spirit-of-healing-aoc-says-thats-bs/ 79 comments politics
- Impeachment: So what happens now? Your relatively clear guide to a very murky process https://www.salon.com/2019/12/23/impeachment-so-what-happens-now-your-relatively-clear-guide-to-a-very-murky-process/ 9 comments politics
- Opinion: Republicans don’t really have a choice about supporting Trump in the impeachment process https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2019-12-11/republicans-dont-have-choice-about-supporting-trump-in-impeachment-process 18 comments politics
- Trump impeachment hearing: Here's how the process works https://abcnews.go.com/politics/impeachment-process-works/story?id=51202880 4 comments politics
- The Constitution doesn't require a vote to start the impeachment process https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/465402-the-constitution-doesnt-require-a-vote-to-start-the-impeachment-process 454 comments politics
- 9 scenarios for how the Trump-Ukraine impeachment process could end https://www.vox.com/2019/10/7/20898619/trump-impeachment-scenarios-pence-pelosi 9 comments politics
- Wyden Uncertain of McConnell's Handling of Impeachment Process https://www.ijpr.org/post/wyden-uncertain-mcconnells-handling-impeachment-process#stream/0 14 comments politics
- Trump’s impeachment process will keep U.S fact-checkers busy — and they have created cool strategies around it https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2019/trumps-impeachment-process-will-keep-u-s-fact-checkers-busy-and-they-have-created-cool-strategies-around-it/ 3 comments politics
- How the impeachment process works https://thehill.com/homenews/house/464131-how-the-impeachment-process-works 4 comments politics
- Impeaching A U.S. President: How The Process Works https://www.huffpost.com/entry/impeaching-us-president-explainer_n_5d8ab84be4b08f48f4ac6087 3 comments politics
- Schrödinger’s Impeachment: House Democrats have begun the process of impeaching Trump—whether they admit it or not. https://newrepublic.com/article/155063/schrodingers-impeachment 17 comments politics
- The Trump Impeachment Process Began on March 4 https://www.justsecurity.org/65778/the-trump-impeachment-process-began-on-march-4/ 39 comments politics
- Donald Trump Boasts He'll Win 2020 'Easier' If Democrats Start Impeachment Process https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-impeachment-2020-chuck-todd_n_5d0ddaede4b0a3941862d17e 40 comments politics
- Klobuchar supports Trump impeachment process ‘beginning now’ https://www.apnews.com/92e6620699c04be49e754c480d5396d1 13 comments politics
- A.O.C. Slams Pelosi's Anti-Impeachment Argument as “Neglect of Due Process” | Vanity Fair https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/05/aoc-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-slams-nancy-pelosi-anti-impeachment-argument 44 comments politics
- How the Impeachment Process Works https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/17/us/politics/how-the-impeachment-process-works-trump-clinton.html?ribbon-ad-idx=3&rref=politics&module=ribbon&version=context&region=header&action=click&contentcollection=politics&pgtype=article 9 comments politics
- Impeaching Trump: The Process Begins Now http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/impeaching-trump_us_5869b806e4b0eb586489f3a4 529 comments politics
- Why don't the people who's state representatives voted against the unemployment extension start the impeachment process? http://www.ehow.com/how_2096900_recall-us-senator.html 51 comments politics
- Iowa senator Joni Ernst put on the spot by impeachment process https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/11/iowa-senator-joni-ernst-impeachment-trump 12 comments politics
- White House argues in letter that Pelosi is holding an illegitimate impeachment process https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/impeachment-inquiry-10-08-2019/h_fd14ebd258aa52889927972ef3768aae 5 comments politics
- Sources say Pelosi preparing House action amid growing calls to start the impeachment process https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/24/politics/democrats-impeachment-strategy/index.html 4 comments politics
- Sources say Pelosi preparing House action amid growing calls to start the impeachment process https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/24/politics/democrats-impeachment-strategy/index.html?adkey=bn 214 comments politics
- Puerto Rico legislature begins impeachment process against Gov. Ricardo Rossello | The Japan Times https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/07/25/world/crime-legal-world/puerto-rico-legislature-begins-impeachment-process-gov-ricardo-rossello/#.xtkte49oniu 3 comments worldnews
- Ted Lieu Says Congress Will Start Impeachment Process If Trump Fires Investigators http://time.com/4822829/donald-trump-ted-lieu-congress-impeachment/ 29 comments politics
- Can ordinary citizens begin the impeachment process? One group thinks so. http://impeachforpeace.org/impeachnow.html 15 comments politics
- On Impeachment, Fast Is Fine; A slower impeachment process may uncover more facts. But a fast impeachment may be more constitutionally prudent. https://thebulwark.com/on-impeachment-fast-is-fine/ 7 comments politics
- What is impeachment? What is the step by step process and what happens next if President Trump is impeached? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-is-impeachment-what-is-the-step-by-step-process-and-what-happens-next-if-president-trump-is-impeached-after-inquiry/ 13 comments politics
- Impeachement process started against Governor Robert Bentley | "Articles of Impeachment have been drafted by Representative Ed Henry against Governor Robert Bentley. Representative Henry says he started drafting the articles on Monday. He'll file them once the House reconvenes next week. " http://www.waaytv.com/appnews/articles-of-impeachment-filed-against-governor-robert-bentley/article_c57e2e94-f6b6-11e5-8045-a7101b8c0531.html 9 comments politics
- Trump lawyer claims lack of due process in House impeachment. 3 reasons the law doesn’t back him up https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2019/oct/10/trump-lawyer-claims-lack-due-process-house-impeach/ 63 comments politics
- Harris bashes Kavanaugh's 'sham' nomination process, calls for his impeachment after sexual misconduct allegation https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/461483-harris-bashes-kavanaughs-sham-nomination-process-calls-for-his-impeachment 19 comments politics
- Trump impeachment: Pelosi to hold vote on sending articles to Senate for final showdown - Expected vote paves way for contentious trial in the Senate, where it remains unclear how the process may play out https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-impeachment-vote-senate-trial-schedule-pelosi-latest-a9283326.html 3 comments politics
- The outcome of the impeachment process is no longer certain. The allegations in John Bolton's unpublished book could disrupt what was seen as a predetermined outcome. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/impeachment-portend-200128141047301.html 9 comments politics
- Pelosi Won’t Rule Out Impeachment to Block Trump SCOTUS Pick: Pelosi said that Democrats have “arrows in our quiver” in order to stall the process of confirming President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. https://www.thedailybeast.com/nancy-pelosi-wont-rule-out-impeachment-to-block-trump-scotus-pick?ref=home 261 comments politics
- US House prepares for historic vote to formalize Trump impeachment process; Thursday vote – expected to pass along party lines – would set road map that could lead to decision by year’s end https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/30/us-house-prepares-for-historic-vote-to-formalize-trump-impeachment-process 16 comments politics
- From Oliver Stone to Noam Chomnsky, highly influential international artists and intellectuals published a letter condemning the impeachment process against suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Thursday. http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/noam-chomsky-oliver-stone-sign-letter-against-brazils-coup-20160825-0027.html 115 comments worldnews
- A sharply divided House approves the rules for its impeachment inquiry of President Trump. The near party-line 232-196 roll call was the chamber's first formal vote on a process that's likely to take months, possibly stretching into the 2020 election year. https://apnews.com/ac8e83d06aea4f1a82b7d1e95bbaeb40?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=ap 7 comments politics
- Trump invokes Clinton impeachment in latest attack: "She's married to a man who got impeached for lying," Trump said of the likely Democratic nominee. "He was impeached and he had to go through a whole big process and it wasn't easy. He was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman." http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/07/politics/donald-trump-bill-clinton-impeachment-hillary-clinton/ 844 comments politics
- GOP begins impeachment process, but not against Obama: House Republicans filed papers Tuesday to begin impeachment proceedings against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen over the agency’s alleged campaign to revoke the tax-exempt status of tea party-affiliated groups. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/gop-begins-impeachment-process-not-against-obama?cid=sm_fb_maddow 13 comments politics