Hacker News
- SHA-256 0573e7473 https://susam.net/sha-256-0573e7473.html 11 comments
- Visualize Your SHA-256 https://deepnote.com/app/filips-space-of-love/SHA-256-algorithm-visualization-Duplicate-a1b50692-b6f2-4624-8069-34cfc1ea191e 2 comments
- Has SHA-256 been broken? https://www.treadwell-stanton.com/services/latest-news 24 comments
- Updating the Git protocol for SHA-256 https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/823352/ea717c1e49390505/ 146 comments
- Show HN: SHA-256 Animation https://github.com/in3rsha/sha256-animation 102 comments
- SHA-256 Certificates Are Coming https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/05/14/sha256.html 42 comments
- Show HN: Generate random colors from text with SHA-256 https://hashue.link 2 comments
- The SHA-256 hash of this sentence begins with 0573e7473 https://mastodon.social/@susam/113465877615338066 2 comments
- First practical SHA-256 collision for 31 steps. fse2024 https://twitter.com/jedisct1/status/1772647350554464448 60 comments
- The SHA-256 Project: learn how hash functions work by implementing one yourself https://github.com/oconnor663/sha256_project 45 comments
- Representing SHA-256 Hashes As Avatars https://francoisbest.com/posts/2021/hashvatars 7 comments cryptography , graphics
- Intel SHA Extensions for hardware offloading of SHA-1 and SHA-256 http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-sha-extensions 4 comments hardware , security
- How SHA-256 Works Step-By-Step https://blog.boot.dev/cryptography/how-sha-2-works-step-by-step-sha-256/ 29 comments programming
- How SHA-256 Works Step-By-Step https://blog.boot.dev/cryptography/how-sha-2-works-step-by-step-sha-256/ 6 comments programming
- SHA-256 explained step-by-step visually https://sha256algorithm.com/ 4 comments crypto
- How SHA-256 Works Step-By-Step https://qvault.io/cryptography/how-sha-2-works-step-by-step-sha-256/ 42 comments programming
- How SHA-2 works step-by-step (SHA-256) https://qvault.io/2020/07/08/how-sha-2-works-step-by-step-sha-256/ 21 comments programming
- Is Ethereum SHA-256? https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4m0zlz/is_ethereum_sha256/ 15 comments ethereum
- Multiparty Computation of SHA-256 https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/157.pdf 13 comments crypto
- A Boolean Circuit for SHA-256 http://stevengoldfeder.com/projects/circuits/sha2circuit.html 17 comments programming
- Trying to Figure Out the Inner Workings of SHA-256 https://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/74vsnt/trying_to_figure_out_the_inner_workings_of_sha256/ 4 comments crypto
- SHA-256 Compatibility [Globalsign] https://support.globalsign.com/customer/portal/articles/1499561-sha-256-compatibility 8 comments netsec
- Whatever happened to SHA-256 support in Git? [LWN.net] https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/898522/9cf50ee3f96f90c1/ 8 comments git
- Is this visual representations of SHA-256 hashes bogus? https://francoisbest.com/posts/2021/hashvatars 18 comments crypto
- Representing SHA-256 Hashes As Avatars https://francoisbest.com/posts/2021/hashvatars 112 comments programming
- SHA-256 Hashed CSP not as useful because of no IE11 support? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/acnj0f/sha256_hashed_csp_not_as_useful_because_of_no/ 3 comments webdev
- NSA has stopped recommending P-256, SHA-256, and AES-128. https://www.nsa.gov/ia/programs/suiteb_cryptography/index.shtml 7 comments ethereum
- NSA has stopped recommending P-256, SHA-256, and AES-128. https://www.nsa.gov/ia/programs/suiteb_cryptography/index.shtml 35 comments technology
- What Is SHA-256? A Deep Explanation of Bitcoin's Hashing Algorithm https://blog.boot.dev/cryptography/how-sha-2-works-step-by-step-sha-256/ 4 comments bitcoin
- [Serious] Can BTC and BCH coexist from a SHA-256 perspective? https://memo.cash 53 comments btc
- Is verifying a sensitive dataset with a public SHA-256 a bad idea? https://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/6wct06/is_verifying_a_sensitive_dataset_with_a_public/ 57 comments crypto
- Best way to reduce chance of SHA-256 hash collisions? http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/1170/best-way-to-reduce-chance-of-hash-collisions-multiple-hashes-or-larger-hash/1172#1172 13 comments crypto
- Hashpower Heatmap of all SHA-256 blocks from 2009 to today [new analytics tool] https://nakamoto.observer/hashmap 17 comments btc
- I want to stick with the original experiment: SHA-256 PoW, 21 million coins, unrestricted blocks https://twitter.com/_cryptomic/status/992019689428598784 75 comments btc
- Now that SHA-1 has been broken, what would it take for crackers to break SHA-256 or SHA-512? Is it just a matter of processor time? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/5xaeqy/now_that_sha1_has_been_broken_what_would_it_take/ 17 comments askscience
- Intel will deliver a blockchain accelerator that has over 1000x better performance per watt than mainstream GPUs for SHA-256 based mining. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/opinion/thoughts-blockchain-custom-compute-group.html 9 comments btc
- Squire/Coingeeks new SHA-256 ASIC mining chips testing comes in at 18-22TH/S @ 700-800W. WOW! WOW! WOW! https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/10/03/1600530/0/en/Squire-Releases-Positive-Results-From-First-Phase-Testing-Of-New-FPGA-Prototype-ASIC-Microchip.html 8 comments btc
- My thought on the chess game: Post fork: Majority of miners move to BTC-2X. BTC-1X hard forks to change the PoW algo, "firing the miners". Once 1X is committed to the new PoW, all SHA-256 miners (From both 1X and 2X) move to BCH. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7baplc/my_thought_on_the_chess_game_post_fork_majority/ 88 comments btc
- How is SHA-256 not reversible? I.E. Why couldn't you find all acceptable values for bitcoin hashes by reverse-engineering the starting bytes? https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/6ww6lh/how_is_sha256_not_reversible_ie_why_couldnt_you/ 29 comments math
- A new form of mathematical attack against a broad range of cryptographic ciphers, including hash functions (such as MD5, SHA-256) has been presented at the Crypto 2008 conference http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1395888957%20;fp;16;fpid;1 43 comments technology