- Reflex-DOM vs Miso https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/7nxni9/reflexdom_vs_miso/ 42 comments haskell
- You probably know what self-consciousness is. But do you know what 'reflective self-consciousness' is? It is a subject-reflexive awareness of being in a subject-reflexive state. I know, that's just jargon. So here is an explanation (with drawings): https://byrdnick.com/archives/11793/christopher-peacocke-reflective-self-consciousness 9 comments philosophy
- skeleton ghc/ghcjs project using nix, stack, cabal, reflex-platform, intero http://anderspapitto.com/posts/2016-11-12-skeleton-ghc-ghcjs-project.html 16 comments haskell
- Leksah+Reflex+Reflex-Dom out of the (Virtual)Box https://drive.google.com/file/d/0b4uj9fmlxieeuzvct05inhftmhc/view?usp=sharing 10 comments haskell
- Pedro Alvarez makes incredible quick-reflex play, still has annoyingly large hat. http://wapc.mlb.com/play?content_id=30610025&topic_id=51231442 4 comments baseball
- Trump pays for his gag reflex https://www.salon.com/2024/05/02/pays-for-his-gag-reflex/ 19 comments politics
- Portal with RTX Reimagines Valve’s Classic with Full Ray Tracing, NVIDIA DLSS & NVIDIA Reflex https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/portal-with-rtx-ray-tracing/ 104 comments nvidia
- Sony Interactive Entertainment and Santa Monica Studio Bring God of War To PC With NVIDIA DLSS and Reflex | Nvidia Blog https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/god-of-war-pc-announced-dlss-reflex-supported/ 38 comments nvidia
- God Of War is coming on PC with DLSS and Nvidia Reflex support https://store.steampowered.com/app/1593500/God_of_War/?curator_clanid=4777282 94 comments nvidia
- [Oscar Piastri] Nice of the pheasants on the road towards @AlpineF1Team to keep my reflexes sharp during the break, by running right in front of my car https://twitter.com/OscarPiastri/status/1443600416072159250?s=20 28 comments formula1
- Indonesia Unprepared as Great Powers Clash in Indo-Pacific | Jakarta is Asia’s greatest geopolitical prize. But its foreign-policy reflexes are long outdated. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/08/26/indonesia-china-us-geopolitics/ 5 comments geopolitics
- Escape From Tarkov: NVIDIA Reflex Gives Players A Free Upgrade, Reducing System Latency By Up To 38% - Available Now https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/escape-from-tarkov-reflex-out-now/ 45 comments nvidia
- NVIDIA NULL and Reflex vs. AMD Anti-Lag and Radeon Boost - which is better? Latencies in practice! | igor´sLAB https://www.igorslab.de/en/nvidia-zero-and-reflex-vs-at-anti-lag-and-radeon-boost-what-is-better-latencies-in-practice/ 49 comments hardware
- Real life application with Rails and Stimulus Reflex compared to the SPA approach https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/iqqnvg/real_life_application_with_rails_and_stimulus/ 16 comments rails
- Reflexive Connectivity https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/i32tns/reflexive_connectivity/ 4 comments techsupport
- Quick Demo of Reactive UI with Stimulus Reflex https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/h8j14f/quick_demo_of_reactive_ui_with_stimulus_reflex/ 14 comments rails
- Arendt’s “Thoughtfulness” & Bourdieu’s “Reflexivity”: Differences, Similarities & Consequences | Part 1 https://clefthabitus.com/2019/09/24/arendts-thoughtfulness-bourdieus-reflexivity-differences-similarities-consequences-part-1/ 3 comments philosophy
- For Trump, Lying Is a Reflex — Whether it’s the Mueller report or North Korea, the president twists the truth before he even knows what it is. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/03/trump-mueller-report-north-korea-lies.html 29 comments politics
- Federer hits an outrageous reflex volley to save a break point https://streamable.com/839ug 59 comments tennis
- David De Gea amazing reflex save vs Marcus Rashford! https://streamable.com/qzycx 86 comments soccer
- Bartolo Colon showing his great reflexes on a liner right at him https://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2018/08/08/2359041983/1533693986086/asset_2500k.mp4 34 comments baseball
- Donald Trump's vicious assault on immigrant children hits America's moral gag reflex https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/06/20/donald-trump-assault-immigrant-children-shows-americans-harsh-reality-column/715964002/ 7 comments politics
- Blade Master of Mibu: a unique sword fighting game which tests you physical reflexes as well as your mental reflexes and memory [100% off] https://sushimouse.itch.io/blade-master-of-mibu 4 comments linux_gaming
- Matz Sels incredible reflex vs Mbappe (Anderlecht - PSG) https://streamable.com/w8owl 15 comments soccer
- With regards to the Diving Reflex, can we hold our breath longer while underwater than we can on land? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6xtj16/with_regards_to_the_diving_reflex_can_we_hold_our/ 3 comments askscience
- How do people normally combine Snap and Reflex? http://snapframework.com 22 comments haskell
- Simple Reflex Agents https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/5y2g1p/simple_reflex_agents/ 7 comments artificial
- Dialectology of Japanese reflexive exclamations [when unexpectedly splashed with water] http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=30304 29 comments linguistics
- Nick Kyrgios showing his talent and quick reflexes on the net in IPTL https://i.redd.it/4xdhcriv842y.gif 9 comments tennis
- Joe Hart's insane reflexes. https://vine.co/v/i9xr3rXFXhW 26 comments soccer
- You probably notice yourself reflexively clicking “like” on anything your friends post on Facebook, even if it's just to acknowledge you saw it. Scammers are taking advantage of that reflex for a dangerous scam called like-farming http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2016/02/27/dont-click-like-on-facebook-again-until-read-this.html? 3 comments technology
- A reflexive tactic for automated generation of proofs of incidence to an affine variety https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01216750/ 2 comments coq
- Luck + Quick Reflexes = Double Play http://m.mlb.com/det/video/topic/69972428/v41349083/detnym-romine-bare-hands-one-to-start-double-play/?c_id=det 6 comments baseball
- "It really is the case that every new Terrorist incident reflexively produces a single-minded focus on one question: which rights should we take away now/which new powers should we give the Government?" http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/05/13/citizens 15 comments politics
- Instead of spanking, the AAP recommends time-outs, which typically involve denying the child any interaction, positive or negative, for a specified period of time. These quiet moments force children to calm down and think about their emotions rather than acting on them reflexively. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1983895,00.html#ixzz0mxzajbo1 4 comments reddit.com
- Delayed acquisition of neonatal reflexes in newborn primates receiving a thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B vaccine: Influence of gestational age and birth weight http://fourteenstudies.org/pdf/primates_hep_b.pdf 14 comments science
- Reflexivity, and other pillars of civilization http://bertrandmeyer.com/2010/02/06/reflexivity-and-other-pillars-of-civilization/ 24 comments programming
- NYT, re: storeowners self-defense: "For as long as their have been stick-up men, their have been shopkeepers who fought back. Shooting the robbers was in some ways the simplest part, requiring only the reflexes of a survivor, and a gun...The real pain came in the weeks and years that followed." http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/21/nyregion/21shoot.html?hp 24 comments reddit.com
- The first time I've been impressed by Bush since he took office - Incredible Reflexes! http://icantseeyou.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/12/the-first-time-ive-been-impressed-by-bush-since-he-took-office-incredible-reflexes.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Another Palin supporter turns on the AK gov. Kathleen Parker calls for Palin to bow out, saying "My cringe reflex is exhausted. " http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=mdzimdhjytu1nmi5y2mwzjg2mwnimwmyytuxzdkwnte= 26 comments politics