Hacker News
- Medium: Software developers can survive the coming tech crash https://medium.com/@uptimevic/how-software-developers-can-survive-the-coming-tech-crash-796dd8dc5a7e 5 comments
- Don't Post Evergreen Content on Medium https://bts.nomadgate.com/medium-evergreen-content 136 comments
- Switch from Medium to your own blog in a few minutes https://twitter.com/mathieudutour/status/1134448154793914368 13 comments release
- The system is designed to eliminate small-medium businesses, creating big cartels. And although cartels hyper-profit from the elimination of numerous competitors, they fix prices upwards to gain even more, with the working class constantly paying the price. https://twitter.com/failedevolution/status/1541373065241759745 14 comments economy
- Do medium-sized indie projects have any(realistic) chance to secure a famous VA or a license for a popular song? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/afwzpf/do_mediumsized_indie_projects_have_anyrealistic/ 11 comments gamedev
- Students at India’s private English-medium schools can barely read English https://qz.com/india/1362673/indias-private-english-medium-school-students-can-barely-read/ 3 comments india
- [ChrisMedlandF1] All on used softs for the Sprint except: Tsunoda, Ricciardo, Bottas, Zhou (new soft) Magnussen, Hulkenberg (used medium) Sargeant (new medium) https://twitter.com/ChrisMedlandF1/status/1720871625099264422?s=19&t=Tk8Bcoe2bgvOS14gBRYfuw 3 comments formula1
- Language wars in Spain stoked by schools bill - Removal of reference to Spanish as medium of instruction is seen by some as insidious threat to the state https://www.ft.com/content/c49ca091-0f65-4dce-86bc-d0bebd257dd2 149 comments linguistics
- Obama’s Medium statement on police violence protests exposes Trump’s failures https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/6/1/21276918/obama-statement-protests-george-floyd-president-trump 28 comments politics
- My 14 hour long exposure on Sh2-188 (The Dolphin Nebula) from my apartment roof. The bright part of the nebula is the bow shock of a fast moving planetary nebula interacting with the interstellar medium [OC] https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48894116051_dde39c542e_o.png 7 comments space
- How Dark deploys code in 50ms - Darklang - Medium https://medium.com/darklang/how-dark-deploys-code-in-50ms-771c6dd60671 17 comments programming
- typeofNaN – I created a Medium publication that focuses on Javascript fundamentals, tips, and tricks. I would love your submissions if you would like to publish some tutorials or articles! https://medium.com/typeofnan 4 comments javascript
- Will Buxton: Many comments since I posted this regarding Ferrari’s Medium tyre options. LEC started on fresh M, a replacement set for those biffed in Q2, taken from outside his allocation. Thus he still had an additional fresh and used set of M to use in the race. Confirmed by @pirellisport https://twitter.com/wbuxtonofficial/status/1126416157341302785 57 comments formula1
- User published "Bitcoin Anonymity Guide" - Medium account suspended https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ac6ek0/user_published_bitcoin_anonymity_guide_medium/ 3 comments privacy
- A data-driven look at dApp adoption in 2018 – Coinmonks – Medium https://medium.com/coinmonks/a-data-driven-look-at-dapp-adoption-in-2018-4072673e47aa 5 comments ethereum
- The End of the Ad-Supported Web – Unlock – Medium https://medium.com/unlock-protocol/the-end-of-the-ad-supported-web-d4d093fb462f 20 comments webdev
- Rust Quiz: 26 medium to hard Rust questions with complete explanations https://dtolnay.github.io/rust-quiz/18 34 comments rust
- Do one small thing to make a greater impact – Felix Clack – Medium https://medium.com/p/55d0221261bc 5 comments javascript
- It’s Time to Regain Control on your Information – Stephan Hueber – Medium https://medium.com/@hueberstephan500/its-time-to-regain-control-on-your-information-a1eeeee92a6 12 comments privacy
- Do not leak your codebase in private projects – Carlos Galarza – Medium https://medium.com/@carloslfu/do-not-leak-your-codebase-in-private-projects-e99cd2f781c6 11 comments javascript
- GitHub and Medium take down database of ICE employee LinkedIn accounts https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/19/17480912/github-ice-linkedin-scraping-employees 39 comments politics
- Automated TLS with cert-manager and letsencrypt for Kubernetes - Medium https://medium.com/@jessgreb01/7daaa5e0cae4 5 comments kubernetes
- A Hindi Medium drama in real life? Delhi businessman poses as slum dweller to get his son admitted to school http://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/a-hindi-medium-drama-in-real-life-delhi-businessman-poses-as-slum-dweller-to-get-his-son-admitted-to-school/215109?utm_source=inshorts&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=fullarticle 3 comments india
- REST is the new SOAP – Pakal De Bonchamp – Medium https://medium.com/@pakaldebonchamp/rest-is-the-new-soap-97ff6c09896d 32 comments programming
- Poll: When building a small to medium ASP.NET MVC app, where do you prefer to put your application logic/functionality (data merging/processing, etc.)? http://www.poll-maker.com/poll1961424xa04F4592-51 30 comments dotnet
- Accelerating Evolution Through Forking – Fred Ehrsam – Medium https://medium.com/@FEhrsam/accelerating-evolution-through-forking-6b0bba85a2ba 7 comments btc
- Function as Child Components – Merrick Christensen – Medium https://medium.com/merrickchristensen/function-as-child-components-5f3920a9ace9 5 comments javascript
- Showerthought: The Factorio engineer probably has the largest carbon footprint of any one character in any medium. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/6ou4jh/showerthought_the_factorio_engineer_probably_has/ 221 comments factorio
- Jarvis Landry says he and Dolphins seeking contract "happy medium" (via NFL Live) https://twitter.com/schadjoe/status/888486823130955776 13 comments nfl
- pnpm version 1 is out! – pnpm – Medium https://medium.com/pnpm/pnpm-version-1-is-out-935a07af914 36 comments webdev
- Why I’m Leaving Bitcoin Unlimited – Rhett Creighton – Medium https://medium.com/@heyrhett/why-im-leaving-bitcoin-unlimited-becbc5a149d9 107 comments btc
- Made a graceful image loading library similar to what Medium and Facebook use. http://f.cl.ly/items/3h0M2o3W2g2A161f1q0B/preview.html 7 comments javascript
- Wrote my first story on medium today: How to enhance your front-end development workflow using Gulp [looking for feedback] https://medium.com/@0x1ad2/how-to-enhance-your-front-end-development-workflow-using-gulp-cad48ee03552 31 comments webdev
- (medium)Find the longest word given a set of letters and a dictionary. http://chopapp.com/#csir0x8e 15 comments visualbasic
- Importance of directory structure in a medium to large scale Front-End App. Specially an Angular App. http://kashjs.com/2014/12/15/importance-of-directory-structure-in-a-medium-to-large-scale-front-end-app-specially-an-angular-app/ 3 comments angularjs
- Should you trust your company to a $50 template? (Article on Medium) https://medium.com/web-design-code/ebdbd4b2447b 4 comments web_design
- medium to large sized dogs are forcibly removed from their owners and killed in Beijing http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/world/asia/beijing-police-seek-large-and-vicious-suspects-with-wet-noses.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 12 comments worldnews
- NASA Study Shows a Cheap, Medium Power, Ground-Based Laser could put Space Junk out of Harm's Way http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/26512/ 28 comments science
- I need to build a medium range PC http://www.canadacomputers.com/index.php 16 comments hardware
- England v Algeria, retold through the medium of Lego. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/video/2010/jun/21/world-cup-2010-england-algeria-brick 3 comments soccer