Hacker News
- Two Brothers Arrested for Attacking Ethereum Blockchain via MEV https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-brothers-arrested-attacking-ethereum-blockchain-and-stealing-25m-cryptocurrency 15 comments
- Ethereum’s MEV-Boost Affect On The Networks Ecosystem https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/10/05/whats-going-on-with-ethereums-mev-boost/?outputType=amp 6 comments cryptocurrency
- MEV-Day 2022 Summary https://blog.shutter.network/mev-day-devconnect-amsterdam-summary/ 9 comments ethereum
- MEV-Day is coming to Devconnect - Ticket applications now open! https://devconnect.org/ 10 comments ethereum
- Verus to Showcase Scalable, Decentralized Currency Launch and Anti-MEV DeFi Technology for Ethereum and Other Networks at Consensus 2022 -- Launch Currencies, Blockchains, and Develop Multichain Applications Today on Testnet https://medium.com/veruscoin/verus-showcases-scalable-decentralized-currency-launch-and-anti-mev-defi-technology-for-ethereum-96c165e94c1 12 comments cryptocurrency
- ‘Unlucky' MEV bot takes out huge $12M loan just to make $20 in profit https://cointelegraph.com/news/mev-bot-takes-12-million-flash-loan-make-20-profit 78 comments cryptocurrency
- MEV resistant dynamic pricing auction of execution proposal rights https://ethresear.ch/t/mev-resistant-dynamic-pricing-auction-of-execution-proposal-rights/20024 2 comments ethereum
- MEV scam https://binarypastes.com/raw/FFXVQN 8 comments ethereum
- MEV bot pulls $1.7M profit from a single ‘inefficient’ Dogwifhat trade https://cointelegraph.com/news/solana-mev-bot-pulls-1-7-m-profit-from-a-single-dogwifhat-trade 31 comments cryptocurrency
- MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) is an inherent property of any blockchain. The producer of the block decides transaction ordering, and can use this power to extract more value. Transaction accelerating services on Bitcoin are prime examples of MEV⛏️ https://twitter.com/MKjrstad/status/1744275708820546009 14 comments btc
- Why MEV is unavoidable https://mirror.xyz/alexhook.eth/HTFTGJ-t1rnMDIYCRpAk2U66EpTUNwZZB7ZnCJZdU_k 6 comments ethereum
- MEV builder algorithms https://github.com/flashbots/builder/blob/45e865eb2fc20f03f193fc1365e7dc2622c61ced/miner/worker.go 3 comments ethereum
- UniswapX Upgrade Claims Gas-Free Swapping and MEV Protection, UNI Price Jumps https://beincrypto.com/uniswapx-gas-free-swapping-mev-protection-uni-price/ 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Ethereum MEV Bot Gets Attacked for $20M as Validator Strikes Back https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/04/03/ethereum-mev-bot-gets-attacked-for-20m-as-validator-strikes-back/?outputType=amp 9 comments cryptocurrency
- MEV Watch : Post-Merge OFAC Compliant Blocks https://www.mevwatch.info 20 comments ethereum
- What exactly is MEV? https://twitter.com/0xsalazar/status/1578354805390872578?s=21&t=4kefiyzbgWi3gEPWnKxZNQ 10 comments ethereum
- This MEV bot gained and lost over $1M in 1 hour https://cryptoslate.com/this-mev-bot-gained-and-lost-over-1m-in-1-hour/ 17 comments cryptocurrency
- I developed this Twitter bot to draw attention to significantly high MEV Boost proposer payments. https://twitter.com/Nero_ETH/status/1573969104175828994?s=19&t=6D2YuutG2bEfq2SJBgR2wg 11 comments ethereum
- MEV Boost Proposer Payments over Slots https://twitter.com/Nero_ETH/status/1572616101099347968?s=19&t=TNHU9y72joBHOHxg9HYRCg 4 comments ethereum
- MEV Boost - Builder -> Relay Flow https://twitter.com/Nero_ETH/status/1571721524683444225?s=19&t=IKCwS0DVk-83Lsm_2Ld2HA 2 comments ethereum
- Rolling Shutter: MEV protection built into Layer 2 on Ethereum https://blog.shutter.network/announcing-rolling-shutter/ 7 comments ethereum
- Just-In-Time Liquidity: How MEV Can Enhance DeFi on Ethereum https://maxbit.cc/just-in-time-liquidity-how-mev-can-enhance-defi-on-ethereum/ 16 comments ethereum
- What The Heck is Maximal Extractable Value (MEV)? - Part 1 https://shutter.ghost.io/what-the-heck-is-miner-extractable-value-a-series-about-mev-basics/ 43 comments ethereum
- MEV: A False Utopia? https://medium.com/onomy-protocol/what-is-miner-extractable-value-mev-2ef695945afa 3 comments ethereum
- Tezos in-process upgrade bringing timelock for MEV protection, views for efficient internal contract calls, and caching for even lower gas costs. Next upgrade by EOY to swap consensus for fast deterministic finality, and possibly optimistic rollups! https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/milestones/43 14 comments cryptocurrency
- Video footage of a Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV) docking with a satellite in orbit. These vehicles carry additional propellant and are designed to fly the satellite, increasing their lifespan. https://youtu.be/JUnA88PQY3k 3 comments space
- Mission Extension Vehicle - IR Footage of MEV-2’s Rendezvous with IS-10-02 in Geostationary Orbit https://youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=share&v=JUnA88PQY3k 4 comments space
- Eden Network Raises $17.4M to Tackle Frontrunning, MEV on Ethereum https://decrypt.co/80459/eden-network-raises-17-4m-tackle-frontrunning-mev-ethereum?amp%3Butm_campaign=sm&%3Butm_medium=social 7 comments ethereum
- MEV Research Breakthrough -- Committee-driven MEV smoothing https://ethresear.ch/t/committee-driven-mev-smoothing/10408 3 comments ethereum
- Tokenizing ETH2 & MEV (Boosting staking yields ~100% with MEV) https://swivel.substack.com/p/eth2-mevvev-and-tokenized-cash-flows 12 comments cryptocurrency
- MEV Explained - Hey guys, I just made a video explaining MEV. LMK your input, I'd love some constructive criticism on my videos to make the future ones better :) https://youtu.be/fBR5Rjwk5C4 3 comments ethereum
- The Merge, 0x02, MEV, and the Future of the Protocol https://medium.com/rocket-pool/the-merge-0x02-mev-and-the-future-of-the-protocol-c7451337ec40 2 comments cryptocurrency
- How does MEV affect YOU? Find out if you’ve been sandwiched (eth lost to front-running bots during trades) using sandwiched.wtf by Alchemist Coin. Then protect yourself by using mistx.io, a gasless exchange and the world’s first FlashDex which uses Flashbots tech to protect you from MEV attacks. https://sandwiched.wtf/ 13 comments cryptocurrency
- EU / Space - On 15 August 2020, Ariane 5 flight VA253 lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, France and delivered two telecom satellites Galaxy-30 and BSAT-4B, and the Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV-2), into their planned transfer orbits. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ih9j7l 4 comments europe
- Are there better pics/views of how this MEV-1 is refueling and “shepherding” an aging satellite? Is this a game changer at all? https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/satellite-almost-empty-gets-life-200604073.html 4 comments space
- First high-precision measurement of the mass of the W boson at the LHC - The reported result gives a value of 80370±19 MeV for the W mass, which is consistent with the expectation from the Standard Model of Particle Physics https://atlas.cern/updates/press-statement/first-high-precision-measurement-mass-w-boson-lhc 37 comments science
- How Does the Equipment in Hospitals/Labs Produce Gamma Rays in the MeV range? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6p1lrz/how_does_the_equipment_in_hospitalslabs_produce/ 54 comments askscience
- Accused of cow slaughter, BJP leader Anwar Mev booked under NSA, expelled from party http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/50798569.cms 38 comments india
- "I exist, therefore the carbon-12 nucleus must possess an energy level at 7.65 MeV." Hoyle was convinced that the nuclei of the atoms in our bodies were assembled from hydrogen in the furnaces of stars. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2003/mar/13/research.science/print 163 comments science
- This is a rarely witnessed sight. A miniature "lightning bolt" is forcing its way out of a highly charged block of acrylic. A 5 million electron volt (MeV) linear accelerator was used to force a tremendous number of high energy electrons deep inside the block. [Pic] 77 comments science