Hacker News
- Carrot – Building Towards GPT-3 of Computer Vision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7zcc8iZ0YA 2 comments
- Serverless development experience for embedded computer vision https://github.com/pipeless-ai/pipeless 8 comments
- Using computer vision to prove that dress is white and gold http://austingwalters.com/that-dress-is-gold-and-white/ 2 comments
- Is Computer Vision a field with career prospects? https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/75cqu2/is_computer_vision_a_field_with_career_prospects/ 12 comments artificial
- I programmed a computer vision application to solve algebra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ovaXLNC5I 205 comments programming
- The current state of computer vision. https://imgflip.com/i/nm1k6 9 comments computervision
- I'm excited about the positive possibilities in computer vision. https://www.reddit.com/r/deaf/comments/jfakj3/hi_im_new_here_i_wanted_to_share_this_and_learn/ 13 comments technology
- Computer vision: Why it’s hard to compare AI and human perception https://bdtechtalks.com/2020/08/10/computer-vision-deep-learning-vs-human-perception/ 3 comments artificial
- Computer Vision for Busy Developers: Finding Edges https://medium.com/@vad710/cv-for-busy-developers-finding-edges-836aa58e0bb5 3 comments computervision
- Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming http://www.computervisiononline.com/books/1784398284 4 comments computervision
- Serverless development experience for embedded computer vision https://github.com/pipeless-ai/pipeless 2 comments rust
- Synthetic Data Generation for Computer Vision in Blender (part 1) https://5agado.medium.com/synthetic-data-generation-for-computer-vision-in-blender-part-1-6926819b11e6 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- [R] 3DB: A Framework for Debugging Computer Vision Models https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.03805 2 comments machinelearning
- Robust Computer Vision Chess Analysis and Interaction with a Humanoid Robot https://res.mdpi.com/computers/computers-08-00014/article_deploy/html/images/computers-08-00014-g001-550.jpg 4 comments chess
- Ultimate List of Youtube Channels for Deep Learning and Computer Vision http://www.codingwoman.com/youtube-channels-for-deep-learning-and-computer-vision/ 4 comments artificial
- Computer vision application to evaluate basic handwritten mathematical expressions http://www.willforfang.com/computer-vision/2016/4/9/artificial-intelligence-for-handwritten-mathematical-expression-evaluation 4 comments computervision
- Disguise detection with a Raspberry Pi + computer vision http://www.aicbt.com/disguise-detection/ 4 comments raspberry_pi
- Computer Vision in the Real World – Why SIGGRAPH Probably Won’t Help You http://blog.bitgym.com/2013/09/computer-vision-in-the-real-world-why-siggraph-probably-wont-help-you/ 13 comments programming
- Building Rome in a Day : pretty impressive application of computer vision http://grail.cs.washington.edu/rome/ 12 comments programming
- Microsoft's Vision for Future Computing (requires Quicktime) http://osnews.com/story/21165/microsoft_s_vision_for_future_computing 4 comments technology
- Awesome R&D content (with code!) on Computer Vision News of January 2022. https://www.rsipvision.com/ComputerVisionNews-2022January/ 2 comments artificial
- [R] Learning to Resize Images for Computer Vision Tasks https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.09950 4 comments machinelearning
- @ImageCaptions, a Twitter bot that attempts to caption random photos using Computer Vision https://twitter.com/imagecaptions 3 comments programming
- Finally launching my bootstrapped project, 2 years in the making: BodyWHAT - Estimate your bodyfat with Computer vision http://bodywhat.com 46 comments startups
- Virtual ball pit -- computer vision plus 2d physics! Works in realtime! http://methodart.blogspot.com/2008/06/virtual-ball-pit-from-kevin-atkinson-on.html 18 comments programming
- The dumb reason your fancy Computer Vision app isn’t working: Exif Orientation https://medium.com/@ageitgey/the-dumb-reason-your-fancy-computer-vision-app-isnt-working-exif-orientation-73166c7d39da 28 comments programming
- UPDATE: A review of 6 Python Deep Learning Computer Vision Courses (WARNING LONG). https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/bodk3r/update_a_review_of_6_python_deep_learning/ 23 comments datascience
- Using Computer Vision To Make A Real-Life SimCity https://www.grassland.network 20 comments compsci
- Dov Katz, the head of computer vision at Oculus VR, arrested in underage sex sting http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/12/27/tech-exec-nabbed-in-underage-sex-sting.html 7 comments technology
- Snapchat Quietly Acquires Computer Vision Startup Seene: 3D Selfies Coming Soon http://www.techtimes.com/articles/163143/20160606/snapchat-quietly-acquires-computer-vision-startup-seene-3d-selfies-coming-soon.htm 6 comments technology
- You can hate on emoticons, but respect the AutoSmiley Computer Vision Smiley Generator -- open source :) http://fffff.at/auto-smiley 4 comments reddit.com
- $SNE, MASSIVE DOUBLE DICK INSIDE. Poised to moon long-term (Computer vision boom, EV boom, autonomous driving tech, gaming boom, music streaming boom, cross-media IP, vertically integrated anime streaming monopoly, online medical services boom, shift to mirrorless cameras) https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l3me3t/sne_massive_double_dick_inside_poised_to_moon/ 86 comments wallstreetbets
- This new Object-Recognition Dataset, ‘ObjectNet’, stumped the leading Computer Vision Models [Paper and Link included in article] https://www.marktechpost.com/2019/12/11/this-new-object-recognition-dataset-objectnet-stumped-the-leading-computer-vision-models/ 4 comments artificial
- OpenCV-Inspired Kornia Is a Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch https://medium.com/syncedreview/opencv-inspired-kornia-is-a-differentiable-computer-vision-library-for-pytorch-63b7c84d273d 6 comments compsci
- Logo Crunch is a multi-resolution logo maker, it uses computer vision to make your high-res logo legible at lower resolutions. Use it for a website favicon, iOS app icon or Android app icon. http://brandmark.io/logo-crunch/ 30 comments web_design
- Head Of Computer Vision Engineer At Oculus Arrested In Sting After Soliciting Sex From 15 Year Old Female https://www.vrandfun.com/vr-news/head-of-computer-vision-engineer-at-oculus-arrested-in-sting-after-soliciting-sex-from-15-year-old-female/ 3 comments technology
- Tesla is about to increase its lead in semi-autonomous driving w/ ‘Tesla Vision’: computer vision based on NVIDIA’s parallel computing https://electrek.co/2016/10/10/tesla-vision-autopilot-autonomous-driving-nvidia-cuda/ 20 comments hardware
- I think many here will be glad to hear about a new magazine for the CV community: it is called Computer Vision News. http://www.rsipvision.com/ComputerVisionNews-2016April 8 comments computervision
- Genius of Einstein, Fourier key to new humanlike computer vision: Two new techniques for computer-vision technology mimic how humans perceive three-dimensional shapes by instantly recognizing objects no matter how they are twisted or bent, an advance that could help machines see more like people. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-genius-einstein-fourier-key-humanlike.html 4 comments science
- "When the feds seized his computer, they found five terabytes of encrypted data. Experts at Carnegie Mellon University’s Computer Emergency Response Team eventually cracked Vision’s crypto." http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/02/max-vision-sentencing/ 14 comments reddit.com