Hacker News
- AI in the Arts Is the Destruction of the Film Industry. We Can't Go Quietly https://www.newsweek.com/ai-arts-destruction-film-industry-we-cant-go-quietly-opinion-1800983 18 comments
- NFTs Go Mainstream in London Art Gallery's AI Exhibition https://decrypt.co/83781/nfts-go-mainstream-in-london-art-gallery 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Danhausen: “Do not tell Danhausen he gets injured a lot (twice in 10 years) when he can go to your page and see you post lame ass AI “art” nonstop.” https://twitter.com/danhausenad/status/1659348747489247235?s=46&t=O6U48oxEoP7eb_8-viIxdQ 143 comments squaredcircle
- DeepMind's new MuZero AI has achieved state-of-the-art performance at chess, go, and 57 different Atari games, all without any prior knowledge of the games' rules or dynamics. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-03051-4 20 comments science
- Fake AI law firms are sending fake DMCA threats to generate fake SEO gains - Why would someone go to the trouble of making a law firm out of NameCheap, stock art, and AI images (and seemingly copy) to send quasi-legal demands to site owners? Backlinks, that's why. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/fake-ai-law-firms-are-sending-fake-dmca-threats-to-generate-fake-seo-gains/ 4 comments law