Hacker News
- Gen-3 Alpha: A New Frontier for Video Generation https://runwayml.com/blog/introducing-gen-3-alpha/ 2 comments
- Generating and Visualizing Alpha with Vectorspace AI Datasets and Canvas https://www.elastic.co/blog/generating-and-visualizing-alpha-with-vectorspace-ai-datasets-and-canvas 4 comments
- Wolfram Alpha automatically generate code from natural language question http://blog.wolfram.com/2016/12/12/launching-wolframalpha-open-code/ 2 comments
- Behind Wolfram Alpha’s Mathematical Induction-Based Proof Generator http://blog.wolfram.com/2016/07/14/behind-wolframalphas-mathematical-induction-based-proof-generator/ 6 comments
- Schema graduates from alpha with support for Clojure test data generation http://blog.getprismatic.com/schema-1-0-released/ 3 comments
- How much activity does a Paul Graham essay generate? Check out our startup alpha http://www.tribevibe.com/track/link/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.paulgraham.com%2Fyahoo.html 2 comments
- nEXT Browser: A nEXT Generation Extensible Lisp Browser – Alpha https://next-browser.github.io/ 12 comments
- NoisePNG - Generate noisy PNG-images with alpha-transparency. Great for backgrounds! http://noisepng.com/ 30 comments web_design
- MSSQL Stored proc - C# (net.core) - Dapper => generator (pre-alpha) https://github.com/PensionLab/dapper-sql-generator 4 comments csharp
- Alpha: 'Unicornus' HTML Form Generation Library https://github.com/Inkmi/unicornus 2 comments golang
- Alpha version of Vale's generational reference counting allocator as a Rust library. https://github.com/Kile-Asmussen/genref 9 comments rust
- What Is 'Generation Alpha'? - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2020/02/generation-after-gen-z-named-alpha/606862/ 4 comments politics
- Procedural Pixel Art Generator In Alpha https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/a3awub/procedural_pixel_art_generator_in_alpha/ 5 comments gamedev
- SmolModels – A Python framework for generating ML models from descriptions (Alpha) https://github.com/plexe-ai/smolmodels 10 comments python
- Generation Alpha: "Let's show this grandmaster how kindergarten is playing —10-year-old Yagiz Kaan Erdogmus to Evgeny Romanov" https://www.chess.com/news/view/12-year-old-erdogmus-breaks-polgars-historic-rating-record 2 comments chess
- Scaffold - A low-code http api generator written in Go (pre-alpha) https://github.com/dorian3343/Scaffold 3 comments golang
- Alphredo — Alpha colors generator https://alphredo.app/ 11 comments web_design
- PixelGen Alpha Officially Available For Testing/Modification (Procedural Pixel Art Generator) https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/a3p414/pixelgen_alpha_officially_available_for/ 7 comments gamedev
- Zombie Battleground - The New Generation of CCG/TCG by Loom Network - Marketplace Alpha ALIVE https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/328862817/zombie-battleground-the-new-generation-of-ccg-tcg/posts/2251737?ref=euahx9b 13 comments ethereum
- Zombie Battleground - The New Generation of CCG/TCG by Loom Network - Alpha VIDEO!!!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/328862817/zombie-battleground-the-new-generation-of-ccg-tcg/posts/2247322 9 comments ethereum
- A static website generator using elm for HTML and CSS [Alpha] - hacked this together last night, tell me what you think. https://github.com/franzskuffka/stelm 7 comments elm
- Behind Wolfram|Alpha’s Mathematical Induction-Based Proof Generator http://blog.wolfram.com/2016/07/14/behind-wolframalphas-mathematical-induction-based-proof-generator/ 16 comments math
- Angular2 Alpha Gulp/Slush Generator || Work-in-progress but it'll get you started with the angular/quickstart repo. https://github.com/thevelourfog/slush-angular2 3 comments angularjs
- Try Angular2's alpha today with Yeoman Generator Angular2 https://github.com/swirlycheetah/generator-angular2 5 comments angularjs
- nEXT Browser: A nEXT Generation Extensible Lisp Browser - Alpha https://next-browser.github.io 322 comments programming
- (Alpha) README badge generator for Ruby versions - feedback and testing appreciated! https://ruby-version-badger.herokuapp.com/ 7 comments ruby
- Millennials gave birth to 'Generation Alpha.' Are these kids already doomed? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-03-22/generation-alpha-millennial-children 31 comments economy
- Yuri Milner is spending $100 million on a probe that could travel to Alpha Centauri within a generation—and he's recruited Mark Zuckerberg and Stephen Hawking to help. In an interview with The Atlantic, Milner makes his case for star travel. http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/04/yuri-milner-zuckerberg-starshot-interstellar-centauri/477669/ 4 comments space
- Paul Rouget of Mozilla has shared plans for making an initial alpha release of their next-generation Servo Engine and Servo-based Browser.html web browser release for this summer. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=servo-browser-june-plan 2 comments technology
- Java example code to generate random Alpha Numeric text which is not easy to guess. Can be used for captcha program. http://www.srccodes.com/p/article/15/example-to-generate-random-alpha-numeric-text 4 comments java
- WE'VE all heard of Gen X, Gen Y, even Gen Z - but in January we go to a whole new alphabet and welcome to the world the next instalment: Generation Alpha. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26351988-36398,00.html 4 comments worldnews
- Public Alpha: Doclets.io - JSDoc goes CI. Simple automated API-Doc generation for Javascript https://doclets.io 4 comments node
- Public alpha: Doclet.io - JSDoc goes CI. Simple automated API-Doc generation for Javascript. https://doclets.io 4 comments javascript
- My story generation AI engine will be entering alpha soon. It's by far the coolest project that I've ever worked on. Care to take a look? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/2sglf4/after_a_lot_of_debacle_my_open_source_ai_engine/ 4 comments programming
- Inside Starshot, the audacious plan to shoot tiny ships to Alpha Centauri: Plan to build a laser so powerful that it could accelerate tiny spacecraft to 20% of the speed of light, getting them to Alpha Centauri in just 20 years. We could become interstellar explorers within a single generation. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613759/starshot-alpha-centauri-laser/ 1476 comments space