- 'Calexit': Proposal Submitted for California to Secede from US http://abc7.com/politics/calexit-proposal-submitted-for-california-to-secede-from-us/1619134/ 44 comments politics
- 'Calexit': Proposal Submitted for California to Secede from US http://abc7.com/politics/calexit-proposal-submitted-for-california-to-secede-from-us/1619134/ 13 comments politics
- Life in California could be surprisingly normal if 'Calexit' happens and the state secedes from the US https://finance.yahoo.com/news/heres-could-happen-california-had-211500092.html 33 comments politics
- Life in California could be surprisingly normal if 'Calexit' happens and the state secedes from the US http://www.businessinsider.com/what-would-happen-if-calexit-happens-2016-11 130 comments politics