Hacker News
- What does genius look like in math? Where does it come? Dandelin spheres [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQa_tWZmlGs 11 comments
- Trump’s Ukraine policy makes Biden look like a genius https://thehill.com/opinion/international/5177702-trumps-ukraine-policy-makes-biden-look-like-a-genius/ 43 comments politics
- Data geniuses have figured out what the ultimate U.S. road trip looks like http://knowmore.washingtonpost.com/2015/03/10/data-geniuses-have-figured-out-what-the-ultimate-u-s-road-trip-looks-like/?tid=sm_fb 13 comments worldnews
- GOP Candidates Make Trump Look Like a Genius for Skipping Mudslinging Debate https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-candidates-rip-each-other-at-debatejust-not-the-guy-ripping-them 31 comments politics
- Intel's Memory Chip Exit Looks Like a Genius Move https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/12/28/intels-memory-chip-exit-looks-like-a-genius-move/ 2 comments technology
- [Reynolds] Jae Crowder on signing with Phoenix: "I look like a genius." https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/nzdhbr/reynolds_jae_crowder_on_signing_with_phoenix_i/ 224 comments nba
- Swalwell: Trump 'makes us look like geniuses every day for impeaching him' https://thehill.com/homenews/house/505816-swalwell-trump-makes-us-look-like-geniuses-every-day-for-impeaching-him 107 comments politics
- Rep. Swalwell: Trump 'makes us look like geniuses every day for impeaching him' https://www.yahoo.com/news/skullduggery-eric-swalwell-trump-impeachment-232509599.html 139 comments politics
- So does Dan Gilbert look like a genius now for not trading for Paul George? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/6veyx7/so_does_dan_gilbert_look_like_a_genius_now_for/ 5 comments nba
- The Next President Is Lucky - Whoever wins the election will get to preside over a growing economy and look like a genius http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2012/11/romney_obama_and_economics_the_economy_s_already_recovering_so_whoever_wins.html 1009 comments politics
- Pochettino: "It's hard to enjoy games from the touchline but I try, I look calm from the outside but inside you are a bit stressed... Our job is to put these type of talents, geniuses, to work like a team and feel like we are a real team. That is the challenge for us." | Post-Match Interview https://streamable.com/0emcai 48 comments soccer
- Djokovic was so indecipherable that Nadal, who had played him 52 times before, looked like he was reading James Joyce in Swahili. He kept going in one direction, the ball in another. You can’t translate genius in such a mood. Over 269 points in the semis and final, Djokovic made only 14 mistakes. https://www.livemint.com/mint-lounge/features/opinion-the-beautiful-savagery-of-perfection-1550219239460.html 86 comments tennis
- [TommyWTF1] If Hamilton has an issue, Mercedes have sacrificed a chance to win and will look like idiots. If Bottas does hold up Verstappen they’ll look like geniuses. Either way it’s clear Merc are willing to completely sacrifice Bottas to give Hamilton any slight point advantage they can. https://twitter.com/TommyWTF1/status/1442045115766280192?s=19 95 comments formula1
- [Tom Bellingham] If Hamilton has an issue, Mercedes have sacrificed a chance to win and will look like idiots. If Bottas does hold up Verstappen they’ll look like geniuses. Either way it’s clear Merc are willing to completely sacrifice Bottas to give Hamilton any slight point advantage they can. https://twitter.com/TommyWTF1/status/1442045115766280192?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet 21 comments formula1