Hacker News
- Why a Front-end developer should also be a UI developer https://www.imaginarycloud.com/blog/why-a-front-end-developer-should-also-be-a-ui-developer/ 2 comments
- Storybook 6.0 your new favourite tool for front-end development https://medium.com/storybookjs/storybook-6-0-1e14a2071000 63 comments
- Front-End Development Explained for Non-Developers http://developintelligence.com/blog/2015/09/02/front-end-development-explained-for-non-developers/ 4 comments programming
- Vercel raises $102M Series C for its front-end development platform https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/23/vercel-raises-102m-series-c-for-its-next-js-based-front-end-development-platform/ 15 comments frontend
- How should I develop the front-end? (help!) https://www.reddit.com/r/django/comments/m8hh0n/how_should_i_develop_the_frontend_help/ 6 comments django
- The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers https://css-tricks.com/the-widening-responsibility-for-front-end-developers/ 80 comments programming
- The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers https://css-tricks.com/the-widening-responsibility-for-front-end-developers/ 3 comments web_design
- Jr. front-end developer portfolio - need advices https://github.com/pecko95 19 comments webdev
- C++ in modern front-end development https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/9wmvjd/c_in_modern_frontend_development/ 48 comments cpp
- Am I ready to apply for Front-End Developer jobs? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/9ld5l7/am_i_ready_to_apply_for_frontend_developer_jobs/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- Photoshop skills for a Front-End development? (2018) https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/8ok1uk/photoshop_skills_for_a_frontend_development_2018/ 16 comments webdev
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2018 https://frontendmasters.com/books/front-end-handbook/2018/ 31 comments webdev
- Front-end developer vs web designer https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/7bh7ud/frontend_developer_vs_web_designer/ 11 comments webdev
- As a Front-End Developer, what should I learn next? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6kuxvz/as_a_frontend_developer_what_should_i_learn_next/ 16 comments webdev
- Is learning how to convert PSDs to HTML as a front-end web developer a waste of time? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5x1aka/is_learning_how_to_convert_psds_to_html_as_a/ 13 comments webdev
- Bare minimum needed to get a job as a front-end developer? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5jj0ew/bare_minimum_needed_to_get_a_job_as_a_frontend/ 35 comments cscareerquestions
- Udacity Nanodegree Review (Front-End Web Development) https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/4m1t70/udacity_nanodegree_review_frontend_web_development/ 38 comments learnprogramming
- Sublime Text packages for Front-end Development https://medium.com/@vilcins/sublime-text-packages-for-front-end-development-d7b35a89e16d 45 comments webdev
- The Boring Front-end Developer by Adam Silver http://thebfed.com/ 52 comments webdev
- Clarifying the 5+ roles of a “Front-End Web Developer” http://wclittle.com/post/105888078351/clarifying-the-5-plus-roles-of-a-front-end-web-developer 5 comments webdev
- Tool to allow front-end developers to build web apps https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gdnb-8orrw9rtfqwmplrzd0rwt1rozxzran9j0rmmcs/edit?usp=sharing 12 comments webdev
- Trying to get a front-end web developer position. Before I apply, can you please critique my resume? http://hire.kerricklong.com/ 31 comments web_design
- HTTP2 for front-end web developers | Matt Wilcox, Web Developer & Tinkerer https://mattwilcox.net/web-development/http2-for-front-end-web-developers 11 comments programming
- A year ago I didn't know a lick of code. Now I'm a full stack developer at a really great startup! Here is a list of front-end related resources and tools that have helped me along my journey. Please contribute to it! https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/d6x50v/a_year_ago_i_didnt_know_a_lick_of_code_now_im_a/ 217 comments learnprogramming
- Gotham - Coffeescript Framework for back-end developers who hate front-end development http://gothamjs.io/ 7 comments javascript
- A collection of front-end development features not supported by Opera Mini and some crowdsourced workarounds for them. https://operamini.tips/ 8 comments web_design
- Everything you might have missed on Front-End web development: CSS / HTML / JavaScript https://www.zfort.com/blog/frontend-digest-january-7-2018/ 3 comments javascript
- Helpful Extensions for Front-end Developers and Designers https://freebiesupply.com/blog/helpful-extensions-for-front-end-developers-and-designers/ 6 comments web_design
- Starting my career as a graduate front-end developer, will I be able to change to software engineer job later? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5jlyue/starting_my_career_as_a_graduate_frontend/ 4 comments cscareerquestions
- Career Advice. My first job as a front-end developer. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/4hwysg/career_advice_my_first_job_as_a_frontend_developer/ 20 comments webdev
- Udacity just released their first nanodegree: Front-End Web Developer. https://www.udacity.com/course/ud304 87 comments learnprogramming
- Text editing techniques every Front-End developer should know https://benfrain.com/text-editing-techniques-every-front-end-developer-should-know/ 55 comments webdev
- Announcing footwork.js! ...a different take on modern front-end development. http://footworkjs.com/ 34 comments javascript
- [Advice Needed] I'm a PHP developer that wants to learn all of this new fancy front-end development stuff... but I have a few questions about frameworks, stacks, and implementation for my "project" https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5llt7g/advice_needed_im_a_php_developer_that_wants_to/ 23 comments webdev
- Should I learn Vue.js as someone who aims to work as full-stack or back-end PHP/Laravel developer. I definitely do not want to become front-end only as designing the look and UI/UX of a website is not my forte. For example, would using Vue.js enhance my Laravel CRUD website in any meaningful way? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/9w3sdf/should_i_learn_vuejs_as_someone_who_aims_to_work/ 6 comments webdev
- Real examples of what a front-end developer does every day - a dev blog. (5 yrs experience) https://notehub.org/99u5r 4 comments programming
- Decrypting the ever-complicating Front-end web development stack http://jefflau.net/decrypting-the-ever-complicating-front-end-web-development-stack/ 20 comments webdev
- Wrote my first story on medium today: How to enhance your front-end development workflow using Gulp [looking for feedback] https://medium.com/@0x1ad2/how-to-enhance-your-front-end-development-workflow-using-gulp-cad48ee03552 31 comments webdev
- Joined startup for another internship, wanted to learn about Front-end Development (frameworks React, Ember etc) but have been given wordpress task by the boss feeling really depressed and bored what can I do? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/an04ay/joined_startup_for_another_internship_wanted_to/ 6 comments cscareerquestions
- I'm the moderator of r/crowdsourcedmedical. We badly need front-end devs. Especially those with react library experience. We're a sub helping to develop 3D printable files for doctors. They're running out of many simple, plastic parts that they rely on, to fight COVID-19. Please help us. https://old.reddit.com/r/crowdsourcedmedical/comments/fkvalk/if_you_want_to_add_yourself_as_a_resource_add_a/ 47 comments web_design