- What Does Today Owe Tomorrow? The typical economic analysis suggests that it is still worth trying to limit climate change — in other words, not only can the damage be reduced somewhat, but the future benefits of doing so outweigh the current costs. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/science/what-does-today-owe-tomorrow.html?referrer= 11 comments science
- Islanders in on O'Reilly trade talks with Buffalo, we are told. Center is owed $7.5M bonus by midnight. Return package obviously would change from today to tomorrow. https://twitter.com/nyp_brooksie/status/1013565715968872448 87 comments hockey
- I got a letter in the mail last week saying I never filed taxes this year. I asked my tax guy what this was about, and today he said he checked and learned that the e-filing didn’t happen and we need to talk tomorrow about next steps including fines. I owe on federal but refund from state. https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/acg95b/i_got_a_letter_in_the_mail_last_week_saying_i/ 31 comments tax