- The Trust Dividend: Why Building a Culture of Trust Supercharges Your Business https://rickgoodman.com/the-trust-dividend-supercharges-your-business/ 2 comments business
- CDC announces sweeping reorganization, aimed at changing the agency's culture and restoring public trust https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/17/health/cdc-announces-sweeping-changes/index.html 358 comments moderatepolitics
- CDC announces sweeping reorganization, aimed at changing the agency's culture and restoring public trust https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/17/health/cdc-announces-sweeping-changes/index.html 34 comments politics
- The answer is a growing lack of trust in the institutions that once defined American culture. http://cuchimes.com/03/2017/trust-vacuum/ 3 comments politics
- What does a good work culture mean to you? How/when do you know you can trust on a coworker/manager? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4mcwfo/what_does_a_good_work_culture_mean_to_you_howwhen/ 47 comments startups
- Mānuka honey trademark bid: UK ruling 'insulting to Māori and our culture', says trust. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/country/458117/manuka-honey-trademark-bid-uk-ruling-insulting-to-maori-and-our-culture-says-trust 34 comments worldnews
- Hawkins to Browns fans: "The culture is changing...Trust me when I say, things are going the right way." http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap3000000772409/hawkins-to-browns-fans-step-away-from-the-ledge?campaign=tw-nn-nfln-video+gmfb-sf50244533-sf50244533 36 comments nfl
- “People in China are not very interested in this decentralization thing,” he says. “In Western culture, people tend not to trust authority … but in China they tend to trust.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2016/02/12/chinas-role-in-bitcoin-how-cultural-differences-are-affecting-the-technologys-progress 20 comments btc
- Undertaker Praises Triple H for Transforming WWE’s Backstage Culture: “Back in the day, if the boss was stressed, everyone else was stressed. Now, there’s a trust in the system that makes a difference.. It’s a completely different atmosphere.” https://www.sescoops.com/news/wwe/undertaker-praises-triple-h-for-transforming-wwes-backstage-culture/ 324 comments squaredcircle
- Hawai‘i Land Trust purchases 642 acres at Mahukona, forever protecting important cultural site on Big Island’s Kohala Coast : Big Island Now https://bigislandnow.com/2023/12/13/hawaii-land-trust-purchases-642-acres-at-mahukona-forever-protecting-important-cultural-site-on-big-islands-kohala-coast/ 3 comments upliftingnews
- A Rural New Deal Could Help Progressives Win Rural America: Championing rural and working-class communities is how progressives can build the trust needed to defuse culture war weapons wielded by the Right. https://inthesetimes.com/article/a-rural-new-deal-could-help-win-rural-america 62 comments politics
- [Wind] We've heard a lot about Heat Culture in the Finals. In Game 4, Miami found out what Nuggets Culture is... "A big part of our culture is trusting one another," Michael Malone said... The Nuggets are 48 minutes away from an NBA Championship. https://twitter.com/HarrisonWind/status/1667475676465704961?s=19&t=VLUwwxWUDSKqpiU6JiNVeQ 374 comments nba
- Educational attainment has a positive and significant impact on the extent to which individuals justify abortion. This holds true when cultural variables (like tolerance/respect and trust) are included. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00346764.2021.2014066?casa_token=SQK90TxTCNEAAAAA%3A--bLIA_xNdRlNhNkrvWPF85rQBxQ9Uj91v40EPPnfScvQQgfeXhvS8ge85LFwHlyVnNxYac5vDkAGQ 2 comments science
- [Begley] Julius Randle says NYK’s culture of family/trust was a factor in why he agreed to the extension: “Even if I left money on the table, I trust in the long run that it’s going to pay off. I trust Leon, I trust Wes, I trust Scott, Thibs, all those guys.” https://twitter.com/IanBegley/status/1431283668673257481 131 comments nba
- OGS: "Our fans know what we have started on. I've been trusted to do job by club. Doesn’t go one way all the time. Foundation has to be laid. Culture has to be set. You don’t start with the roof. We have had a couple of rainy days and we wish the roof was on but we can’t hide." https://twitter.com/sistoney67/status/1220647485514928129?s=09 15 comments soccer
- Russian mercenaries outgunned in Mozambique as Moscow pushes for influence across Africa: “The Russians don’t understand the local culture, don’t trust the soldiers and have to fight in horrible conditions against an enemy that is gaining more and more momentum.” https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/11/19/in-push-for-africa-russias-wagner-mercenaries-are-out-of-their-depth-in-mozambique-a68220 39 comments worldnews
- "If micro-management thrives and there is no trust in your organization, you are looking down the barrel of a toxic work culture." - Some inspiration for our command climate surveys. https://medium.com/swlh/a-toxic-work-culture-is-forcing-high-performing-people-to-quit-ebe34daf202b 32 comments navy
- People are less likely to trust the advice or directions of a person with a foreign accent. According to social experiments conducted by researchers, people tend to trust people from their own "in-group" -- people from a similar linguistic or cultural background. https://www.mcgill.ca/newsroom/article/do-we-trust-people-who-speak-accent 26 comments science
- America Is Awash in the Wrong Kinds of Stories -- Dwelling on diabolical foreigners is eroding empathy and shattering social trust. Our culture deserves better. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-06-03/trump-landrieu-the-lost-cause-and-american-storytelling 26 comments politics
- White American adults are more likely than African American adults to get an annual flu shot (47% vs. 39%) - now researchers have quantified the social, cultural and historical contexts linking race to key underlying issues such as trust in government and medical agencies. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170123162307.htm 4 comments science