- Stocks are looking 'eerily similar' to the last bear-market crash from 2022 - Charles Schwab https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stocks-looking-eerily-similar-last-021413181.html 256 comments wallstreetbets
- [OC] How do the Bulls do in a bear market? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4483348-bear-market-history 18 comments nba
- The Worst Kind Of Bear Market https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2018/10/the-worst-kind-of-bear-market/ 4 comments bogleheads
- 4 Ways To Recover From A Bear Market https://medium.com/coinmonks/4-ways-to-recover-from-a-bear-market-f1df22538d02 24 comments cryptocurrency
- Bears predict market 66% Plunge https://www.businessinsider.com/stock-market-crash-expert-warns-66-percent-plunge-negative-returns-2020-11 63 comments wallstreetbets
- Half of S&P500 stocks are in the Bear market (Reuters) https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/a51bxb/half_of_sp500_stocks_are_in_the_bear_market/ 5 comments investing
- Odds of Recession and Bear Market have gone down https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/7usmeg/odds_of_recession_and_bear_market_have_gone_down/ 6 comments wallstreetbets
- ETF during a bear market https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7urq0g/etf_during_a_bear_market/ 7 comments personalfinance
- BCH price predictions during BTC bear market? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6tuyjs/bch_price_predictions_during_btc_bear_market/ 2 comments btc
- Real Estate: how to take advantage of a bear market https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/6mu6ky/real_estate_how_to_take_advantage_of_a_bear_market/ 22 comments financialindependence
- The bear market has arrived http://online.barrons.com/public/article/sb121512473043028031.html?mod=9_0031_b_this_weeks_magazine_main 8 comments business
- Worst month since 2022 bear market? 5 things to know in Bitcoin this week https://cointelegraph.com/news/worst-month-since-2022-bear-market-5-things-bitcoin-this-week 66 comments cryptocurrency
- Snoop Dogg: Crypto Bear Market ‘Weeded Out’ Those ‘Abusing the Opportunities’ https://decrypt.co/104026/snoop-dogg-crypto-bear-market-weeded-out-those-abusing-the-opportunities 65 comments cryptocurrency
- NFT bear market? Nah, dont think so... Overly Attached Girlfriend Meme NFT Sells For $411,000 https://brobible.com/culture/article/overly-attached-girlfriend-nft-400000/ 38 comments cryptocurrency
- We have made HISTORY. We have SMASHED bear market RECORDS! https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/fxgpoz/we_have_made_history_we_have_smashed_bear_market/ 73 comments wallstreetbets
- History Of U.S. Bear & Bull Markets Since 1926 https://www.ftportfolios.com/Common/ContentFileLoader.aspx?ContentGUID=4ecfa978-d0bb-4924-92c8-628ff9bfe12d 27 comments investing
- Bear Market Length Has Now Matched Previous Cycles, Is Trend Reversal Imminent? https://cryptopotato.com/bear-market-length-has-now-matched-previous-cycles-is-trend-reversal-imminent/ 38 comments cryptocurrency
- Retail buying Revlon ($REV) after filling for bankruptcy hints that Bear market is not over. https://www.ft.com/content/972cd571-2f3d-4724-b624-bacef7bb9fd5 9 comments wallstreetbets
- Bitcoin Will Hit $100K When Bear Market Ends, These Analysts Predict https://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-will-hit-100k-bloomberg-says/ 98 comments cryptocurrency
- Let's say, for the sake of argument, we're in a bear market: Where's the inflection point? In other words, where do you think the bottom is? https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflectionpoint.asp 77 comments cryptocurrency
- The Five Stages of Grief - What I have observed on this sub since we got in to the bear market https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grief 14 comments cryptocurrency
- Fastest Bear Market Crash in History! https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/fhisy7/fastest_bear_market_crash_in_history/ 80 comments investing
- Nasdaq enters bear market capping worst week in a decade https://www.marketwatch.com/story/nasdaq-enters-bear-market-capping-worst-week-in-a-decade-2018-12-21 24 comments politics
- Nasdaq enters bear market territory, down 20% from high as investors bail on Apple, Amazon https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/nasdaq-enters-bear-market-as-investors-ditch-pricey-faang-stocks.html 8 comments technology
- Crypto VC Funding Was Resilient in the Bear Market. It’s Now Powering Through This Mini-Bull Cycle https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/03/21/first-mover-asia-crypto-vc-funding-was-resilient-in-the-bear-market-its-now-powering-through-this-mini-bull-cycle/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin records 2x higher 30-day trading volume than Apple despite bear market https://finbold.com/bitcoin-records-2x-higher-30-day-trading-volume-than-apple-despite-bear-market/ 15 comments cryptocurrency
- What are your thoughts of buying in a bear market then holding 20 years with a crypto ira? https://investaltoira.com/homepage 18 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Is Now Officially In Its Longest Bear Market Ever - CoinDesk https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoins-price-longest-ever-bear-market 8 comments btc
- A growing number of investors believe that US stocks are overvalued, creating the risk of a significant bear market, according to research by Yale University market scholar Robert Shiller. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/85d0becc-58c5-11e5-a28b-50226830d644.html 13 comments economy
- During this bear market, seeing all your crypto crashing can be depressing; but remember, it always recovers! Here’s 8 other times Bitcoin crashed so bad (and recovered) https://startupfortune.com/8-times-bitcoin-and-crypto-had-massive-crashes/ 72 comments cryptocurrency
- Chicago Bears OLB Leonard Floyd reportedly drawing interest on trade market https://www.profootballweekly.com/2018/10/28/chicago-bears-olb-leonard-floyd-reportedly-drawing-interest-on-trade-market/a9t0um4/ 12 comments nfl
- Bitcoin at $20K – A Nightmare for Speculators, a Dream for Bitcoiners. More and more Bitcoiners are taking advantage of the Bear Market to achieve their goals of owning at least 1 BTC through their DCA strategy. https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/bitcoin-at-20k-a-nightmare-for-speculators 18 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin at $20K – A Nightmare for Speculators, a Dream for Bitcoiners. More and more Bitcoiners are taking advantage of the Bear Market to achieve their goals of owning at least 1 BTC through their DCA strategy. https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/bitcoin-at-20k-a-nightmare-for-speculators 19 comments bitcoin
- The Fed really is fighting inflation – so don’t expect an early end to the bear market https://moneyweek.com/investments/stockmarkets/604997/federal-reserve-interest-rate-rise 744 comments investing
- Dow Jones Futures Tumble As Trump Bans Travel From Europe; Coronavirus Stock Market Correction Is A Bear https://www.investors.com/market-trend/stock-market-today/dow-jones-futures-coronavirus-stock-market-correction-is-bear-market-apple-tesla-show-strength/ 40 comments politics
- Inside the bear: when the Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago, Russia looked set to become a free-market democracy. Arkady Ostrovsky explains why that did not happen, and how much of it is Mr Putin’s fault http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21708879-when-soviet-union-collapsed-25-years-ago-russia-looked-set-become-free-market 99 comments europe
- Five Years of Cancer Drug Approvals: "Our results suggest that the price of cancer drugs is independent of novelty. ...Our results suggest that current pricing models are not rational but simply reflect what the market will bear." http://oncology.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=2212206 116 comments science
- Bye-bye bear... New S&P 500 bull market has legs - BofA By Investing.com https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/byebye-bear-new-sp-500-bull-market-has-legs--bofa-432SI-3102066 10 comments wallstreetbets
- A renowned market bear who called the dot-com crash shares 6 charts and signals investors should monitor ahead of an inevitable correction in stocks https://outline.com/krvGUz 13 comments wallstreetbets
- Dow enters bear market after coronavirus declared pandemic | The blue-chip index sinks nearly 1,500 points and tips into bear market territory after the WHO declaration https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/03/11/markets-economy-today-oil-coronavirus 14 comments politics