Hacker News
- Web Development Simplified with Svelte https://objectcomputing.com/resources/publications/sett/july-2019-web-dev-simplified-with-svelte 159 comments
- Better Web App Development--a video comparison of web frameworks [VIDEO] http://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/better-web-app.mov 4 comments
- Are Web Development Search Results Being Manipulated? http://www.impressivewebs.com/web-development-search-results-manipulated/ 54 comments
- CODINGSPACE - A Web Development Challenges Website https://www.codingspace.codes/ 2 comments opensource
- Web app or Hadoop development? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/7o50ib/web_app_or_hadoop_development/ 15 comments cscareerquestions
- Any web developers here? Need advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/6a7elm/any_web_developers_here_need_advice/ 4 comments india
- What does a beginner web developer generally do? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/62qlfk/what_does_a_beginner_web_developer_generally_do/ 5 comments learnprogramming
- Other Jobs Besides Web Development https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/4yiqtf/other_jobs_besides_web_development/ 4 comments cscareerquestions
- The 11 Phases of a Web Developer’s Career http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/general/the-11-phases-of-a-web-developers-career-as-illustrated-by-memes/ 95 comments webdev
- Are you a web developer or designer? http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/09/are-you-a-web-developer-or-designer/ 19 comments webdev
- Why some developers are avoiding app store headaches by going web-only https://www.fastcompany.com/90623905/ios-web-apps 941 comments programming
- I need web developer who can build website like this? Budget no bar https://coxxporn.com 3 comments web_design
- Live outside of web development https://www.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/6uvpl9/live_outside_of_web_development/ 9 comments ruby
- Polymer.js: The Future of Web Application Development? http://www.toptal.com/front-end/polymer-js-the-future-of-web-application-development 22 comments webdev
- HTML Attributes That Every Web Developer Should Know https://medium.com/gitconnected/html-attributes-that-every-web-developer-should-know-8ffd4cd88288?sk=07a22acbaecb0a8d41a14acf8be33144 4 comments frontend
- Beginner-friendly Real World Haskell Web Development https://github.com/zhangchiqing/beginner-friendly-haskell-for-web-development 15 comments haskell
- Best way to start learning web development ? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/ael1tt/best_way_to_start_learning_web_development/ 10 comments learnprogramming
- Looking for a web development framework in rust https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/7ajwzr/looking_for_a_web_development_framework_in_rust/ 9 comments rust
- Polymer.js: The Future of Web Application Development? [xpost - programming] http://www.toptal.com/front-end/polymer-js-the-future-of-web-application-development 17 comments javascript
- This is incredible. An animated web developer's workspace, entirely out of CSS (minus the clock). http://codepen.io/arbaoui_mehdi/pen/ycjzm 5 comments web_design
- Freelance web development work: Software License Agreement http://www.techagreements.com/agreement-preview.aspx?title=IBM%20/%20Wellchoice%20-%20Software%20License%20And%20Support%20Agreement&num=305086 4 comments web_design
- Web Developer Tools: Code Beautifier and Formatter | Lifehacker http://lifehacker.biz/articles/web-developers-package-code-beautifier-and-formatter/ 6 comments reddit.com
- Interviewing Web Developers - 20 Good Questions to Ask http://www.seomoz.org/blogdetail.php?id=1064 19 comments programming
- K-Developers rejoice! KDE's new developers' web portal is designed especially for you. https://develop.kde.org/ 14 comments linux
- Is it possible to launch a web application live while it is still in development? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/7o8tpu/is_it_possible_to_launch_a_web_application_live/ 4 comments webdev
- Where to start with web development (with prior programming experience)? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6unj3e/where_to_start_with_web_development_with_prior/ 5 comments learnprogramming
- 45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires | Developer's Toolbox http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/06/29/45-incredibly-useful-web-design-checklists-and-questionnaires/ 6 comments programming
- How to get web development or mobile app projects from USA OR UK? https://www.reddit.com/r/growmybusiness/comments/cm8nr0/how_to_get_web_development_or_mobile_app_projects/ 4 comments growmybusiness
- Give Webcodesk a try - a rapid development tool for React Web applications https://webcodesk.com/ 7 comments javascript
- What are some of the most promising protocols that are being developed on top of Ethereum that will enable and power future Web 3.0 applications? https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/7h6du9/what_are_some_of_the_most_promising_protocols/ 10 comments ethereum
- Need ideas to make my year-long school project more exciting (web development) https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/73txho/need_ideas_to_make_my_yearlong_school_project/ 7 comments learnprogramming
- Advice on applying to jobs across the country? (Front end web developer specializing in AngularJS) (x-post from /r/cscareerquestions) https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6f4ktc/advice_on_applying_to_jobs_across_the_country/ 7 comments webdev
- Can anyone recommend a good online class for learning authentication techniques and best practices for web development? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5hzptq/can_anyone_recommend_a_good_online_class_for/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- Ciao Reddit, ho bisogno del tuo consiglio [scuole per web e mobile development] https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/4hn3l6/ciao_reddit_ho_bisogno_del_tuo_consiglio_scuole/ 13 comments italy
- I'm a lawyer and web developer, and I launched Privacy Blast that makes the best FREE privacy policy and cookie policy [UPDATED] https://www.privacyblast.com/webdev.html 2 comments webdev
- Programmers / Engineers / Developers, I've designed a clean puzzle, try and see if you can solve it. Skills required: Data mining, Problem solving, Web stack at it's entirety. http://mkn.us/careers.php 16 comments programming
- Lineman is a command-line utility that is hyper-focused on helping web developers build first-class JavaScript web applications http://www.linemanjs.com/ 28 comments javascript
- Disruptive technology shows you how you can Make Your Own Website easy, fast undercutting web developers fees and expensive web design software. http://www.makeyourownwebsiteeasy.com 3 comments reddit.com
- Indian web developers: now with desperations, vertical penetration, syncronization with process philosophy and civil rights movements in Texas... http://company.skillhut.com/ 2 comments reddit.com
- Dan Ingalls Puts Squeak On Steroids: New Open Source Web Development Kernel from Sun, with no client install http://news.squeak.org/2008/01/12/lively-kernel-a-self-supporting-system-on-a-web-page/ 12 comments programming