- How Bill Gates spends his $153 billion fortune, from a luxury car collection to pledging most of his wealth to his charity foundation https://www.businessinsider.com/how-bill-gates-spends-fortune 260 comments technews
- Kuwait Cabinet Resigns Over Oil Wealth Spending https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Kuwait-Cabinet-Resigns-Over-Oil-Wealth-Spending.html 3 comments worldnews
- Every $1 The Fed Spends On Bitcoin Could Produce $100 In Wealth https://bitcoinmagazine.com/.amp/culture/the-federal-reserve-should-buy-bitcoin 24 comments cryptocurrency
- Every $1 the fed spend on Bitcoin could produce $100 in wealth. If the institution intends to continue existing, it should consider acquiring the most sound money known to man. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/the-federal-reserve-should-buy-bitcoin 16 comments cryptocurrency
- Philanthropy may play an important role in justifying inequality. When a wealthy person donates millions to charity, people were more prone to believe that they had worked hard for their fortune. But, when a rich person spends their wealth living a lavish lifestyle, people had the opposite view. https://www.spsp.org/news-center/blog/davidai-wealth-perception 2 comments science
- Thailand protesters call for probe into king's wealth and spending https://asia.nikkei.com/politics/turbulent-thailand/thailand-protesters-call-for-probe-into-king-s-wealth-and-spending 3 comments worldnews
- This JS Webapp lets you spend Jeff Bezos' insane wealth in an effort to help others comprehend how rich Bezos is. (Users can do this on a beautiful and simple Pure CSS Front-end) https://3pic.github.io/money?bezos 11 comments javascript
- Mind boggling website built with pure JS puts Jeff Bezos' Insane Wealth into perspective by letting you spend his money https://3pic.github.io/money 79 comments programming
- Rick Scott’s wealth dips after spending $65 million to win Florida Senate race https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2019/08/13/rick-scotts-wealth-dips-after-spending-65-million-to-win-florida-senate-race/ 32 comments politics
- What School Lunches Have to Do With Fixing Wealth Inequality - Dismantling a capitalist food system could begin with schools, which nationwide spend about $3 billion on food contracts. https://truthout.org/articles/what-school-lunches-have-to-do-with-fixing-wealth-inequality/ 7 comments politics
- The Koch brothers are worth over $50 billion each after years of family feuds and massive lawsuits — here's how they spend their wealth https://www.businessinsider.com/koch-brothers-net-worth-2018-8 10 comments politics
- Norway to spend less from wealth fund as economy thrives https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/7547-norway-to-spend-less-from-wealth-fund-as-economy-thrives 24 comments europe
- Forget ‘Interstellar’: America’s doing less to travel to space than ever before "we now spend less on NASA -- relative to the wealth of overall economy -- than at any point in history." http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/11/06/forget-interstellar-americas-doing-less-to-travel-to-space-than-ever-before/?tid=rssfeed 429 comments space
- School spending by affluent is widening wealth gap http://finance.yahoo.com/news/school-spending-affluent-widening-wealth-164018926.html 19 comments politics
- "Mr Romney has a (frankly nonsensical) plan to set American defence spending at the arbitrary level of 4% of national wealth, whether military commanders have asked for that funding or not." http://www.economist.com/blogs/lexington/2012/10/foreign-policy-debate 46 comments politics
- Norway oil fund, world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, poised to spend big. http://www.thelocal.no/page/view/norway-oil-fund-poised-to-spend-big 5 comments europe
- Can he buy the presidency? Donald Temp would spend $600 million of his own wealth for a presidential bid. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2011/03/17/2011-03-17_donald_trump_for_president_in_2012_billionaire_says_hes_ready_to_spend_600_milli.html 6 comments politics
- Are War Spending And Wealth Concentration To Blame for the Great Recession? http://newsjunkiepost.com/2010/09/03/great-recession-are-war-spending-and-wealth-concentration-to-blame/ 3 comments politics
- Barack Obama, A Free-Market-Loving, Big Spending, Fiscally Conservative, Wealth Redistributionist (A must read on 'Obamanomics') http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/24/magazine/24obamanomics-t.html?ref=magazine 6 comments politics
- If you earned $10K every day from when they built the pyramids in Ancient Egypt until today…you would STILL only have 15% of Elon’s wealth. Compare your spending power to billionaires https://youvsabillionaire.com/?ref=pr 97 comments internetisbeautiful
- Trudeau pledges tax on 'extreme wealth inequality' to fund Covid spending plan https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/23/trudeau-canada-coronavirus-throne-speech 668 comments worldnews
- India’s Rich Are Spending Thousands of Dollars on Face Masks. Studded with real diamonds and gold, these new masks are designed to affirm wealth. Function is a second priority. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7kpweg/indias-rich-are-spending-thousands-on-luxury-face-masks-because-of-course? 21 comments worldnews
- UK court lifts anonymity for woman in unexplained wealth case [spend £16 million GBP at Harrods] https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/10/uk/uk-wealth-order-hajiyeva-intl/index.html 3 comments europe
- Spending, Relative Wealth and Heritage: Guardiola No Better Than Wenger? (And Much More) - The Tomkins Times https://tomkinstimes.com/2018/04/spending-relative-wealth-and-heritage-guardiola-no-better-than-wenger-and-much-more/ 5 comments soccer
- Thomas C. Foley, the Republican candidate for governor of CT, paid $673 in federal taxes in 2013, despite personal wealth that allowed him to spend $11 million of his own money in a race for the same office in 2010. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/18/nyregion/federal-taxes-for-thomas-foley-673-in-2013.html?smid=re-share 365 comments politics
- Handy infographic I made of 22 statistics concerning the economy, wealth distribution, spending etc. I think everyone should see these. http://i.min.us/iiwpk.png 176 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders tells Elon Musk to focus on Earth; and pay more tax rather than spend his wealth on space travel. https://www.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-elon-musk-focus-on-earth-pay-more-tax-2021-3 151 comments space
- Bernie Sanders tells Elon Musk to 'focus on Earth' and pay more tax rather than spend his wealth on space travel https://www.businessinsider.com.au/bernie-sanders-elon-musk-focus-on-earth-pay-more-tax-2021-3 1361 comments politics
- The stimulus is too small. US economy is currently losing - annually - $450 billion in housing wealth, $650 billion in consumer spending and $150 billion in commercial real estate value. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/09/is-stimulus-too-small_n_165076.html 6 comments economy
- Broker and CEO Peter Schiff tells Congress to overhaul tax system: "We should tax people when they spend their wealth, not when they create it" http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2011/09/13/peter-schiffs-prescription-for-job-creation/3/ 57 comments politics
- "The vast bulk of government spending goes to the elderly [who] have significant private incomes and wealth in their homes, which means their living standards actually far exceed $40,000 and thereby exceed the living standards of the average American." http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/24/are-we-overpaying-grandpa/?utm_source=feedburner 14 comments politics
- If Bloomberg Really Cared About Climate Change, He Wouldn’t Be Running | Both Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer could be spending their prodigious wealth in much more effective ways. Instead, they're funding vanity campaigns. https://newrepublic.com/article/156425/bloomberg-really-cared-climate-change-wouldnt-running 7 comments politics
- Women, Burdened With Unpaid Labor, Bear Brunt of Global Inequality | While billionaires, most of them men, continue to accumulate wealth, women around the world are trapped in poverty because they spend much of their time on “uncompensated” work. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/us/unpaid-work-economy-davos.html 49 comments politics
- Gambling firms will be required to establish how much customers can afford and to set limits on their spending, under a proposed crackdown by UK regulators. It suggests they could use household earnings and wealth data from the Office of National Statistics to assess what a customer can afford. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/07/24/gambling-firms-required-establish-much-customers-can-afford/ 7 comments worldnews
- "I wonder why a man of Bill Gates' vast wealth spends so much time trying to figure out how to cut teachers' pay." http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20101201/us_yblog_thelookout/education-activist-lobs-criticism-back-at-bill-gates-in-mini-internet-war 13 comments politics
- As things fall apart, the super-rich spend $2m on whisky. We need a wealth tax https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/13/super-rich-spend-2m-on-whisky-wealth-tax-pandemic 192 comments politics
- Incomes are declining, providing a smaller base for both spending and borrowing. The top 5% may be experiencing a "wealth effect" as stocks soar but 7 million people cannot levitate the entire $15 trillion U.S. economy much while the incomes of the 137 million other workers are stagnant or down. http://www.oftwominds.com/blogsept12/qe-inflation9-12.html 5 comments worldnews
- House Democrats’ Plan to Tax the Rich Leaves Vast Fortunes Unscathed The House Ways and Means Committee’s proposal to pay for trillions in social spending leaves wealth gains and inheritances largely alone. It focuses instead on a more traditional target: income. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/13/us/politics/tax-plan-democrats.html 23 comments politics
- The Supreme Court’s Billion-Dollar Mistake: "...[T]he case opened the spigot to well more than a billion dollars in unrestricted outside spending on political campaigns...It has done so at a time when wealth and income disparities in the United States are at their highest levels since 1928." http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2015/jan/19/citizen-united-billion-dollar-mistake/ 6 comments politics
- O’Reilly Tells ‘Tale Of Two Americas’ Between Socialist California And Freedom-Loving Texas. O’Reilly then tied California’s taxing and spending to the Obama administration, saying that if the state had its way, there would be a wealth tax, a la “Karl Marx, Mao, Fidel Castro.” http://www.mediaite.com/tv/oreilly-tells-tale-of-two-americas-between-socialist-california-and-freedom-loving-texas/ 15 comments politics