- Audio Of Russell Westbrook Trash Talking Kevin Durant & Jusuf Nurkic👀: Russ: “What you say you gonna do? Shut your sorry a** up” Nurkic: “That’s why they got you on the bench” Then, Durant says: “You’re not like that, slim” Russ replies: “Yes, I am” https://streamable.com/ul0kw4 26 comments nba
- Taker reveals hilarious first reaction to Dude Love: "I remember he was walking down the hall. Then he'd seen the look on my face. I'll never forget him just dropping his head and walking by [like] 'I'm sorry.' We've been through hell and back together. It's like, 'I can't believe I sold for you.'" https://www.sescoops.com/news/undertaker-hilarious-mick-foley-dude-love 37 comments squaredcircle
- Pop 'felt sorry' for Kawhi, no regrets chiding fans https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/38972722/spurs-gregg-popovich-no-regrets-chiding-fans-booing-leonard 105 comments sports
- Auckland Museum sorry for 'distress and hurt' after lighting up for Israel. https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/10/16/pro-palestinian-supporters-rally-as-auckland-museum-lights-up-for-israel/ 178 comments worldnews
- I'm sorry ASUS... but you're fired! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ-QVOKGVyM 384 comments hardware
- [TJPW] Sorry for the wait! Willow Nightingale will be coming to Japan and TJPW! (10/29 & 11/6) https://twitter.com/tjpw2013/status/1580881937526231040?s=19&t=wz56D3_Ba-4nUvL87dascQ 21 comments squaredcircle
- [Davante Adams] Sorry to the guy I pushed over after the game. Obviously very frustrated at the way the game ended and when he ran infront of me as I exited that was my reaction and I felt horrible immediately. Thats not me..MY APOLOGIES man hope you see this. https://twitter.com/tae15adams/status/1579687398686228480?s=46&t=Q99M4kGt1xN4XFvFkMOPFg 618 comments nfl
- It's better to be (type)safe than sorry https://yieldcode.blog/it-is-better-to-be-typesafe-than-sorry/ 100 comments programming
- Sorry I'm a bit new to webdev and I've been getting this issue when pushing a project to my Git repo. Any help will be appreciated https://github.com/hunkychunky/WebScraper1.0 16 comments learnprogramming
- South Korean firm sorry for showing women as cows https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59662421 4 comments nottheonion
- Dutch minister 'truly sorry' for discarded transgender law https://thehill.com/policy/international/europe/583263-dutch-minister-truly-sorry-for-discarded-transgender-law 2 comments worldnews
- [Miller] Mitchell Miller on the bullying victim: “I was unable to reach out to them after the incident, but I think eventually I will definitely reach out and obviously say I’m sorry for all the inconvenience I caused when we were 14 with their family and the child.” https://twitter.com/dalemiller/status/1430570749044133894 295 comments hockey
- MS Teams: We're sorry - we've run into a problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/o0cxs2/ms_teams_were_sorry_weve_run_into_a_problem/ 59 comments sysadmin
- Column: Sorry, don’t expect the Fairness Doctrine to come back and prevent more Rush Limbaughs https://www.chicagotribune.com/columns/clarence-page/ct-column-fairness-doctrine-fcc-rush-limbaugh-page-20210219-cuzacv6h3jeapc74wdmdtphf4i-story.html 16 comments politics
- [Jeudy] Don’t mean no disrespect to the Jewish people! I’m sorry to the people who take my chain offensive!! https://twitter.com/jerryjeudy/status/1232338260262871040?s=20 141 comments nfl
- [Rome] Dusty Baker: "I’m hoping the players don’t have to answer any more questions about it. Because how many times can you say the same thing? It’s time for us to get to work, put it behind us, ask for forgiveness. The guys said they were sorry."- https://twitter.com/Chandler_Rome/status/1228491085476978688?s=20 71 comments baseball
- Finnish minister sorry for Instagram poll on IS women https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50783405 5 comments worldnews
- [Talkin' Jake] Groundball to first where DJ LeMahieu cuts down a run and John Smoltz goes, “Great baserunning by Altuve!” I’m sorry but that’s not acceptable. https://twitter.com/TalkinJake/status/1184242544487686145?s=20 13 comments baseball
- Extinction Rebellion 'not sorry' after Wiltshire chalk horse defaced https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-49972467 30 comments europe
- Gov. Ralph Northam ‘deeply sorry’ after photo emerges from his 1984 yearbook showing blackface, KKK hood https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/va-gov-northams-medical-school-yearbook-page-shows-men-in-blackface-kkk-robe/2019/02/01/517a43ee-265f-11e9-90cd-dedb0c92dc17_story.html?utm_term=.e1b94f6f1a98 316 comments politics
- Burger King Sorry for Food Offer to Women Who Get Impregnated by World Cup Stars http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2782096-burger-king-sorry-for-food-offer-to-women-who-get-impregnated-by-world-cup-stars?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial 5 comments worldnews
- Sorry, Trump: Your arch-nemeses Obama and Clinton are still “most admired” Americans https://www.salon.com/2017/12/27/sorry-trump-your-arch-nemeses-obama-and-clinton-are-still-most-admired-americans/ 199 comments politics
- Sorry Donald, More Ships Won't Make our Navy Better. Tech Will. http://www.arbitror.org/home/increasing-naval-tech 16 comments politics
- Infowars source (sorry): Trump N-word tape to drop before inauguration http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/315370/infowars-source-sorry-trump-n-word-tape-to-drop-before-inauguration/?amp=1 3 comments politics
- Packers' guard TJ Lang on Twitter: "Guys my possible non holding call had me up all night sweating... Sorry about that..." https://twitter.com/tjlang70/status/821021043791974400 154 comments nfl
- Sorry, Gary Johnson: The libertarian movement is fringe and it will remain fringe. http://www.salon.com/2016/06/17/sorry_gary_johnson_the_libertarian_movement_is_fringe_and_it_will_remain_fringe/ 32 comments politics
- Greater Manchester Police sorry for 'Muslim terrorist' mock blast http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-36254254 3 comments worldnews
- The head of TalkTalk says she is "very sorry" for the frustration and worry caused to customers after a major cyber-attack on the firm on Wednesday. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34615226 5 comments worldnews
- Sorry, Republicans: Ending Birthright Citizenship Would Be Unconstitutional The very amendment that conservatives want to "fix" stands as a shield against government-sanctioned discrimination. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/republicans-birthright-citizenship_55d4934be4b07addcb44c96a?utm_hp_ref=politics&kvcommref=mostpopular 122 comments politics
- Christopher Lee reads Poe. I figured this was a timely find. Sorry if it's a repost. http://mentalfloss.com/article/65237/listen-sir-christopher-lee-read-stories-edgar-allan-poe 6 comments books
- 5 + game for checking to the head. What do you guys think? (Sorry about the Vine) https://vine.co/v/OlldVwPFjUW 7 comments hockey
- Islanders to wear throwback jerseys for final game at Nassau (sorry, not the Fisherman! ) http://islanderspointblank.com/islanders/the-isles-will-wear-these-jerseys-for-the-final-regular-season-game/ 14 comments hockey
- Sorry, Satya: No One Will Ever Love Windows Until You Fix This Problem https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-10/632/sorry-satcha-no-one-will-ever-love-windows-fix-problem 95 comments windows
- Sorry if this is a repost, but this is so well put and a great response to the 'I have nothing to hide' attitude http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/nsa-snooping-matters-even-you-have-nothing-hide 3 comments privacy
- Reddit, this happened near where I live. Was this officer right in what he did? Sorry if this isn't in the right subreddit. http://bangordailynews.com/2012/06/03/news/bangor/holden-teen-faces-charges-after-refusing-to-allow-police-to-search-him/ 16 comments law
- Sorry, iBooks, paper books still win on specs http://www.theverge.com/2012/1/20/2720158/sorry-ibooks-paper-books-still-win-on-specs 4 comments technology
- new restrictive microblogging site we just launched, would love your feedback and critiques (cross post from web_design, sorry) http://www.idlike.to 14 comments webdev
- "Whoops! Sorry about your kids pecker, lady." When a hospital misreads a consent form and cuts off part of your kids dick. And don't tell you about it till you find Infant Tylenol. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/florida/fl-circumcision-lawsuit-20100916,0,4535968.story 12 comments reddit.com
- Asinine Apple censorship that makes me sorry I have an iPhone http://dailycartoonist.com/index.php/2009/11/09/tom-richmond-iphone-app-rejected/ 5 comments reddit.com
- Sorry State of the Union [CARTOON] http://www.truthdig.com/cartoon/item/20080128_sorry_state_of_the_union/ 39 comments politics