Hacker News
- Supporting custom domains for apps: AWS vs. Vercel https://smmall.cloud/blog/building-custom-domains 0 comments
- Vercel completes $250M Series E round at $3.25B valuation https://www.reuters.com/technology/vercel-completes-250-mln-series-e-round-325-bln-valuation-2024-05-16/ 30 comments
- Open-source alternative to Heroku, Vercel, and Netlify https://github.com/Dokploy/dokploy 100 comments
- Vercel: Improved Infrastructure Pricing https://vercel.com/blog/improved-infrastructure-pricing 32 comments
- Questions on the application form for a DX engineer at Vercel https://twitter.com/fahirmdz/status/1757315091869937692 4 comments
- Every path that starts with "font" is serving /font on Vercel https://twitter.com/claviska/status/1719775813640343799 2 comments
- 12ft is down, Vercel banned me https://twitter.com/thmsmlr/status/1718663563353755982?s=46 8 comments
- Migrating our backend from Vercel to Fly.io https://www.openstatus.dev/blog/migration-backend-from-vercel-to-fly 150 comments
- 12ft.io has been banned by Vercel https://twitter.com/thmsmlr/status/1718663563353755982 63 comments
- Vercel employee used customer information to pursue a personal trademark matter https://twitter.com/vercel_support/status/1713295474998772215 45 comments
- Controversy on Vercel employee access to app data https://twitter.com/nico_jeannen/status/1713139186474406206 2 comments
- Why People Aren't Deploying to Vercel Anymore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiuBeLDSGR0 27 comments
- Vercel Build Output API: Infrastructure-as-Filesystem https://vercel.com/blog/build-output-api 42 comments
- The unhappy path with deploying to Vercel https://www.alexchantastic.com/deploying-with-vercel-cli 2 comments frontend
- Vercel’s new open-source fonts, Geist Sans and Geist Mono https://vercel.com/font 10 comments webdev
- Leapcell: Vercel Alternative for NodeJS https://leapcell.io/ 8 comments node
- ICYMI: Vercel reserves the right to open source your code if you deploy on their platform https://x.com/meltatlonghari/status/1713838605897179215?s=20 9 comments programming
- Next.js Weekly #27: Why Next.js, Programmatic SEO, Next Upload, Vercel, Spend Management, Payload 2.0 [👇 all news in comments] https://nextjsweekly.com/issues/27 3 comments reactjs
- State of React / NextJS / Vercel https://react.dev/reference/react/use-server 25 comments reactjs
- Dan Abramov & React core team discuss RSC, React Forget, signals and relationship w/ Vercel (🌶️🔥) at RemixConf 2023 https://www.frontendtv.dev/videos/073a4d22-10e4-4594-9fb3-74b05c0ab799 110 comments reactjs
- Introducing storage on Vercel https://vercel.com/blog/vercel-storage 3 comments programming
- Introducing Vercel Postgres, KV, and Blob https://vercel.com/blog/vercel-storage 38 comments webdev
- TechCrunch | Vercel to merge Next.js and Svelte into a single framework https://www.techscrunch.dev/article/6426d23eb263a45dc859 11 comments reactjs
- Any Vercel users using the new Vercel visual commenting features? https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/20/vercel-makes-it-easier-to-collaborate-on-preview-deployments/ 3 comments javascript
- How to make vercel include some static files that I can import later? https://github.com/416d72/vercel-blog 7 comments sveltejs
- Cannot deploy SvelteKit in NPM workspace to Vercel correctly. https://github.com/winston0410/vercel-workspace-sveltekit 5 comments sveltejs
- How to deploy json-data on the vercel server with next app? https://github.com/ajaybirbal/nextjs-pizzaapp 3 comments learnprogramming
- Vercel acquires Turborepo, a high-performance build system https://vercel.com/blog/vercel-acquires-turborepo 42 comments reactjs
- SvelteKit + Vercel server response time? https://web.dev/measure 2 comments sveltejs
- Vercel and Svelte: A Perfect Match for Web Developers https://thenewstack.io/vercel-and-svelte-a-perfect-match-for-web-developers/ 3 comments sveltejs
- Vercel raises $150M Series D at $2.5B valuation https://vercel.com/blog/vercel-funding-series-d-and-valuation 123 comments reactjs
- Rich Harris, Creator of Svelte, joins Vercel https://vercel.com/blog/vercel-welcomes-rich-harris-creator-of-svelte 24 comments webdev
- Rich Harris is joining Vercel to work on Svelte full time https://vercel.com/blog/vercel-welcomes-rich-harris-creator-of-svelte 56 comments sveltejs
- Tomorrow I'll be live coding an e-commerce app using Next.js & Saleor GraphQL API (joined by Lee Robinson from Vercel and Patryk Zawadzki from Saleor). Let me know your questions! https://nextjs.org 16 comments reactjs
- Vercel raises $102M Series C for its front-end development platform https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/23/vercel-raises-102m-series-c-for-its-next-js-based-front-end-development-platform/ 15 comments frontend
- Vercel raises $102M Series C for its front-end development platform https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/23/vercel-raises-102m-series-c-for-its-next-js-based-front-end-development-platform/ 31 comments web_design
- Built my first frontend project with React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS (with some 3D illustrations). Deployed with Netlify and Vercel. https://breakcode.io 5 comments reactjs
- Been away from the webdev scene for while as I have been working on a game, I just launched the game's website, built using NextJS, Tailwind CSS, hosted on Vercel, powered by Plausible Analytics (publicly available) and SendPulse. Feedback welcome! https://rhythmtowers.com 3 comments webdev
- Vercel Serverless Functions vs Cloudflare Workers https://moiva.io/blog/vercel-serverless-functions-vs-cloudflare-workers 2 comments javascript
- ZEIT is now Vercel, announces $21m Series A including Accel, CRV, Naval Ravikant, Nat Friedman, and... Jordan Walke https://vercel.com/blog/zeit-is-now-vercel 70 comments reactjs