Hacker News
- U.S. Covid Death Toll Surpasses 700k Despite Availability of Vaccines https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/01/us/us-covid-deaths-700k.html 30 comments
- US agency offers legal immunity to Ebola vaccine makers http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/09/us-health-ebola-vaccine-idUSKBN0JN1S920141209 5 comments
- Donald Trump and RFK Jr. Are Vaccine-Skeptical Soulmates http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2017/01/what_unites_trump_and_rfk_jr_is_a_scary_denial_that_they_re_anti_vaxxers.html 10 comments politics
- How a well-timed legal assault unraveled Mississippi’s stellar record in vaccinating kids | Mississippi was forced to grant religious exemptions from vaccines. Now, doctors and public health officials brace for the fallout. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/mississippi-anti-vaccine-religious-exemptions-school-public-health-rcna130004 36 comments politics
- A new coronavirus vaccine heading to India was developed by a small team in Texas. It expects nothing in return. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/12/30/corbevax-texas-childrens-covid-vaccine/ 3 comments india
- Canada Vows To Donate 200 Million Covid Vaccine Doses To Poorer Countries https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/g20-summit-canada-vows-to-donate-200-million-covid-19-vaccine-doses-to-poorer-countries-2594150 48 comments worldnews
- Taliban will allow a national polio vaccine campaign in Afghanistan, says WHO https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/10/19/1047367660/taliban-will-allow-a-national-polio-vaccination-campaign-in-afghanistan-says-who 19 comments worldnews
- Russia on Saturday recorded 1,000 Covid-related deaths in a single day for the first time since the pandemic began. The figure had been rising all week, with the Kremlin blaming the Russian people for not taking up vaccination. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58937582 534 comments worldnews
- Vaccine Passport Protest in Amsterdam, Netherlands https://rumble.com/vnb94b-amsterdam-netherlands-massive-protests-against-vaccine-passports.html 3 comments goldandblack
- What Can We Learn From the WNBA's Vaccination Success? https://www.si.com/wnba/2021/09/20/wnba-vaccination-99-percent-daily-cover 13 comments nba
- Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs says he will refuse to enforce President Biden's mandate on vaccines https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/politics/2021/09/17/glenn-jacobs-wont-enforce-vaccine-mandate-knox-county-employees/8378911002/ 95 comments politics
- [Curran] Dolphins TE Adam Shaheen, who said a month ago after missing time because of COVID protocols, he wouldn’t be “strong armed” into getting vaccine. Apparently he was true to his word. Back he goes to reserve/COVID list as the opener approaches. https://twitter.com/tomecurran/status/1434917044227649536?s=12 365 comments nfl
- [El Gráfico] Gerard Moreno went to an interview with David Broncano who asked him for a specific celebration in case of scoring a goal. Simulate an injection “to promote vaccines.” The Spanish scored in the UEL final and fulfilled. https://twitter.com/elgraficoweb/status/1397682561837682688?s=21 43 comments soccer
- French influencer 'offered cash to spread vaccine disinformation' https://www.euronews.com/2021/05/25/french-youtube-influencer-offered-cash-to-spread-vaccine-disinformation 23 comments technology
- Law that would block COVID-19 vaccine requirements awaits Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signature https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2021/may/13/law-would-block-covid-19-vaccine-requirements/546847/#/questions 3 comments politics
- Hong Kong, Macau suspend Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine over 'flawed' vials https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/hong-kong-suspend-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-defective-packaging-14477298 3 comments worldnews
- Zoo vaccinates apes to protect both animals and humans from Covid-19 https://www.npr.org/2021/03/16/975405670/zoo-vaccinates-apes-to-protect-both-animals-and-humans-from-covid-19 6 comments nottheonion
- EU threatens tougher vaccine export curbs in dispute with UK, U.S. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-eu-vonderleyen/eu-threatens-tougher-vaccine-export-curbs-in-dispute-with-uk-u-s-iduskbn2b91lx?il=0 260 comments worldnews
- AstraZeneca vaccine doesn't prevent B1351 COVID in early trial https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/03/astrazeneca-vaccine-doesnt-prevent-b1351-covid-early-trial 13 comments worldnews
- Trump Puts Out Sad Statement on Presidential Letterhead Pleading for Credit for Covid Vaccine https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-puts-out-sad-statement-on-presidential-letterhead-pleading-for-credit-for-covid-vaccine?source=tdb&via=fb_page 4 comments politics
- Biden adminstration to begin shipping vaccine doses directly to pharmacies https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/02/biden-vaccine-pharmacies-464995?cid=apn 158 comments politics
- Police Mistake Pensioners Queueing for Vaccine for an Illegal Rave https://mixmag.net/read/police-pensioners-covid-vaccine-illegal-rave-news 6 comments nottheonion
- India's 1st Covid-19 vaccines: DCGI approves Serum, Bharat Biotech vaccines for emergency use https://www.livemint.com/news/india/indias-first-vaccines-dcgi-approves-bharat-biotech-s-covaxin-and-sii-s-covishield-11609650896132.html 12 comments india
- 9 million 946 thousand people around the world got coronavirus vaccine https://www.isthemessage.net/general/9-million-946-thousand-people-around-the-world-got-coronavirus-vaccine/ 27 comments worldnews
- German vaccination campaign overshadowed by mishaps https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/iduskbn29214q 9 comments europe
- Belarus, Argentina start vaccinations with Russian shots https://apnews.com/article/fcddcc286f8295421c0ff301c242dad0 4 comments worldnews
- Five South Koreans die after getting flu shots, sparking vaccine fears https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-southkorea-flushot-iduskbn2760na 15 comments worldnews
- Eric Trump may not *get* the whole Covid-19 vaccine thing https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/12/politics/eric-trump-abc-covid-19-vaccine-donald-trump/index.html 115 comments politics
- Coronavirus vaccine: Australia rules out mandatory immunisations https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-53840086 7 comments worldnews
- Trump wants to deliver a coronavirus vaccine by January. Even if he hits that ambitious goal, you probably won't get a shot for months. https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-vaccine-timeline-trump-operation-warp-speed-timeline-2020-8 27 comments politics
- The Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Whistleblower: Vaccine expert Rick Bright claims he was fired after resisting the president’s push for an unproven Covid-19 treatment. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/23/first-thing-the-trump-administrations-coronavirus-whistleblower 11 comments politics
- Germany OKs law on mandatory measles vaccination https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-oks-law-on-mandatory-measles-vaccination/ 39 comments europe
- Flu vaccine patch ditches needles and side effects. A new needle-free flu vaccine patch revs up the immune system much like a traditional flu shot without any negative side effects, a study with mice shows. https://www.futurity.org/flu-vaccine-patch-immune-systems-2161352/ 4 comments technology
- HPV vaccine benefits women who don't get it: A new study of HPV prevalence and vaccination suggests that incidence of HPV is declining even for unvaccinated women because the risk of contracting it is going down. The vaccine cuts the risk of several cancers. https://www.upi.com/health_news/2019/01/22/hpv-vaccine-benefits-women-who-dont-get-it-study-says/4301548175203/ 1029 comments science
- British troops to be vaccinated against anthrax poisoning and new £48m "cutting-edge" Chemical Weapons Defence Centre to be built in response to Salisbury incident. https://news.sky.com/story/spy-attack-anthrax-vaccinations-for-british-troops-11290201 3 comments europe
- France most skeptical country about vaccine safety http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/09/france-most-skeptical-country-about-vaccine-safety 144 comments science
- French couple given suspended jail time for refusing to vaccinate children http://www.smh.com.au/world/french-couple-jailed-jailed-for-refusing-to-vaccinate-children-20160108-gm1thy.html 4 comments europe
- Cuba to Release Cholera Vaccine by 2015 http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/cuba-to-release-cholera-vaccine-by-2015-20141123-0025.html 4 comments worldnews
- The GOP needs a reality check "One candidate pledged to build a 20-foot-high electrical fence at the border crowned with the sign “It will kill you — Warning.” Another promised to speak out against the damage done by contraception. Another warned that vaccinations may cause “mental retardation” http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/michael-gerson-republican-party-needs-a-shakeup/2013/02/21/d89d9d82-7baa-11e2-9a75-dab0201670da_story.html?tid=socialss 101 comments politics
- The only safe and effective vaccine for Lyme Disease was pulled from the market in 2002 because of scientifically unfounded fear. Reddit, please help get it back. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v439/n7076/full/439509a.html 7 comments technology