- Help needed to access my BCH! (I had BTC pre-fork using Electrum wallet) https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/77e5uj/help_needed_to_access_my_bch_i_had_btc_prefork/ 6 comments btc
- Using Your Knife and Fork: The American Way vs. the European Way https://www.thekitchn.com/survey-using-your-knife-and-fork-166188 8 comments europe
- I want to dump CoreCoin ASAP after the fork, what exchange should I use? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7bcm9q/i_want_to_dump_corecoin_asap_after_the_fork_what/ 4 comments btc
- Question about using bitcoin after the 2x fork https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/75trv2/question_about_using_bitcoin_after_the_2x_fork/ 5 comments btc
- "soft-forks are great way to add optional features, where users individually decide whether to opt-in or not. if users dont use it, no change" https://twitter.com/adam3us/status/817163970629005312 13 comments btc
- Alternative uses for forks. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Point-31008700-Hiking-Stick-Prongs/dp/B0038VVIKO/ref=pd_sim_sbs_sg_2 11 comments bicycling
- Using Git within a project (forking around) http://drnicwilliams.com/2008/02/03/using-git-within-a-team/ 2 comments programming
- BU/ABC/BSV post-fork replay protection using Bitcoin Script https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9c33tk/buabcbsv_postfork_replay_protection_using_bitcoin/ 4 comments btc
- You can secure your coins on both forks even without using replay protection. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/75pls5/you_can_secure_your_coins_on_both_forks_even/ 14 comments btc
- Patching or using a forked version of an Ansible Galaxy role https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2017/patching-or-using-forked-version-ansible-galaxy-role 3 comments ansible
- Does the BCH fork block use the new signature or the old? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6qsj8x/does_the_bch_fork_block_use_the_new_signature_or/ 4 comments btc
- Should I fork a github repository whenever I use it in case it gets deleted? https://github.com/vrillusions 3 comments learnprogramming
- Using semaphores to synchronize forked processes in C? http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=526238 3 comments learnprogramming
- British blame Americans because of decline in brits using BOTH fork and knife to eat. "Oh those uncouth Americans & their "fork only" dining! http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=10585762 3 comments reddit.com
- Bitcoin Cash fork will happen a bit after 12:20 UTC - Due to use of "Median Time Past" for activation. https://www.bitcoincash.org/activation 18 comments btc
- Linux fork detection using thread specific keyrings http://daurnimator.com/post/120415954844/linux-fork-detection-using-thread-specific 5 comments programming
- Rename this fork and use less confusing versioning · Issue #2 · arduino-org/Arduino https://github.com/arduino-org/arduino/issues/2 22 comments arduino
- Containernet is a fork of the famous Mininet network emulator and allows to use Docker containers as hosts in emulated network topologies. https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/d4o0ed/containernet_is_a_fork_of_the_famous_mininet/ 3 comments docker
- Neverball Clockwork is a fork of Neverball that includes collectible clocks, an item used to extend time https://sites.google.com/site/csnevergalaxy/clockwork 5 comments linux_gaming
- Could certain Bell Lab's OS Plan 9 / 9Front (fork) conventions be possible using Linux? https://www.rs-online.com/designspark/a-pi-powered-plan-9-cluster 18 comments linux
- You can argue that the DAO attacker was just using the rules of the contract, but hard forking to distribute all the tokens of 'extraBalance' equally over all DTH, THAT is pure THEFT. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4remm5/you_can_argue_that_the_dao_attacker_was_just/ 40 comments ethereum
- We’ll Use 1M ETH Stash to Support Proof of Work Ethereum Fork, Justin Sun Pledges https://cryptobriefing.com/well-use-1m-eth-stash-support-ethereum-fork-justin-sun-pledges/ 31 comments cryptocurrency
- My friend made a full suspension bike using a front fork as the rear suspension. Here's a video we made with it. https://www.pinkbike.com/video/507110/ 4 comments bicycling
- Sorry for the simple question...If I am using Bitcoin Core version v0.14.2 as my wallet, will I receive both coins when the hard fork happens with bitcoin cash? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6osf7j/sorry_for_the_simple_questionif_i_am_using/ 13 comments btc
- Stephen Pair (BitPay): "The Bitcoin blockchain has stopped working for us. (...) [We have to] use a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. We'd be happy to do that with a few other companies. If it's just us, then it's just us." https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.coindesk.com/live-stream/Day1_Salons34.html 105 comments btc
- I started work on a calendar-free GNOME Shell fork without (auto-) sync annoyances (when using TOR et al). https://github.com/cookiengineer/gnome-shell 5 comments archlinux
- Australian Man Uses Fork For Sexual Gratification, Gets Stuck in his Urethra http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health-fitness/canberra-man-lodges-fork-in-penis/story-fneuzlbd-1226699880200 4 comments nottheonion
- Luau, a kind of fork from the Lua programming language used by Roblox, goes open-source and Roblox-free https://luau-lang.org/2021/11/03/luau-goes-open-source.html 21 comments linux_gaming
- Biodegradable plastics are specifically made to degrade quickly, they cannot be recycled. Scientists developed a method to turn biodegradable plastic knives, spoons, and forks into a foam that can be used as insulation in walls or in flotation devices. https://publishing.aip.org/publications/latest-content/turning-plastic-into-foam-to-combat-pollution/ 19 comments science
- When fork day is here and it turns out SV does not get majority hashrate, are all SV supporters going to leave our community and start their own and start using BSV? Or will they stay and keep on using BCH? And will they forgive CSW for not being able to keep his worth and get majority hash? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9tru53/when_fork_day_is_here_and_it_turns_out_sv_does/ 88 comments btc
- linux-hardened: a fork of the linux kernel that uses a basic kernel hardening patch set and more security-focused compile-time configuration https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/security#kernel_hardening 31 comments linux
- Is it safe to use a used empty private key (had funds at one time) from a ledger to claim one of these fork coins? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7olwbc/is_it_safe_to_use_a_used_empty_private_key_had/ 4 comments btc
- I'm a graduate student. Should I use the money I save for taxes on low risk stocks until I have to fork over the few thousand during tax season? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7gw5ta/im_a_graduate_student_should_i_use_the_money_i/ 21 comments personalfinance
- Re: BCC trading on ViaBTC - "How to resolve the hard fork battle BEFORE the fork even happens, using futures markets on the Bitcoin exchanges" ~ u/ForkiusMaximus // "The Bitcoin Block Size: Listen to the Market" ~ Ben Davenport // "How Prediction Markets Could Guide Bitcoin's Future" ~ Paul Sztorc https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6oxwur/re_bcc_trading_on_viabtc_how_to_resolve_the_hard/ 15 comments btc
- All of this has happened before and will happen again. 2002: growing dissent within the project - XFree86 used to have a Core Team [..] selected by other Core Team members [..] Only the members of this Core Team were allowed to commit; 2003: The fork and the disbanding of the Core Team https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86#2002:_growing_dissent_within_the_project 58 comments btc
- "The quicker the fork, the better. Otherwise people are going to use Monero, Dash, Zcash & Ethereum. They are already offering better service"~Jason Elliott https://twitter.com/OnWindowly/status/841928681924759552 61 comments btc
- The original transaction format as designed by Satoshi Nakamoto opens with a version field. The design of having a version number implies that the designer wanted to use hard forks for changes. https://zander.github.io/posts/Flexible_Transactions/ 47 comments btc
- Such true words "Current Core dev team policies of network congestion & high fees are hindering #bitcoin's usefulness as money." Lets hard fork NOW!! https://twitter.com/Rogerk4you/status/817909468637732864 15 comments btc
- "Security comes from the hash rate, and the hash rate comes from the value of the block reward + tx fees on a network. Clearly the Bitcoin that is actually useful for commerce will have much more of both."~Roger Ver on bitcoin forks https://forum.bitcoin.com/post43847.html#p43847 4 comments btc
- Use the Fork Luke - (A reminder that Ethereum is only in it's second stage of development. It is inevitable that we'll run into issues and they'll need to be developed. But we still have two more stages before "code is Law" really takes effect) http://www.ethereum.net/news/technology/use-the-fork-luke-ethereum-hard-fork-update 7 comments ethereum