Hacker News
- Uh, guys, we should think about spending more on defense in the US https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/uh-guys-we-really-should-think-about 98 comments
- Uh, guys, we should think about spending more on defense https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/uh-guys-we-really-should-think-about 4 comments
- Uh-oh guys, Anthony Davis is flexing again... https://streamable.com/10bht 19 comments nba
- Uh, everything ok over at Fort Derrick guys? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/05/health/germs-fort-detrick-biohazard.html 15 comments army
- Donald Trump Fills Vital Cabinet Position with Uh That Guy Over There https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-veterans-affairs-personal-doctor 11 comments politics
- Uh, guys... So about Kawhi Leonard... https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/5x4rjt/uh_guys_so_about_kawhi_leonard/ 443 comments nba
- Uh guys, PA is going red ... http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/pennsylvania 64 comments politics
- Uh, Guys? I Think The Wizards Forgot To Fire Randy Wittman? http://deadspin.com/uh-guys-i-think-the-wizards-forgot-to-fire-randy-witt-1687621585 29 comments nba
- This guys seems pretty normal...uh...wtf!? http://www.ejb.com/video/17375/guy_has_a_breakdown.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Trump administration removes nuclear stockpile administrator... Uh... GUYS!!? https://www.inhofe.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/inhofe-statement-on-leadership-changes-at-nnsa 30 comments politics
- Trump’s campaign asks networks to ban guests who’ve made misleading claims. Uh, guys? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/26/trumps-campaign-asks-networks-ban-guests-whove-made-misleading-claims-uh-guys/?utm_term=.7484f8eb1bc1 5 comments politics
- Trump’s campaign asks networks to ban guests who’ve made misleading claims. Uh, guys? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/26/trumps-campaign-asks-networks-ban-guests-whove-made-misleading-claims-uh-guys/ 806 comments politics
- Uh Oh: Centcom Commander, the "guy standing in the way of war with Iran", Just Resigned http://edition.cnn.com/2008/world/meast/03/11/fallon.resigns/ 15 comments politics
- Uh guys, have you seen this? Audi plans 9,500 job cuts to save £5bn for electric car investment https://www.bmmagazine.co.uk/news/audi-plans-9500-job-cuts-to-save-5bn-for-electric-car-investment/ 74 comments economy
- Uh, guys.... I think the UPS truck is going to be late today. (google maps) http://maps.google.com/maps/mm?hl=en&ie=utf8&layer=c&cbll=28.436032,-81.39802&panoid=h48ody9_8prbep9zrcfgia&cbp=12,333.5163163895531,,0,27.147331487788062&ll=28.436032,-81.39802&spn=0,356.462402&z=8 2 comments reddit.com
- "So uh, correct me if I'm wrong. Are we the only mobile wallet with coin control for #bch #BitcoinCash and #ltc #litecoin? Guys? Sorry to toot my own horn here, but we're just over here bringing functionality to big coins and yall be sleeping." https://twitter.com/stack_wallet/status/1634413611564273664 22 comments btc
- [Eric Branch] The #49ers reached out to Odell Beckham's agent, who said his client wasn't interested. Why? Uh, guys, you're 3-5. "You have to earn that right. When you win, it affords you the opportunity." https://twitter.com/Eric_Branch/status/1459190758485815300 94 comments nfl
- [Eric Branch] The #49ers reached out to Odell Beckham’s agent, who said his client wasn’t interested. Why? Uh, guys, you’re 3-5. “You have to earn that right. When you win, it affords you the opportunity.” https://twitter.com/eric_branch/status/1459190758485815300?s=21 56 comments nfl
- Uh, hey guys I think my I made a mistake. I did an ungodly thing with my gun turrets. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/adprio/uh_hey_guys_i_think_my_i_made_a_mistake_i_did_an/ 31 comments factorio
- Kyrie: "KD was just unbelievable again tonight, as well as...(glances at state sheet) uh, you know.... some of their other guys" https://streamable.com/ba29r 417 comments nba
- Uh guys? no one told the Guardian that the ISIS secret message app doesn't exist...do em a favour, please http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/31/neil-prakash-australias-most-senior-operative-in-islamic-state-believed-dead 3 comments worldnews
- [Hardwood Paroxysm] Uh, guys… the Spurs play the Thunder on opening night and then, after that… https://twitter.com/hpbasketball/status/655460593613172736 4 comments nba
- Uh oh, looks like crypto talk is making its way into other subreddits again. This might be the local top guys lol. https://www.np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/12kqz44/to_hold_or_not_to_hold/ 43 comments cryptocurrency
- [Rodrigue] Sean McVay on C Brian Allen, who will be back starting for the Rams on Sunday: "This guy loves football, he's definitely competitive. He can be, uh ... I love Brian Allen ... if you're playing against him, you're saying, 'this guy is a dick.' If he's on your team, you love him. https://twitter.com/jourdanrodrigue/status/1586067494535471104?s=46&t=77CyCI2gI7mhM79A0o-jgA 18 comments nfl
- [Baltimore City councilman] Spotted this guy on the train in Tokyo. Asked, “How ‘bout dem O’s?” Very dryly he responded in a German accent, “Oh. I see. It’s because of the, uh [points at hat]. I just like the duck. I think it’s cool.” https://twitter.com/electryandorsey/status/1129561422977949696?s=21 456 comments baseball
- [Barnwell] Eight coaches got fired! Wow! Time to upgrade! Here are the candidates: A couple of the guys who just got fired, a college coach who has no interest in leaving - uh, the Patriots coordinators I guess? A retired coach on TV. A young guy who knows a great QB. Jim Caldwell https://twitter.com/billbarnwell/status/1079765268212125697?s=21 183 comments nfl
- Reporter: "What happened, right in the first quarter, that got you guys on the right foot?" Brandon Ingram: "Uh, I think after I airballed a free throw" http://streamable.com/k7fc9 9 comments nba
- Romney flip slops right off the start. "We can't kill our way out of mess" "My strategy is pretty straight forward which is to go after the bad guys, to make sure we do our very best, to interrupt them, to uh, kill them" http://www.politico.com/livestream/?hp=pl 26 comments politics
- Uh oh, gonna be some pissed off nerds: The guy who wrote the screenplay for the Twilight movies has been hired to write a remake of The Highlander. http://www.411mania.com/movies/news/173734/%5Bmovies%5D-highlander-remake-gets-twilight-screenwriter.htm 6 comments reddit.com
- "Uh, yeah, the wine is very good, thanks, but does anybody else notice that guy over there with the gasoline and the Zippo lighter?" But pointing out the insanity would be "partisan." Better not to rock the boat... even as it's sinking. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/rally-to-restore-sanity-media_b_763569.html 4 comments politics
- Google and Verizon hold a joint press conference to announce plans to add network services above the existing "neutral" Internet. Uh guys... that's called a Tiered Internet. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/09/live-blogging-google-verizon-call-on-net-neutrality/ 60 comments technology
- Hoisted by Your own Retard – er, uh, Petard ... My question – how does Palin, or her followers, or anyone really, bridge the cognitive dissonance created by her statements regarding Rush and The Family Guy? http://notsecupp.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/hoisted-by-your-own-retard-er-uh-petard/ 5 comments politics