Hacker News
- Show HN: Timbr saves explicit Tumblr blogs before they are gone forever https://www.timbr.xxx/ 2 comments
- Reasons Tumblr went down http://wellbebackshortly.com/ 15 comments
- What if we rebuild Tumblr in web3? https://openprest.substack.com/p/what-if-we-rebuild-tumblr-in-web3 26 comments ethereum
- tumblr controls missing https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hhzxqj/tumblr_controls_missing/ 3 comments firefox
- Sentiment analysis of 240 Tumblr blogs by people undergoing gender transition finds that after disclosures to family members, people experienced temporary increased negative sentiment, followed by increased positive sentiment in the long term. Foreknowledge of typical sentiment patterns can help. https://academic.oup.com/jamia/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jamia/ocz056/5497782?fbclid=iwar1qxpwltmruxwxhyyhtnk269k5ppdznaby-oelstubi0pi4ft_ard27i9i 3 comments science
- Delete Never: The Digital Hoarders Who Collect Tumblrs, Medieval Manuscripts, and Terabytes of Text Files or /r/datahoarder https://gizmodo.com/delete-never-the-digital-hoarders-who-collect-tumblrs-1832900423 9 comments indepthstories
- Tumblr Traffic Plummets After Porn Ban https://www.pcmag.com/news/367181/tumblr-traffic-plummets-after-porn-ban 8 comments technology
- (Tumblr) How do I center-justify the entirety of single text posts while keeping left alignment? https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/acwp1t/tumblr_how_do_i_centerjustify_the_entirety_of/ 5 comments web_design
- The sad decline of Tumblr https://theweek.com/articles/810673/sad-decline-tumblr 6 comments technews
- Is Tumblr intentionally killing their platform with the adult content removal? By the numbers it's beyond significant nearly half of the userbase is there for adult content. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/researchers-tried-figure-much-porn-203000366.html 5 comments business
- Tumblr's Porn Ban Reveals Who Controls What We See Online https://www.wired.com/story/tumblrs-porn-ban-reveals-controls-we-see-online/ 9 comments technology
- How do we save all the Tumblr porn?! https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/a2xbn3/how_do_we_save_all_the_tumblr_porn/ 7 comments techsupport
- Tumblr set to remove all adult content from platform after being removed from the App Store https://9to5mac.com/2018/12/03/tumblr-adult-content/ 3 comments technology
- Social network Tumblr removed from Apple's App Store due to child pornography http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2018/11/20/social-network-tumblr-removed-apples-app-store-due-child-pornography 7 comments technology
- Tumblr says Russia used it for fake news during 2016 election https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/24/tumblr-says-russia-used-it-for-fake-news-during-2016-election 17 comments politics
- Tumblr IDs 84 Accounts That Spread Propaganda https://www.wired.com/story/tumblr-russia-trolls-propaganda/ 16 comments politics
- Senate investigators want answers from Reddit and Tumblr on Russia meddling https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/03/05/senate-investigators-want-answers-from-reddit-and-tumblr-on-russia-meddling/?utm_term=.478813cee028 3 comments politics
- Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumblr And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/russian-trolls-ran-wild-on-tumblr-and-the-company-refuses?utm_term=.ygv06r640#.fwvwzyznw 85 comments politics
- Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumblr And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/russian-trolls-ran-wild-on-tumblr-and-the-company-refuses?utm_term=.huywjkw29g#.hhzrny6vjo 3 comments politics
- Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumblr And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/russian-trolls-ran-wild-on-tumblr-and-the-company-refuses 35 comments politics
- Tumblr Led the Net-Neutrality Fight—Then Verizon Bought It. https://www.thedailybeast.com/tumblr-led-the-net-neutrality-fightthen-verizon-bought-it 15 comments technology
- Yahoo 'screws it up,' writes down $482 million of Tumblr http://money.cnn.com/2016/07/18/technology/yahoo-q2-earnings-tumblr/index.html?iid=ob_homepage_tech_pool 26 comments technology
- Hackers Stole 68 Million Passwords From Tumblr, New Analysis Reveals http://motherboard.vice.com/en_uk/read/hackers-stole-68-million-passwords-from-tumblr-new-analysis-reveals? 9 comments technology
- Lesbians in India separated and their story was removed from the internet. In case it's removed from Tumblr, here's the whole story. (xpost: /r/actuallesbians) https://np.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/479up6/lesbians_in_india_separated_and_their_story_was/ 10 comments india
- Indonesia bans Tumblr over porn http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35594617 13 comments worldnews
- A Dutch ISIS Fighter is Taking Questions on Tumblr http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/21/world/middleeast/a-dutch-isis-fighter-is-taking-questions-on-tumblr.html 27 comments worldnews
- Anyone know how to create a blog like this? With tumblr http://iamdonald.com/ 3 comments web_design
- For those of you that don't know, the NBA's tumblr page has a vast collection of HQ photos and videos. Definitely worth a look! http://nba.tumblr.com/ 35 comments nba
- Te lo dice Belen: best tumblr ever? http://telodicebelen.tumblr.com/ 16 comments italy
- The Tumblr Architecture Yahoo Bought for a Cool Billion Dollars http://highscalability.com/blog/2013/5/20/the-tumblr-architecture-yahoo-bought-for-a-cool-billion-doll.html 57 comments programming
- Hey /r/philosophy, I've been a contributor here for a long time and just started a new philosophy Tumblr - Reason and the Beast. http://gdrapos.tumblr.com/ 10 comments philosophy
- Tumblr fails at CSRF, gets hit with mass trollface spam http://www.gfi.com/blog/mass-trollface-spam-hits-tumblr/ 19 comments netsec
- Tumblr Sued for $5 Million Over ‘Pirating’ Users and Employees http://torrentfreak.com/tumblr-sued-over-pirating-users-120507/ 3 comments technology
- Famous People Wearing Hockey Jerseys (Tumblr) http://famouspeoplewearinghockeyjerseys.tumblr.com/ 40 comments hockey
- Tumblr Architecture - 15 Billion Page Views a Month and Harder to Scale than Twitter http://highscalability.com/blog/2012/2/13/tumblr-architecture-15-billion-page-views-a-month-and-harder.html 24 comments programming
- Newsvine - norton scientific scam | Tumblr http://justin-timbaland.newsvine.com/_news/2012/01/08/10060113-norton-scientific-scam-tumblr 3 comments worldnews
- Two Hipster Cop sightings on Mother Jones' tumblr—newest one at Occupy Wall Street. http://motherjones.tumblr.com/ 3 comments politics
- Male victim of domestic violence gets over 7,000 reblogs of his story on Tumblr. http://an0m0ly.tumblr.com/post/8309236833 2400 comments reddit.com
- I rebuilt Facebook as a tumblr theme to test my HTML/CSS knowledge. From looking at the source, is there anythings that I did wrong/could have done better? http://imadefb.tumblr.com/ 127 comments web_design
- "Tools like Wordpress, Blogspot and in particular Tumblr take all the pain out of blogging... It's easy. You barely even have to think about it. And that's the problem." http://blog.wisser.me/ 10 comments web_design