- Trump’s New Clothes http://www.startribune.com/sack-cartoon-trump-sartorially/379876171/ 18 comments politics
- The New York Times' coverage of Trump's taxes is an emperor-has-no-clothes moment https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/28/media/nyt-trump-taxes-reliable-sources/index.html 877 comments politics
- New Clinton TV Ad Slams Trump For Outsourcing His Clothing Line (VIDEOS) http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/clinton-campaign-ads-trump-outsourcing 15 comments politics
- Ivanka Trump’s Chinese-Produced Clothing Exempt From New Tariffs https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/ivanka-trumps-chinese-produced-clothing-not-subject-new-tariffs/ 109 comments politics
- Emperor Trump visits Poland with no new clothes and is met with rapturous applause – but it won't work at G20 http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-poland-visit-g20-crowds-bussed-in-applause-speech-emperors-new-clothes-a7827551.html 3 comments politics
- The Emperor's New Clothes. The Abraham Accords prove that Trump’s majestic robes are real — at least in the Middle East. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/abraham-accords-trump 14 comments geopolitics
- Trump’s last grasp at White House is like the sad story of 'Emperor’s New Clothes', expert says https://ca.news.yahoo.com/us-election-trump-concede-white-house-192730796.html 19 comments politics
- At the heart of it all, he's a narcissist’: Trump’s last grasp at White House is like the sad story of 'Emperor’s New Clothes', expert says https://news.yahoo.com/us-election-trump-concede-white-house-192730796.html 3 comments politics
- ‘At the heart of it all, he's a narcissist’: Trump’s last grasp at White House is like the sad story of 'Emperor’s New Clothes', expert says https://sports.yahoo.com/us-election-trump-concede-white-house-192730796.html 8 comments politics
- When It Comes To Climate, DeSantis Is Trump In Moderate's Clothing: DeSantis represents a new, more reasonable-seeming climate candidate—but the denial is still there. https://gizmodo.com/ron-desantis-climate-change-issues-republican-party-1849814138 31 comments environment
- When It Comes To Climate, DeSantis Is Trump In Moderate's Clothing: DeSantis represents a new, more reasonable-seeming climate candidate—but the denial is still there. https://gizmodo.com/ron-desantis-climate-change-issues-republican-party-1849814138 3 comments climate