- 'You know what? It's yours': Trump reportedly threw his hands up on Syria during phone call with the Turkish president https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-syria-us-troops-pullout-turkish-president-erdogan-2018-12?utm_source=reddit.com 53 comments worldnews
- 'You know what? It's yours': Trump reportedly threw his hands up on Syria during phone call with the Turkish president https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-syria-us-troops-pullout-turkish-president-erdogan-2018-12 2970 comments worldnews
- 'You know what? It's yours': Trump reportedly threw his hands up on Syria during phone call with the Turkish president https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-syria-us-troops-pullout-turkish-president-erdogan-2018-12 547 comments politics