Hacker News
- Transparency Report: Government requests for customer data globally https://www.apple.com/legal/transparency/ 32 comments
- Reddit transparency report, 2014 https://www.reddit.com/wiki/transparency/2014 77 comments
- Cuomo: I'm not satisfied with transparency in Pentagon UFO report https://youtu.be/_W77RNqfhXA?si=CcH5tI50-O0SlzgM 9 comments aliens
- 2022 App Store Transparency Report https://www.apple.com/legal/more-resources/docs/2022-App-Store-Transparency-Report.pdf 6 comments apple
- Community Affairs Team Transparency Report Update https://news.perlfoundation.org/post/cat-transparency-report-updates0 100 comments perl
- 'Eroding Transparency': New Airwars Report Details Deadly US Drone Strikes and Raids in Yemen Under Trump https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/10/28/eroding-transparency-new-airwars-report-details-deadly-us-drone-strikes-and-raids 16 comments politics
- Bitcoin ABC May 2020 Transparency Report https://medium.com/bitcoin-abc/bitcoin-abc-may-2020-transparency-report-b213fc588463 16 comments btc
- ProtonMail's Updated Transparency Report Changes Nothing https://darknetlive.com/post/on-the-topic-of-protonmail-transparency-report/ 8 comments privacy
- Trump pledges transparency on Putin conversations after bombshell report https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/12/trump-putin-conversations-release-helsinki-1098683?tab=most-read 320 comments politics
- Apple’s latest government transparency report came with a slick new website https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/21/18151538/apple-government-transparency-report-website-user-data 3 comments apple
- NSA updates website by scrubbing references to ‘honesty’ and ‘transparency’: Report https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/27/nsa-updates-core-values-on-its-website-but-deletes-references-to-honesty-and-transparency.html 11 comments nottheonion
- Petition calls for transparency after USDA removes online animal welfare reports http://www.wfaa.com/news/petition-calls-for-transparancy-after-usda-removes-animal-welfare-reports/405990183 3 comments politics
- Mod transparency report: 8/14 through 8/21 https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/4z15yn/mod_transparency_report_814_through_821/ 102 comments baseball
- /u/yishan does an ELI5 about Transparency Reports and Subpoenas and how this affects Reddit https://np.reddit.com/r/yishan/comments/4cub02/transparency_reports_and_subpoenas_eli5/ 4 comments privacy
- Reddit deletes surveillance 'warrant canary' in transparency report http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-reddit-iduskcn0wx2yf 4 comments technology
- Turkey tops censorship list in Twitter transparency report http://www.todayszaman.com/national_turkey-tops-censorship-list-in-twitter-transparency-report_412896.html 3 comments worldnews
- Google transparency report 2013: find out what the world's governments want to know about you | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/nov/13/google-transparency-report?cmp=twt_gu 21 comments technology
- Mitch McConnell blocked a resolution to release the full Mueller report, 3 days after saying he wanted 'openness and transparency' about it https://www.businessinsider.com/mcconnell-blocks-resolution-release-full-mueller-report-2019-3 2971 comments politics
- New report card says inquiry into missing women and girls is ‘failing’ Indigenous families: The assessment from the Native Women’s Association of Canada says a lack of transparency and good communication is re-traumatizing families of women and girls who have been killed or disappeared. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/05/07/new-report-card-says-inquiry-into-missing-women-and-girls-is-failing-indigenous-families.html 12 comments worldnews
- Transparency Report for the Secure Email Service Tutanota https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/transparency-report-2016-first-half 3 comments privacy
- Big Pharma and governments are 'turning a blind eye to corruption', report claims: Transparency International says corruption is making a few rich and wrecking the health of some of the world's poorest people http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/big-pharma-and-governments-are-turning-a-blind-eye-to-corruption-report-claims-a7059871.html 38 comments worldnews
- Uber transparency report reveals it has shared the data of 13 million users with the US government http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/04/12/uber-transparency-report_n_9673770.html 7 comments politics
- Google Reveals Content Governments Asked Be Removed in Latest Transparency Report: "Overall, Google received 3,105 requests from world governments between July 2013 and December 2013 to wipe 14,367 pieces of content." http://www.newsweek.com/google-reveals-content-governments-asked-remove-latest-transparency-report-294857 75 comments worldnews
- Google Transparency Report: "Government requests for Google user information double over three years." http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/government-requests-for-user.html 4 comments privacy
- Revealed: BP And Shell Back Anti-Climate Lobby Groups Despite Pledges | An Unearthed and HuffPost investigation identified at least eight trade associations the companies failed to disclose in transparency reports. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f6e3120c5b64deddeed6762 7 comments politics
- UEFA confirm amendments to FFP Rega:(1) increase transparency with clubs to publish financial information, inc fees to agents (2) improve harmonisation of financial + accounting reporting principles on football specific transactions with strict monitoring https://www.uefa.com/insideuefa/mediaservices/newsid=2560806.html 9 comments soccer
- I make fully transparent Monthly Income reports of my self-employed HTML5 Game Development business. Check out how February was for me! http://twitter.com/postfu 48 comments gamedev
- Experts who quit Panama's transparency commission produce their own report: Report's authors say that the U.S. and EU have the power to force other nations to embrace transparency reforms by threatening to cut off access to their financial systems https://www.publicintegrity.org/2016/11/15/20468/experts-who-quit-panamas-transparency-commission-produce-their-own-report 5 comments worldnews
- I make fully transparent Monthly Income Reports of my HTML5 Game Development self-employed job. Check out how I did on October! https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5b1dh1/i_make_fully_transparent_monthly_income_reports/ 54 comments gamedev
- US drone strikes violate international law, says UN. Report says 33 CIA attacks led to civilian deaths and casualties and says US protocols are 'hurdle to transparency' http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/18/drone-strikes-us-violate-law-un 29 comments worldnews
- Wow, Obama who said he would bring a new age of transparency and openness, just told the San Francisco Chronicle they are going to ban them from covering any Obama events in Bay Area for reporting the protests at his fund-raising dinner last week. WOW http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/04/28/mna51j994t.dtl&tsp=1 84 comments politics
- New standards for journalists to fight fake news - Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and leading broadcasters launched a drive against fake news Tuesday with a new set of trust and transparency standards for journalists. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/standards-journalists-fight-fake-news-165023574.html 27 comments worldnews
- [Autosport] “I’m looking forward to seeing it come out and for people to know that this sport is transparent." Lewis Hamilton says he had a "good meeting" with FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem over the F1 Abu Dhabi finale report https://twitter.com/autosport/status/1504776837142126592?s=19&t=etDu9SFTqj4s_7v4hl6CJQ 7 comments formula1
- South Africa is reeling from coronavirus-linked corruption scandals that have battered President Cyril Ramaphosa's credibility, but spurred unprecedented efforts to boost transparency. The outcry began with reports that local government officials were hoarding and selling food donations https://www.france24.com/en/20200819-coronavirus-graft-scandals-shake-south-africa-s-president 6 comments worldnews
- A third of the clinical trial results that federal regulators reviewed to approve drugs made by large pharmaceutical companies in 2012 were never publicly reported, according to a new study that grades companies on their transparency. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/12/how-pharma-keeps-a-trove-of-drug-trials-out-of-public-view/ 22 comments science
- Google Transparency Report: Government Requests | Map shows requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from our services, or provide information about users of our services and products http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/governmentrequests/ 11 comments technology
- [Rick Westhead] Heritage Committee meeting begins with MP Kevin Waugh saying Hockey Canada has not handed over a report on a 2018 alleged sexual assault. Waugh: “Hockey Canada has to be transparent and I’m really disappointed...” MPs agree to meet in private later today to discuss next steps. https://twitter.com/rwesthead/status/1641527557982920716?s=46&t=WZfzFwiEr3BPW6j2AI8U2w 7 comments hockey
- [Andy Larsen] Transparency time, even if weak: Multiple people have told me something like PK’s report today… sources with different connections, but rumors travel fast in this business. And other notable sources believe that everything is basically as it was 24 hrs ago. So: I don’t know. https://twitter.com/andyblarsen/status/1550213176951578625?s=19&t=LsUdNgiuYPvKGyunBFswUw 82 comments nba
- New coating creates ‘superglass’ "A new transparent, bioinspired coating makes ordinary glass tough, self-cleaning, and incredibly slippery, a team from Harvard University reported online July 31 in Nature Communications." http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/08/new-coating-turns-ordinary-glass-into-superglass/ 6 comments science
- Transparent solar technology represents 'wave of the future' - See-through solar materials that can be applied to windows represent a massive source of untapped energy and could harvest as much power as bigger, bulkier rooftop solar units, scientists report today in Nature Energy. http://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2017/transparent-solar-technology-represents-wave-of-the-future/ 1623 comments science