Hacker News
- The world’s longest train journey now begins in China http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/11/21/map-the-worlds-longest-train-journey-now-begins-in-china/ 48 comments
- Snake on a train delays Japanese Bullet service https://www.rte.ie/news/newslens/2024/0417/1443974-japan-bullet-train/ 26 comments nottheonion
- Atlético Madrid's new sports city will contain a new training centre, a 6.000 seater stadium for women and youth teams, hotels, restaurants, parks, an athletics stadium, public venues for handball, futsal, volleyball, basketball, surfing, and climbing. The goal is to increase earnings significantly https://www.elconfidencial.com/deportes/futbol/2024-02-14/ciudad-deporte-atletico-bra_3828825/ 33 comments soccer
- Jon Moxley on rehab: "The one therapist I had straight up told me to retire. She said, ‘Start a wrestling school. Train some kids. You know what the problem is? You gotta get out of there.’ I was like, 'I don’t think it’s that.'" https://wrestlingnews.co/aew-news/jon-moxley-shares-details-about-his-stint-in-alcohol-rehab-the-one-therapist-i-had-straight-up-told-me-to-retire/ 218 comments squaredcircle
- With spring training likely to be delayed, here’s why MLB and the Players Association are still far apart https://theathletic.com/3103051/2022/01/31/with-spring-training-likely-to-be-delayed-heres-why-mlb-and-the-players-union-are-still-far-apart/ 70 comments baseball
- [The Athletic] Trippier on Simeone: He’s just relentless. He’d work me for an hour and a half after training doing one-v-ones, showing me clips from my time at Tottenham, saying I should be doing this or that. He helped me so much. He got me into positions I never thought I’d be in as a footballer. https://theathletic.com/3093468/2022/01/27/people-have-always-doubted-me-kieran-trippier-on-newcastle-simeone-spurs-and-england/ 16 comments soccer
- [Rio Ferdinand] Let @paulpogba not turn up for @ManUtd training and see how the English media and fans go mad! Helicopters & police forces out searching his location immediately. https://twitter.com/rioferdy5/status/1422161225128058881 13 comments soccer
- Tesla unveils its new supercomputer (5th most powerful in the world) to train self-driving AI https://electrek.co/2021/06/21/tesla-unveils-new-supercomputer-train-self-driving-ai/ 104 comments hardware
- Akademy 2021 begins tomorrow. Akademy training sessions will take place on 18 June and the talk sessions on 19, 20 and 25 June. Don’t forget to register. https://akademy.kde.org/2021/register 3 comments kde
- Bees in the Netherlands trained to detect COVID-19 infections https://technology.inquirer.net/109508/bees-in-the-netherlands-trained-to-detect-covid-19-infections 11 comments science
- Coca Cola Confirms Training Employees ‘Try To Be Less White’ https://www.thestreet.com/mishtalk/economics/coca-cola-confirms-training-employees-try-to-be-less-white 57 comments nottheonion
- Rotterdam Metro Train Plows Through Stop Block on dead end bridge, Dangles on Artwork https://ca.news.yahoo.com/rotterdam-metro-train-plows-stop-050240996.html 19 comments worldnews
- [Pelissero] Sources: #Bengals CB Mackensie Alexander has left training camp as the Okeechobee County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office searches for his father, Jean Odney Alexandre, who disappeared Monday while on a berry-picking trip, authorities say. A search is underway. https://twitter.com/tompelissero/status/1298387765126717445?s=21 56 comments nfl
- Mumbai to decide on shutting off its lifeline 'local trains' after first Corona death https://www.businessinsider.in/india/news/mumbai-to-decide-on-shutting-off-its-lifeline-local-trains-after-first-corona-death/articleshow/74670751.cms?utm_source=social_reddit&utm_medium=social_sharing&utm_campaign=click_through_social_share 33 comments india
- [Rapoport] South Carolina DT Javon Kinlaw, a likely top 10 pick, has successfully rehabbed the knee tendinitis that caused him to cut short his Senior Bowl, sources say. But rehab was the focus more so than training, so he’ll do field work at his school’s Pro Day. https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/1232352455083667458 14 comments nfl
- I need ideas of how to attach a training push handle to a kids bike seat post with quick release https://smile.amazon.com/CABINA-HOME-Non-Slip-Practical-Training/dp/B07W3SG32B/ref=sxbs_sxwds-stvp?cv_ct_cx=Bike+Trainer+Handle&keywords=Bike+Trainer+Handle&pd_rd_i=B07W3SG32B&pd_rd_r=ecac11ef-efa8-4cd9-a9aa-b07ae8673af2&pd_rd_w=cA0gx&pd_rd_wg=nR1Wp&pf_rd_p=a6d018ad-f20b-46c9-8920-433972c7d9b7&pf_rd_r=D4X6CJ8BNZ5CZ2WEC950&psc=1&qid=1579703594&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-1-dd5817a1-1ba7-46c2-8996-f96e7b0f409c 5 comments bicycling
- Extinction Rebellion activist dragged from roof of London Underground train. Commuters clash with demonstrators over morning rush hour disruption. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/17/extinction-rebellion-activists-london-underground 20 comments worldnews
- [Langosch] Alex Reyes punched a wall after his last start and fractured his left pinky. He'll relocate to extended spring training to continue throwing, but will be out of active competition for about three weeks https://twitter.com/langoschmlb/status/1122529112747388928?s=21 116 comments baseball
- Bid to seize railway property for payment default fails as train drives off https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/bid-to-seize-railway-property-for-payment-default-fails-as-train-takes-off/story-hi5n1gxd7tkzrhzvaxcbqk.html 4 comments india
- Germany Rolls Out World's First Hydrogen Train, Releases Only Steam and Water https://www.news18.com/news/world/germany-rolls-out-worlds-first-hydrogen-train-releases-only-steam-and-water-1880561.html 4 comments worldnews
- ‘Train Wreck’: Lawyers For Past Presidents Gawk At Trump Legal Chaos https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/trump-legal-chaos-white-house-attorneys 5 comments politics
- I wish every team had a show in training camp/preseason. Like Hard Knocks but for every team. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/7nqm9i/i_wish_every_team_had_a_show_in_training/ 4 comments nfl
- Unstable MLP's accuracy on train dataset https://datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/19763/unstable-mlps-accuracy-on-train-dataset 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- I make things and never learn or train as a salesperson. How can I go about partnering with a salesperson to bring in sales? https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/6a3ejg/i_make_things_and_never_learn_or_train_as_a/ 7 comments sales
- 800 km journey by train made me realize very sad thing about Indian people including my own dad. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/5wwhrg/800_km_journey_by_train_made_me_realize_very_sad/ 150 comments india
- some proctor & gamble sales training https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/5mf84p/some_proctor_gamble_sales_training/ 6 comments sales
- A right-wing militia trains Russians to fight the next war — with or without Putin https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/a-right-wing-militia-trains-russians-to-fight-the-next-war--with-or-without-putin/2017/01/02/f06b5ce8-b71e-11e6-939c-91749443c5e5_story.html 37 comments europe
- Train fares seen rising in 2017 as Indian Railways mulls safety cess [np] http://zeenews.india.com/economy/train-fares-seen-rising-in-2017-as-indian-railways-mulls-safety-cess_1957411.html 23 comments india
- Nashville High Schoolers Train As Baristas To Prepare For The College Grind http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/06/10/480927407/nashville-high-schoolers-train-as-baristas-to-prepare-for-the-college-grind 5 comments nottheonion
- Muslim thugs spray teenage boys faces with acid, leaving one 'blinded in one eye' and four more horrifically injured as they waited for a train. (I recommend you read the article's comment section) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3606210/teenage-boy-blinded-one-eye-four-suffered-burns-strangers-threw-acid-waited-train.html 19 comments worldnews
- Austria halts train traffic from Hungary due to 'massive overburdening' http://www.rt.com/news/314917-austria-halts-train-hungary/ 5 comments worldnews
- U.S. soldier wounded helping to overpower gunman on train in France http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/22/us-france-train-shots-iduskcn0qq20j20150822 7 comments worldnews
- The Problem with Indian Railways Trains : Old and Outdated design http://24coaches.com/the-problem-with-indian-railways-trains-old-and-outdated-design/ 3 comments india
- U.S. Will Step Up Training of Iraqi Forces Fighting ISIS, Obama Says http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/09/world/europe/united-states-increase-training-iraqis-fighting-isis-obama.html?_r=1 17 comments worldnews
- [BREAKING] [GPW 2015] German train drivers' union calls 5-day strike starting Tuesday http://blogs.perl.org/users/mithaldu/2015/05/breaking-gpw-2015-german-train-drivers-union-calls-5-day-strike-starting-tuesday-in-dispute-with-rai.html 3 comments perl
- Dogs trained to detect prostate cancer with more than 90% accuracy http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/apr/11/dogs-trained-detect-prostate-cancer-accuracy 113 comments science
- The GOP budgets proposed in Congress would cut about $5 trillion over the next decade. The overwhelming burden would fall on programs that boost working families: education, Medicare and Medicaid, college aid, job training, medical research and rebuilding roads and bridges. http://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/236658-stark-choices-peoples-budget-vs-republican-plan 321 comments politics
- Agüero and Jovetic miss training before Bayern clash https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/football-aguero-jovetic-miss-training-121710447--sow.html 11 comments soccer
- Brewers sign welcomes folks to their spring training home, Tempe Diablos stadium ca. 1970... http://www.playballexperience.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/tempe-diablo-sign-brewers-c.jpg 3 comments baseball
- Kentwan Balmer disappears from training camp. Again. http://www.csnwashington.com/football-washington-redskins/redskins-talk/balmers-hotel-room-found-empty?blockid=750413&feedid=10316 6 comments nfl