- Judge wins re-election but is now too old to serve on bench http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/judge_wins_reelection_but_is_now_too_old_to_serve_on_bench 3 comments law
- William Adams, a Texas Judge who was suspended (with pay) after a video of him beating his daughter for using the internet went viral, has been re-instated by the Texas Supreme Court. http://abcnews.go.com/us/wirestory/judge-suspended-video-beating-returns-bench-17693891#.ukbjioe7mva 26 comments politics
- Judge declared "legally insane," re-elected anyways. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/07/cynthia-brim-cook-county-_n_2089639.html 3 comments nottheonion
- Texas judge warns of civil war if Obama is re-elected http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/23/us/texas-judge-warning/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 7 comments nottheonion
- California judge voids county's election results because they used Diebold machines which can't be audited, calls for election to be re-run http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/005464.php 73 comments reddit.com
- Fox’s Judge Napolitano: Seems Trump ‘Is Prepared to Commit a Felony to Get Re-Elected’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/foxs-judge-napolitano-seems-trump-is-prepared-to-commit-a-felony-to-get-re-elected 328 comments politics
- Judge says Trump can’t re-open Arctic waters that Obama closed to drilling https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/03/judge-says-trump-cant-re-open-arctic-waters-that-obama-closed-to-drilling/ 9 comments science
- Texas judge warns of civil war if Obama is re-elected to justify a tax increase http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/23/us/texas-judge-warning/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 238 comments politics
- Another republican calls for armed revolt if Obama is re-elected in November. This time, he's a Texas judge. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/22/tom-head-texas-obama_n_1822003.html?utm_hp_ref=politics 432 comments politics
- A Judge Finally Found Fraudulent Votes. They’re All From a Republican. https://newrepublic.com/post/180230/georgia-official-vote-illegally 125 comments law
- A Judge Finally Found Fraudulent Votes. They’re All From a Republican. https://newrepublic.com/post/180230/georgia-official-vote-illegally 981 comments politics
- A federal judge just told the DOJ what we’re all thinking on Jan. 6 prosecutions https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/judge-doj-jan-6-prosecutions-rcna4092 16 comments politics
- [Bryan Hoch] Aaron Judge said he was doing the bat-banging gesture in support of Brett Gardner. “You’re going to see a lot more of that.” https://twitter.com/bryanhoch/status/1163198393310728192?s=21 151 comments baseball
- A judge ordered immigrant children removed from troubled Texas facility. They’re still there. https://www.revealnews.org/blog/a-judge-ordered-immigrant-children-removed-from-troubled-texas-facility-theyre-still-there/ 8 comments politics
- Copyright Trolls to Judge: Nope! We’re Not Coming to Scary Hearing http://torrentfreak.com/copyright-trolls-to-judge-nope-were-not-coming-to-scary-hearing-130309/ 13 comments technology
- ‘We’re in some other world now’: Judge calls out Trump DOJ for running to SCOTUS over ‘unappealable TRO’ and asks if ‘only what the current president wants’ is law now https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/were-in-some-other-world-now-judge-calls-out-trump-doj-for-running-to-scotus-over-unappealable-tro-and-asks-if-only-what-the-current-president-wants-is-law-now/ 16 comments politics
- NY v Trump (Fraud Case) - Judge Engoron's response re Perjury https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=jhOHTMJgdffDQfq3QXgPcw%3D%3D&system=prod 163 comments law
- McConnell: ‘We’re going to clean the plate’ on judges https://www.rollcall.com/2020/10/30/mcconnell-senate-judges-lame-duck/ 79 comments politics
- [Vacchiano] Joe Judge says he has a golden retriever who sits on the couch next to him in the basement “about 15 hours a day.” “Right now she could probably tell you more about who we’re going to draft than anybody else.” https://twitter.com/rvacchianosny/status/1250451607424249857?s=21 110 comments nfl
- Judge to Manafort: Don’t Worry, the Jail You’re Going to Knows How to Handle Terrorists, Traitors and Spies https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/judge-to-manafort-dont-worry-the-jail-youre-going-to-knows-how-to-handle-terrorists-traitors-and-spies/ 14 comments politics
- 'They’re trying to break me': Polish judges face state-led intimidation https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/19/theyre-trying-to-break-me-polish-judges-face-state-led-intimidation 72 comments europe
- Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge David Prosser narrowly survived an unexpectedly heated re-election campaign, the AP has declared. He defeated challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg by 7,316 votes. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/afternoon-fix-david-prosser-won-in-wisconsin-ap-declares/2011/04/15/afnliykd_blog.html 4 comments politics
- California judges say they’re underpaid, and their new lawsuit could cost taxpayers millions https://calmatters.org/justice/2024/12/california-judges-pay-lawsuit/ 2 comments nottheonion
- Cody Rhodes - "I’ve been on trial my whole career. Everything has been on trial, from the time you’re judged so early because you’re a multi-generational. The greatest thing about it is that the verdict is not decided by anyone other than fans." https://wrestlejoy.com/2023/03/cody-rhodes-reflections-on-the-american-nightmare/ 49 comments squaredcircle
- Shaq “You can’t judge the Nets/Lakers because they’re not at full strength” Dwyane Wade: “The Miami Heat haven’t been at full strength all year and they’re in first place” https://streamable.com/8ml702 518 comments nba
- Judges Are Telling Minority Voters They’re Probably Being Disenfranchised, but It’s Too Late to Do Anything About It https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/11/dodge-city-ruling-polling-place-closed.html 62 comments politics
- John Roberts Thinks Judges Like Him Are Too Important to Be Replaced by AI: In his year-end report, the chief justice avoided the many elephants in the room—including Supreme Court corruption—to reassure judges that they’re superior to bots. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/john-roberts-doesnt-think-ai-can-replace-him/ 58 comments politics
- [Vacchiano] Giants coach Joe Judge said there were 13 total positive Covid tests. Some are players. So far only RB Burton Burns is the only one who tested positive on the re-test. https://twitter.com/RVacchianoSNY/status/1455906533263527938 20 comments nfl
- Canadian Judge Bans Pro-Life Ads on Buses Because They’re Not ‘Safe and Welcoming’ http://heatst.com/culture-wars/canadian-judge-bans-pro-life-ads-on-buses-because-theyre-not-safe-and-welcoming/ 34 comments worldnews
- Re: Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian - Can anyone help me understand the Judge's worldview? I got lost in more than a few of his monologues. Is he insane? No, this is not for a book report. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_meridian 27 comments books
- Trump has played the media like a puppet. We’re getting better — but history will not judge us kindly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/trump-has-played-the-media-like-a-puppet-were-getting-better--but-history-will-not-judge-us-kindly/2020/04/28/e709b1cc-88c6-11ea-ac8a-fe9b8088e101_story.html 16 comments politics
- Texas appeals court says police can’t search your phone after you’re jailed -- Looking at your texts is not like searching your pockets, judges say http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/02/texas-appeals-court-says-police-cant-search-your-phone-after-youre-jailed/ 749 comments politics
- [alexspeier] Triston Casas: “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, you’re going to think it’s dumb, but if you talk to me about hitting you might think I’m the smartest person in the world.” On hitting and patience in pursuit of the big leagues https://twitter.com/alexspeier/status/1558072928113229825 16 comments baseball
- Chris Wallace Owns Lindsey Graham With Clip Of Him Lashing Clinton On Ignored Subpoenas: “You’re becoming the judge and jury,” complained Graham, who said in the late ‘90s that ignoring a congressional subpoena was an impeachable offense. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5ceb1299e4b00356fc23c1d5?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=ahr0chm6ly93d3cuz29vz2xllmnvbs8&guce_referrer_sig=aqaaac7grpijcinxyq3xjn8mmcxqjvmu2kib9v-xkfsm3zr343bkhdtwbhebw5ksr9kynhiluxwetkb1adsh21sc0mzbpq_nb4ljwc3vhs-r7gsk1aznlpa7au9yhv8arklfmlnwkvusyrocpn8rl2twkob9cmrggtunj2cgpwntxa9c 257 comments politics
- N.C. judge Beth Dixon who convicted woman for videotaping cops faces re-election. Let's help get the word out about this horrible judge and make sure she pays for her poor judgment and violence against society. http://carlosmiller.com/2010/08/30/n-c-judge-who-convicted-woman-for-videotaping-cops-faces-election/ 29 comments reddit.com
- [Wood] Judging from their social media takes, not to mention their “I still own you” merch, #Packers have entered that rare territory in a rivalry where they’re no longer bothering with platitudes for the Bears. Because they can say whatever they want, and it literally does not matter. https://twitter.com/ByRyanWood/status/1470486974712762369?amp%3Bs=19&t=50HpkUh3oxHYBxwObh846g 86 comments nfl
- Guardiola on Liverpool spending: Every club does what they believe. I understand completely. I’m not concerned at what someone says one day. Liverpool believe they need these players and spend this money so I’m not judging what they’re doing. If they decide that then it’s perfect for them http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-5987581/pep-guardiola-accepts-liverpools-spending-believes-direct-consequence-manchester-city.html 77 comments soccer
- US Judge Rejects BP’s Latest Request to Stop Payments from its Multibillion-Dollar Settlement with Victims of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill - “We’re pleased the court relied on actual facts & evidence in reaching its conclusion & not the unsupported hyperbole & speculation propagated by BP.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-28/bp-loses-bid-to-halt-spill-payments-pending-investigation.html 48 comments worldnews
- Filibusters are no longer used to allow minorities to be heard. They’re used to make the majority fail. In the process, they undermine democratic accountability, because voters are left to judge the rule of a majority party based on the undesirable outcomes created by a filibustering minority. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/11/09/is-this-the-end-for-the-filibuster/ 265 comments politics
- Pennsylvania judge rules that only marriages performed by ministers with bricks-and-mortar churches and congregations are legitimate. Anyone whose marriage was performed by an Internet-ordained minister has been advised to re-marry ASAP. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-a1_2weddingbox.6045445sep15,0,2544500.story?coll=all-newslocalbethlehem-hed 2 comments reddit.com