- Wow… This hits way too close to home. Almost feels like a glimpse of what could happen if something like the supposed 2027 event really did take place. Very well done. [Last Stand | Sci-Fi Short Film] https://youtu.be/6dtSqhYhcrs?si=QckblWUpNwwPRHqI 31 comments aliens
- McKenzie Mitchell: Today I was released by WWE. I met my husband, moved cross country from CT to FL for @wwenxt (a place I’ve always considered home), and met friends that became like family. I’ve always said and firmly believe in “when door closes, another opens.” https://twitter.com/mckenzienmitch/status/1730629906713706851?s=21&t=rFQw0Jp1zHeM4S1x_EtRDQ 143 comments squaredcircle