Hacker News
- The Story Of The Pazyryk Carpet, the Oldest Rug in the World (2012) http://nazmiyalantiquerugs.com/blog/pazyryk-carpet-oldest-rug-the-world/ 3 comments
- Cave painting from 52,000 years ago ‘is the world’s oldest story’ https://www.thetimes.com/article/d6a5620f-023a-4564-bd6f-d9fc65f77210?shareToken=d2d34b398c1814d6b3609a504f70de56 43 comments history
- Stories told by Aboriginal Tasmanians could be oldest recorded in the world https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/history-culture/2023/10/stories-told-by-aboriginal-tasmanians-could-be-oldest-recorded-in-the-world/ 56 comments history
- The Oldest Rock In The World Tells Us A Story http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2013/01/11/169047159/the-oldest-rock-in-the-world-tells-us-a-story 2 comments science
- Did you know that Exeter Cathedral in the southern county of Devon in England are in possesion of nothing less than the oldest book of English literature in the world? A book of incalculable value. Once used as a chopping board, The Exeter Book has a faciniating story. Happy #WorldBookDay https://news.exeter.gov.uk/world-book-day-2020/ 83 comments books
- The World’s Oldest Story? Astronomers Say Global Myths About 'Seven Sisters’ Stars May Reach Back 100,000 Years https://www.iflscience.com/space/the-worlds-oldest-story-astronomers-say-global-myths-about-seven-sisters-stars-may-reach-back-100000-years/ 5 comments astronomy
- The World’s Oldest Story? Astronomers Say Global Myths About ‘Seven Sisters’ Stars May Reach Back 100,000 Years https://singularityhub.com/2021/01/10/the-worlds-oldest-story-astronomers-say-global-myths-about-seven-sisters-stars-may-reach-back-100000-years/ 6 comments space
- A painting discovered on the wall of an Indonesian cave has been found to be 44,000 years old. Some researchers think the scene could be the world's oldest-recorded story. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-50754303 824 comments science