Hacker News
- Ten Problems for Artificial Intelligence in the 2020s https://www.tenproblems.com/2020/01/16/ten-problems-for-artificial-intelligence-in-the-2020s/ 8 comments
- Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/opinion/sunday/artificial-intelligences-white-guy-problem.html?mwrsm=Facebook 3 comments
- Artificial Intelligence Has a ‘Sea of Dudes’ Problem https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-23/artificial-intelligence-has-a-sea-of-dudes-problem 29 comments
- Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/opinion/sunday/artificial-intelligences-white-guy-problem.html 2 comments
- Problems in artificial intelligence research? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3596850/problems-in-artificial-intelligence-research 24 comments programming
- Artificial Intelligence has a Control Problem https://www.thetechdeviant.com/2023/02/16/artificial-intelligence-has-a-control-problem/ 14 comments futurology
- The Problem with ‘Friendly’ Artificial Intelligence http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/the-problem-with-friendly-artificial-intelligence 473 comments philosophy
- Artificial Intelligence Has a ‘Sea of Dudes’ Problem https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-23/artificial-intelligence-has-a-sea-of-dudes-problem 41 comments cogsci
- Artificial Intelligence's problems might be solved by regulating Synthetic Data. https://botpopuli.net/artificial-data-for-artificial-intelligence-could-this-be-the-game-changer/ 2 comments futurology
- The problem with artificial intelligence? It’s neither artificial nor intelligent https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/30/artificial-intelligence-chatgpt-human-mind 93 comments technology
- Artificial intelligence reduces a 100,000-equation quantum physics problem to only four equations https://phys.org/news/2022-09-artificial-intelligence-equation-quantum-physics.html 16 comments artificial
- Artificial intelligence reduces a 100,000-equation quantum physics problem to only four equations https://phys.org/news/2022-09-artificial-intelligence-equation-quantum-physics.html 222 comments futurology
- Artificial Intelligence Reduces A 100,000-Equation Quantum Physics Problem To Only Four Equations http://untolduniverse.thespaceacademy.org/2022/09/artificial-intelligence-reduces-100000.html?m=1 4 comments futurology
- Artificial Intelligence Reduces A 100,000-Equation Quantum Physics Problem To Only Four Equations http://untolduniverse.thespaceacademy.org/2022/09/artificial-intelligence-reduces-100000.html 41 comments science
- Artificial Intelligence Reduces A 100,000-Equation Quantum Physics Problem To Only Four Equations http://untolduniverse.thespaceacademy.org/2022/09/artificial-intelligence-reduces-100000.html 23 comments business
- Artificial Intelligence Solves Schrödinger’s Equation, a Fundamental Problem in Quantum Chemistry https://scitechdaily.com/artificial-intelligence-solves-schrodingers-equation-a-fundamental-problem-in-quantum-chemistry/ 30 comments worldnews
- Artificial Intelligence Solves Schrodinger’s Equation, a Fundamental Problem in Quantum Chemistry https://scitechdaily.com/artificial-intelligence-solves-schrodingers-equation-a-fundamental-problem-in-quantum-chemistry/ 5 comments technology
- Artificial Intelligence Solves Schrödinger’s Equation, a Fundamental Problem in Quantum Chemistry https://scitechdaily.com/artificial-intelligence-solves-schrodingers-equation-a-fundamental-problem-in-quantum-chemistry/ 47 comments technology
- SOME PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS FROM THE STANDPOINT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: John McCarthy http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/mcchay69/mcchay69.html 9 comments programming
- Using artificial intelligence to combat money laundering by attacking the segmentation problem https://www.ayasdi.com/blog/aml/intelligent-segmentation-as-the-attack-point-for-aml/ 3 comments artificial
- Artificial intelligence beats doctors in accurately assessing eye problems https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/artificial-intelligence-beats-doctors-in-accurately-assessing-eye-problems 42 comments futurology
- ChatGPT creators try to use artificial intelligence to explain itself – and come across major problems https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/chatgpt-openai-artificial-intelligence-b2336900.html 28 comments technology
- Scientists have developed artificial intelligence that can disclose depression through conversation, I think this will be solution to many problems. http://sciencefunfacts.com/scientists-have-developed-artificial-intelligence-that-can-disclose-depression-through-conversation/ 21 comments science
- Facebook's AI mathematician can solve university calculus problems - artificial intelligence has learned to solve university-level calculus problems in seconds. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2228399-facebooks-ai-mathematician-can-solve-university-calculus-problems/ 4 comments technology
- Scientists have developed artificial intelligence that can disclose depression through conversation, I think this will be solution to many problems. http://sciencefunfacts.com/scientists-have-developed-artificial-intelligence-that-can-disclose-depression-through-conversation/ 8 comments science
- The real risks of artificial intelligence: "Fears of a robot apocalypse mask the actual problems that we face by increasingly letting our lives be run by algorithms" http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20161110-the-real-risks-of-artificial-intelligence 18 comments technology
- My lecturer in Artificial Intelligence showed us this video to demonstrate the problem with machine interpretation of natural languages. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz2-ukrd2vq 24 comments programming
- Lack of Sleep Could Be a Problem for AIs - Some types of artificial intelligence could start to hallucinate if they don’t get enough rest, just as humans do https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/lack-of-sleep-could-be-a-problem-for-ais/ 9 comments technology
- Unpacking the common misconception that AI will be the answer to all our energy and ecological problems, specifically climate change. Artificial Intelligence vs Real Ecology | Frankly #49 https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=zY29LjWYHIo 2 comments climate
- Using artificial intelligence, physicists have compressed a daunting quantum problem that until now required 100,000 equations into a bite-size task of as few as four equations — all without sacrificing accuracy. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/965836 8 comments science
- If ‘All Models Are Wrong,’ Why Do We Give Them So Much Power? Is Artificial Intelligence the Problem? Or Are We? - NY Times Podcast: The Ezra Klein Show https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/04/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-brian-christian.html 6 comments technology
- The legal quagmire of creativity in artificial intelligence. AI holds the promise to solve problems beyond the scope of human imagination. But if an AI can create, who owns its work? http://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/the-legal-quagmire-of-creativity-in-artificial-intelligence 5 comments artificial
- US Government is soliciting opinions about scientific, philosophical, economic, political, and social problems posed by the future of artificial intelligence research https://www.whitehouse.gov/webform/rfi-preparing-future-artificial-intelligence 101 comments philosophy
- Artificial intelligence reduces a 100,000-equation quantum physics problem to only four equations. Using AI, physicists have compressed a daunting quantum problem that until now required 100,000 equations into a bite-size task of as few as four equations — all without sacrificing accuracy. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/965836 62 comments science
- Fair is not the default - Google write-up on the problem of human bias and "data blindness" in artificial intelligence and machine learning https://design.google/library/fair-not-default/ 310 comments philosophy
- For the first time ever a computer has managed to develop a new scientific theory using only its artificial intelligence, and with no help from human beings. The problem they chose was one that has been puzzling biologists for 120 years. http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-06/05/computer-develops-scientific-theory-independently 3 comments science
- 3 Future Problems caused by AI we may have to soon live with. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Hyperrealistic Deepfakes, and Military AI-powered Weapons https://www.livescience.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/3-scary-breakthroughs-ai-will-make-in-2024 25 comments futurology
- Staff researchers sent the board a letter warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity. The breakthrough called Q* was given vast computing resources, new model was able to solve certain mathematical problems. https://www.reuters.com/technology/sam-altmans-ouster-openai-was-precipitated-by-letter-board-about-ai-breakthrough-2023-11-22/ 247 comments futurology
- Researchers have built an artificial intelligence (AI) that generates new mathematical formulae — including some as-yet unsolved problems that continue to challenge mathematicians. Ramanujan Machine is designed to generate new ways of calculating digits of important mathematical constants, such as π https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00304-8 32 comments science
- (Podcast + Transcript) Can Computers Be Mathematicians? | Quanta Magazine | Artificial intelligence has bested humans at problem-solving challenges like chess and Go. Is mathematics research next? Steven Strogatz speaks with mathematician Kevin Buzzard... https://www.quantamagazine.org/can-computers-be-mathematicians-20220629/ 3 comments math