Hacker News
- A new kind of climate denial has taken over on YouTube https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/16/24040015/youtube-google-climate-change-new-denial-advertising-report 2 comments
- How to recognize the new climate change denial, explained by a climate scientist https://www.vox.com/climate/23885799/climate-change-denial-fossil-fuel-companies-exxon-mobil 3 comments
- Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism https://www.newsroom.co.nz/climate-emergency/big-oils-wokewashing-is-the-new-climate-science-denialism 3 comments climate
- Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/09/big-oil-delay-tactics-new-climate-science-denial 3 comments environment
- Climate “Realism” Is the New Climate Denial https://newrepublic.com/article/158797/climate-change-alarmism-greta-thunberg-naomi-seibt 3 comments environment
- Climate “Realism” Is the New Climate Denial https://newrepublic.com/article/158797/climate-change-alarmism-greta-thunberg-naomi-seibt 8 comments climate
- Climate “Realism” Is the New Climate Denial https://newrepublic.com/article/158797/climate-change-alarmism-greta-thunberg-naomi-seibt?amp%3B_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9F5pHbQYQtITc_ymiarJ-eQZDupunF3lnwB_Dl6XArT3Agui9bo3CAYolxkyWThz1xhEsNBMPXcTa771do2SRI7RY25w&%3B_hsmi=92748923&%3Butm_content=92748923&%3Butm_medium=email&%3Butm_source=hs_email 19 comments environment
- YouTube Has Been 'Actively Promoting' Videos Spreading Climate Denialism, According to New Report https://time.com/5765622/youtube-climate-change-denial/ 387 comments worldnews
- YouTube Has Been 'Actively Promoting' Videos Spreading Climate Denialism, According to New Report https://time.com/5765622/youtube-climate-change-denial/ 1365 comments worldnews
- The Pathetic New Tactic Replacing Climate Change Denial https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/xwb48a/the-pathetic-new-tactic-of-climate-change-deniers?utm_campaign=carbon%20brief%20daily%20briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_source=revue%20newsletter 24 comments politics
- Air Pollution Denial Is the New Climate Denial https://newrepublic.com/article/141260/air-pollution-denial-new-climate-denial 3 comments politics
- Climate Doomism Is the New Climate Denial https://medium.com/climate-conscious/climate-doomism-is-the-new-climate-denial-f4a48ddd970 40 comments climate
- The Trump administration takes climate denial to new heights https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/05/28/trump-administration-takes-climate-denial-new-heights/?utm_term=.fc379fa57df7 3 comments politics
- Lamar Smith’s dangerous new climate science denial https://thinkprogress.org/lamar-smith-climate-benefits-7b9f593340bd 3 comments politics
- The new climate denialism: More carbon dioxide is a good thing http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-the-new-climate-denialism-carbon-dioxide-is-good-for-you/2014/12/15/beaafc72-8499-11e4-b9b7-b8632ae73d25_story.html 6 comments politics
- New study reveals funders behind the climate change denial effort http://phys.org/news/2013-12-koch-brothers-reveals-funders-climate.html 145 comments science
- On the climate crisis, delay has become the new form of denial https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-10-31/climate-crisis-delay-has-become-the-new-form-of-denial 4 comments climate
- A Dangerous New Form of Climate Denialism Is Making the Rounds https://www.newsweek.com/dangerous-new-form-climate-denialism-making-rounds-opinion-1455736 30 comments politics
- Heartland Institute climate change conference: Optimism is the new denial. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2014/07/heartland_institute_climate_change_conference_optimism_is_the_new_denial.html 6 comments politics
- Analysis: New UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s Links to Climate Science Denial https://www.desmog.com/2022/09/05/analysis-new-uk-prime-minister-liz-trusss-links-to-climate-science-denial/ 2 comments climate
- Don’t believe Donald Trump: He spun climate denial to The New York Times, and a lot of people fell for it https://www.salon.com/2016/11/27/do-not-believe-donald-trump-climate-change_partner/ 17 comments politics
- Not just the Koch brothers: New study reveals funders behind the climate change denial effort http://phys.org/news/2013-12-koch-brothers-reveals-funders-climate.html 93 comments politics
- Texas' New Public School Textbooks Promote Climate Change Denial and Downplay Segregation. And they could end up in your kid's classroom too. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/09/texas-textbooks-promote-climate-change-denial-downplay-segregation 63 comments politics
- Climate scientist Michael Mann's new book says climate denial is 'driving us crazy' https://thinkprogress.org/toles-mann-madhouse-96eb1c4c747a#.fvitgy88m 11 comments politics
- New study links political ignorance and national narcissism to climate change denial https://www.psypost.org/new-study-links-political-ignorance-and-national-narcissism-to-climate-change-denial/ 48 comments climate
- Green New Deal Supported By Majority Of Conservative Republicans, Climate Denial No Longer Primary Obstacle https://www.newsweek.com/green-new-deal-poll-conservative-republicans-climate-change-denial-alexandria-1264117 13 comments politics
- New British PM Liz Truss has links to climate science denial, and finds solar farms depressing https://reneweconomy.com.au/liz-truss-has-links-to-climate-science-denial-and-finds-solar-farms-depressing/ 58 comments energy
- Monumental Disaster at the Department of the Interior A new report documents suppression of science, denial of climate change, the silencing and intimidation of staff https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/monumental-disaster-at-the-department-of-the-interior/?fbclid=iwar3p__zx3y22t0eyllcz6-ssq2dpkovl3estamnj0sg8h-0ljg6e9tkglsi 725 comments politics
- Minimisation Is The New Denial - a review of recent scientific findings and live observations that demonstrates the IPCC and most public-facing experts minimise the seriousness of climate change impacts - thus falsely-legitimising inadequate ‘net-zero’ response. https://braveneweurope.com/jackson-damian-minimisation-is-the-new-denial-climate-scientists-and-the-false-hope-of-net-zero 24 comments science
- New research shows that a lack of trust in environmental institutions is strongly associated with anthropogenic climate change denial, and furthermore that the degree of trust—or lack thereof—is partly a function of anti-elitist attitudes, opposition to migration and views of nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-021-00930-7 8 comments science
- South Korea’s Green New Deal ‘stunningly ambitious’ for one of region’s top polluters. “Asia is not a region where you have climate denialism. When people go to vote they’re expressing a view on a better future and they now want that to be a cleaner and greener future.” https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/climate-change-south-korea-new-green-deal-ambitious-12691892 4 comments environment
- Climate change deniers’ new battle front attacked | "The forces of denial are exploiting the lifestyle change movement to get their supporters to argue with each other. It takes pressure off attempts to regulate the fossil fuel industry," said one of the world’s leading climate experts, Michael Mann https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/09/doomism-new-tactic-fossil-fuel-lobby 16 comments worldnews
- Emissions from fossil fuels and volcanoes can explain nearly all of the changes in Earth’s surface temperatures over the past 140 years, a new study has found. The research refutes the popular climate denial myth that recent global warming is merely a result of natural cycles. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/may/30/humans-and-volcanoes-caused-nearly-all-of-global-heating-in-past-140-years 3 comments science
- It’s “Climate Denial” taken to an obscene and ludicrous new level. GOP Representative Paul Goser of Arizona has introduced a resolution to impeach Regina McCarthy, chief administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/gop-attempting-to-impeach-head-of-epa-for-doing-her-job/ 10 comments politics
- Potholer54 has a new video responding to the climate denial of Roy Spencer, one of that fringe minority of qualified scientists that dispute the consensus on climate change (which has made him a darling of Fox News etc.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29QDGEJC1fg 3 comments climate
- Calling out the delayers - The steady accumulation of recent landmark climate reports is drawing a new form of pushback: not denial, but delay. In a world where denial has no scientific basis, delay provides a fig leaf of legitimacy. http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/article/20140527/opinion/140527638/11606/opinion 20 comments politics
- The Instagram wellness influencers spreading climate misinformation | A new report details a growing fad among a certain sect of conspiracy-minded health and lifestyle influencers on Instagram: climate denial https://heated.world/p/instagram-wellness-influencers-are 8 comments climate
- New research confirms that sowing doubt about climate change is devastatingly effective: a new study suggests that messages espousing climate change doubt or denial — which are ever-present in the din of public debate and discourse — appear to have considerably more impact. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/12/02/new-research-confirms-that-sowing-doubt-about-climate-change-is-devastatingly-effective/ 40 comments science
- Delay as the New Denial: The Latest Republican Tactic to Block Climate Action | The party has largely moved beyond denying the existence of climate change but continues to oppose dramatic action to halt it, worried about the short-term economic consequences. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/20/us/politics/climate-change-republicans-delay.html 13 comments politics
- Science has a new tool in the fight against climate change: good data. “Scientists were facing a lot of denial and negative comments in the past, then suddenly we learned from the corona crisis that it is definitely helpful to listen to scientists" https://www.wired.co.uk/article/climate-crisis-data 13 comments environment