Hacker News
- The first web site http://line-mode.cern.ch/www/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html 57 comments
- Y Combinator's First Web Site http://web.archive.org/web/20050324062234/http:/ycombinator.com/ 16 comments
- The first web site http://info.cern.ch/ 10 comments
- The first web site was responsive http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html 2 comments
- First step in scaling a web site: HTTP caching http://merbist.com/2011/07/11/first-step-in-scaling-a-web-site-http-caching/ 12 comments
- In celebration of the World Wide Web's cake day, what was the first site you built? http://www.wired.com/thisdayintech/2012/08/aug-7-1991-ladies-and-gentlemen-the-world-wide-web/ 48 comments webdev
- Does "Offline-first" / Progressive web apps make sense for common ecommerce sites? https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/6f830a/does_offlinefirst_progressive_web_apps_make_sense/ 7 comments web_design
- My first web site - Please give me some feedback http://www.alphageddongame.com 8 comments webdev
- I'm a web dev, but I'm looking for some advice on my first portfolio site. http://mcguckindesign.ca 15 comments web_design
- I have a first draft of my web consulting site finished. Asking for constructive advice on what I should change. Thank you ahead of time :) http://www.gilbertosborne.com 12 comments web_design
- First responsive web site. Serious critique desired. http://dfcb.github.io/extra-strength-responsive-grids/ 6 comments webdev
- Amateur web developer looking for some feedback on my first site (Spotify history analyzer/visualizer) http://obscurifymusic.com 26 comments webdev
- 21 years ago today, the first public facing web site was published. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/05/the-first-website-ever-made/ 13 comments webdev
- I've been completing Thinkful's Web Development Bootcamp and finally completed the first site for my portfolio. What can I improve on? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6lf7qh/ive_been_completing_thinkfuls_web_development/ 3 comments webdev
- So, first time doing a business for web design. Can you guys critique and comment on my site? Want a consumer perspective. Appreciated http://www.volicdesigns.com 13 comments webdev
- This site is run on flask framework ( my first flask web app ) https://telegramindex.org 21 comments flask
- Guys, first time web dev here. If I buy a custom domain elsewhere, and then add it into Netlify as my custom domain, will the whole site be on that domain or will it just constantly redirect to it? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/c5trsj/guys_first_time_web_dev_here_if_i_buy_a_custom/ 3 comments webdev
- First e-commerce site... thoughts/advice? (Posted on web_design but didn't get much feedback) https://cinkartonline.com 8 comments webdev
- Created my first web app, a collaborative writing site inspired by Reddit. How about a critique? Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. http://www.thecollabowriters.com/ 17 comments webdev
- "The very first thing a user wants to do when visiting your web site in their web browser is to install a mobile application" https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-design-for-the-web-in-2019-a0be4d6702e2?source=friends_link&sk=8e094d9bef036a8fb332d13103182698 433 comments programming
- "The very first thing a user wants to do when visiting your web site in their web browser is to install a mobile application" https://medium.com/commitlog/how-to-design-for-the-web-in-2019-a0be4d6702e2 9 comments programming
- "The very first thing a user wants to do when visiting your web site in their web browser is to install a mobile application" https://medium.com/p/design-for-the-web-in-2019-a0be4d6702e2?source=friends_link&sk=8e094d9bef036a8fb332d13103182698 142 comments programming
- Would love a little constructive criticism - first site I've made since the web was ugly (c.1998) http://lambphotography.ca 17 comments web_design
- BestBuy.com amongst the first web sites to use Passkey (Fido2/WebAuthn) passwordless sign-in https://youtu.be/vIaBpaN_nl4?t=5334 45 comments apple
- Plans for Large Hadron Collider visible in screen shot of first Web site http://science-community.sciam.com/blog-entry/sciam-observations/plans-large-hadron-collider-visible/580000875 15 comments technology
- A disreputable web site falsely accused First Lady Michelle Obama of "scrubbing" her Twitter accounts of all mentions of Hillary Clinton. http://www.snopes.com/michelle-obama-scrubs-twitter/ 12 comments politics
- Finally (mostly) finished my first solo web project, a webapp for gaming news. Wanted advice on layout/styling on a content-heavy news site. https://newsbrute.com 29 comments webdev
- Finally finished my first Full stack web app. Thank you guys for the suggestions. I have updated the site. Need a code review. http://todo.graylogic.net 19 comments reactjs
- Hello! I'm a 17-year-old web developer and I've been working on my first full-stack project called YourPapyrs.com, which is a site for people to share and upload their poems. I'm applying to MIT and this is one of the projects I'm showing. If you can, please give me some advice and criticism! https://www.yourpapyrs.com/ 62 comments webdev
- "Focus groups have shown that the very first thing a user wants to do when visiting your web site in their web browser is to install a mobile application" https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-design-for-the-web-in-2019-a0be4d6702e2?source=friends_link&sk=8e094d9bef036a8fb332d13103182698 56 comments programming
- I built my first ever serious SaaS business, its a web app that tracks new listings on sites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist, sending you alerts when something matches your criteria. It currently supports 14 sites, with plans to add up to 40 more. (Appreciate all feedback) https://monkeyalert.com/ 27 comments webdev
- Anyone know if Cobo Cycling a “legit” site? Some higher end items sell for fraction of retail, eg, approx. 85%+ off. Noticed some ~subtle typos on site. Minimally researching, looks like company operates out of Japan (maybe English isn’t web manager’s first language?). Cobocycling.com. Thx! https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/761kg5/anyone_know_if_cobo_cycling_a_legit_site_some/ 11 comments bicycling
- I'm trying to make a web site to give to employers for internships using jquery (for the first time), html, and css. Take a look and give me notes? https://jsfiddle.net/4x8ys08m/208/embedded/result/ 7 comments webdev
- Google’s Income Rises 32%, Topping Forecast: For the first time, display ads — nontext ads with images and video on YouTube and other Web sites — are on track to generate more than $2.5 billion in revenue in the coming year https://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/15/technology/15google.html?_r=1&hpw 26 comments business
- A growing number of Web sites are quietly resorting to the use of "first-party," subdomain cookies to skirt anti-spyware tools and cookie blockers http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewarticlebasic&articleid=9051219&intsrc=hm_list 8 comments programming
- Unblock Torrent Sites, Blocked Proxies, & Cameron’s Porn Filter With Immunicity "Called Immunicity, it’s from the people behind Torrenticity and it’s the first web-based tool to offer both a torrent site and torrent site proxy unblocking service." http://torrentfreak.com/unblock-torrent-sites-blocked-proxies-camerons-porn-filter-with-immunicity-130728/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+torrentfreak+%28torrentfreak%29 8 comments technology