- Trump spurns a powerful player in GOP politics in falling-out with Fox https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/fox-wants-to-be-a-gop-kingmaker-but-trump-is-rejecting-its-crown/2016/01/27/543b4620-c535-11e5-9693-933a4d31bcc8_story.html 7 comments worldnews
- Why Republicans Are Having Gas Pains. Until just the other day, Republicans and conservative media loved talking about the price of gasoline. But now gas prices are falling. And there’s a palpable sense of panic on Fox News. That’s just poetic justice. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/21/opinion/republicans-gas-price-inflation.html 358 comments energy
- Wimbledon 2022: Novak Djokovic climbs over net to help Jannik Sinner after hard fall | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/sports/wimbledon-2022-novak-djokovic-help-jannik-sinner-fall 13 comments tennis
- National Guard could stay in DC until the Fall, source reveals to FOX 5 https://www.fox5dc.com/news/national-guard-could-stay-in-dc-until-the-fall-source-reveals-to-fox-5 16 comments politics
- Fox News got crushed in the Inauguration Day ratings, falling 77% from 2017 https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-inauguration-ratings-drop-from-2017-trump-biden-2021-1 33 comments politics
- The Fall of Fox?: How Rising Rightwing Media Outlets Could Topple the Conservative Giant - Once Trump’s Darling, Fox Has Seen its Favorability Decline Among GOP Supporters With the Rise of OAN and Newsmax https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/02/the-fall-of-fox-how-rising-rightwing-media-outlets-could-topple-the-conservative-giant 127 comments politics
- Hey, Fox News: Go home, you're drunk — it's time to admit that the Trump party's over | Trump's limp coup is falling apart, but right-wing media and certain GOP politicians don't know when to cut bait https://www.salon.com/2020/11/06/hey-fox-news-go-home-youre-drunk--its-time-to-admit-that-the-trump-partys-over/ 35 comments politics
- Fox News Helped Fuel Trump’s Rise. Now It’s Reporting on a Possible Fall. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/04/business/media/fox-news-election-night.html 62 comments politics
- The rise and fall of the relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News https://www.newsweek.com/rise-fall-relationship-between-donald-trump-fox-news-1517420 11 comments politics
- Fox News falls for Monty Python joke in report criticising Seattle protesters | Fox News' coverage of the Seattle protests has taken another hit after the news organisation quoted a Reddit Monty Python joke as real for its viewers. https://www.independent.co.uk//news/world/americas/fox-news-monty-python-joke-seattle-protests-a9565506.html 222 comments politics
- Lara Logan, the Fox ‘Investigative Journalist’ Who Keeps Falling for Antifa Hoaxes https://www.thedailybeast.com/lara-logan-the-fox-nation-investigative-journalist-who-keeps-falling-for-antifa-hoaxes 4 comments politics
- Lara Logan, the Fox "Investigative Journalist" Who Keeps Falling for Antifa Hoaxes https://www.thedailybeast.com/lara-logan-the-fox-nation-investigative-journalist-who-keeps-falling-for-antifa-hoaxes 130 comments politics
- Fox News falls out of love with hydroxychloroquine https://us.cnn.com/2020/04/22/media/fox-news-hydroxychloroquine-reliable-sources/index.html 5 comments politics
- Fox News falls out of love with hydroxychloroquine https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/22/media/fox-news-hydroxychloroquine-reliable-sources/index.html 294 comments politics
- Trump's argument for killing Soleimani is falling apart, and the president is being accused of telling Fox News more about the assassination than Congress https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-administrations-defense-for-soleimani-killing-is-falling-apart-2020-1 21 comments politics
- Donald Trump appears to be falling out of love with Fox News, blasts ‘nasty and obnoxious’ host Chris Wallace https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-fox-news-impeachment-inquiry-chris-wallace-1472328 51 comments politics
- New Fox News Polls Shows Trump’s Job Approval Rating Falling Three Points https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-fox-news-polls-shows-president-donald-trumps-job-approval-rating-falling-three-points 51 comments politics
- Fox News host Sean Hannity has seen his ratings fall as buddy Donald Trump's problems have increased https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-host-sean-hannity-has-seen-his-ratings-fall-buddy-donald-trumps-1272554 550 comments politics
- Fox News falls behind MSNBC and CNN on a tough news day for Trump http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-fox-news-trump-20180822-story.html 806 comments politics
- Charlotte Fox, survivor of deadly Mt. Everest expedition, dies after apparent fall down stairs http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/05/31/charlotte-fox-survivor-deadly-mt-everest-expedition-dies-after-apparent-fall-down-stairs 75 comments nottheonion
- Thousands of flying foxes fall from sky after being boiled alive in sweltering Australia heatwave https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5292125/thousands-of-flying-foxes-fall-from-sky-after-being-boiled-alive-in-sweltering-australia-heatwave/ 20 comments worldnews
- Fox News falls for YouTube troll posing as Antifa in interview hoax http://newmediacentral.net/fox-news-falls-for-youtube-troll-posing-as-antifa-in-interview-hoax/ 106 comments politics
- Fox News contributor turns on Fox News after report of a DNC murder conspiracy falls apart http://www.salon.com/2017/05/17/fox-news-contributor-turns-on-fox-news-after-report-on-a-dnc-murder-conspiracy-falls-apart/ 66 comments politics
- Fox’s Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Falls Apart: ‘Investigator’ Admits He Has No Evidence http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/foxs-seth-rich-conspiracy-theory-falls-apart-investigator-admits-he-has-no-evidence/ 43 comments politics
- The Twilight of Fox News - "As pay TV slowly declines, cable news faces a demographic cliff. And nobody has further to fall than the merchant of right-wing outrage." http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/08/the-twilight-of-fox-news/497684/ 24 comments politics
- Fox, NHL agree to in-market streaming deal, starting in fall http://awfulannouncing.com/2016/fox-gets-the-ok-to-start-in-market-nhl-streaming-next-season.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 21 comments hockey
- Leicester City: How Thailand is falling in love with the Foxes http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/35900042 40 comments soccer
- Nunavut hunter falls through ice, makes pants out of a fox to stay warm http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/north/sanikiluaq-hunter-ice-fox-pants-1.3462374 5 comments nottheonion
- Children evacuated from London hospital after fox falls through ceiling http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/children-evacuated-from-london-hospital-after-fox-falls-through-ceiling-9660543.html 4 comments nottheonion
- Fox News' Anna Kooiman Falls For Parody About Obama Funding Muslim Museum http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/06/fox-news-anna-kooiman-obama-parody_n_4053994.html 4 comments politics
- As the Benghazi scandal collapses, Fox News is trying to apply the same methodology to Obama and the IRS' targeting of conservative groups--and their criticisms are falling flat. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/05/16/with-benghazi-scandal-collapsing-fox-focuses-on/194111 37 comments politics
- Gold is in a free fall and the folks at Fox News, especially Hannity, who have been pushing gold to their sucker audience, must be crying all the way to the bank. http://news.yahoo.com/gold-set-worst-two-day-loss-since-1983-134909062--finance.html 31 comments politics
- Real Trouble at Fox News as Viewer Trust Falls to An All Time Low http://www.politicususa.com/real-trouble-fox-news-viewer-trust-falls-time.html 3 comments politics
- Fox Pretends Obama's Approval Rating Is Falling When It's Actually Rising http://www.newshounds.us/fox_pretends_obama_s_approval_rating_is_falling_when_it_s_actually_rising_12012012 427 comments politics
- Romney and Ryan: Tell Me Why They Don't Like Sundays: "Cuz when they have to go on actual news shows as opposed to Fox shows and answer semi-serious questions about vague and rickety plans, everything falls apart, that's why." http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/10/romney-and-ryan-tell-me-why-they-don-t-like-sundays.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+thedailybeast%2Farticles+%28the+daily+beast+-+latest+articles%29 7 comments politics
- Fox News and Major Right-wing Blogs Fall for Bill Ayers Hoax That He Wrote "Dreams from My Father" http://nomoremister.blogspot.com/2011/03/here-we-crowd-source-team-building.html 3 comments politics
- Please observe the weak tactics employed by the Conservative blogger who offered a Fox News-related challenge, and lost to Media Matters. Plenty of right-wingers try this BS, and somehow millions tend to fall for it. http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/01/no-kidding-media-matters-says-i-owe-it.html 4 comments politics
- Fox News Falls For Fake Story About Los Angeles Ordering 10,000 Jetpacks http://tv.gawker.com/5655151/los-angeles-orders-10000-jetpacks-for-its-police-department 8 comments politics
- Fox News ratings fall 24% from last year. (Ouch.) http://www.medialifemagazine.com/artman/publish/article_8294.asp 38 comments reddit.com
- Fox News falls in ratings for first time in 17 years after hosts criticize President Trump: Fox News falls behind MSNBC https://www.salon.com/2018/12/26/fox-news-falls-in-ratings-for-first-time-in-17-years-after-hosts-criticize-president-trump/ 168 comments politics